Dr Josephine Adekola
- Senior Lecturer (Management)
- Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)
Adam Smith Business School, Main Building
Research interests
- Communications strategy
- Social amplification of risk
- Addressing inequalities
- Community engagement
- Vaccine engagement
- Emerging risk, science and technology policy
- Ikegwuonu I. and Adekola J. (2024): Strengthening Strategic Partnership Between ASBS and Babcock University, Nigeria to Explore Learning, Teaching, and Research Opportunities. International Partnership Development Fund - £9,500.00
- Adekola J. (2023): Maternity Return Fund - £10,000.00.
- Adekola J. (2023): Community Film Screening: Creating a shared understanding of the science and risk of COVID-19 vaccines to inform vaccine confidence and uptake within Scotland's African and Caribbean communities. Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Funds - £20761.80
- Adekola J., Gray C. and Simion M. (2023) Addressing accessibility issues to health and social care services among African and Caribbean communities in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. College Research Funds - £5000.00
- Adekola J. (2022) "What is the science and data behind COVID-19 vaccines": Addressing concerns and curiosities of African, Caribbean, and Black communities in Scotland. IAA Impact funding, University of Glasgow - £10,000.00.
- Adekola J. (2022) The ontology and epistemology of risk communication. ASBS Research Pump-Priming Fund - £3000.00
- Adekola J. and Simion M. (2022) The epistemological dimensions of risk communication and science engagement. ArtsLab - £2500.00.
- Adekola J. (2022) COVID-19 vaccine experience and hesitancy within Scotland's African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities. BEMIS (Scotland) - £3000.00.
- Adekola J. and Simion M. (2022) The epistemological dimensions of risk communication and science engagement. ArtsLab - £2500.00.
- Adekola J. (2021) Risk perception of COVID-19 risk within minority communities in Glasgow. Active internal grant - £1000,00. Grant supported.
- Adekola J. (2021) Social Amplification of COVID-19 risk within the African communities in Glasgow. Active internal grant - £970,00. Grant supported
- Alexis Barlow, Noreen Siddiqui, and Josephine Adekola (2020). Models of online and blended learning and GCU Online Student Experience. £2500.00
- Adekola J (2018). Risk Communication of Natural Hazards. National Centre for Resilience. £2000.00
Dr Adekola is interested in supervising PhD research in disaster risk management, risk communication, community resilience, and vaccine or stakeholders engagement.
- Management issues and controversies (Course Director)
- Operational risk management
Research datasets
Additional information
- 2025 Jan-April: Scotland African Voices film showing at the Injecting Hope: The Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland between 25 January and 27 April.
- 2024 Nov: One of three-panel speakers on Polarisation, Politics, and Knowledge Resistance – Issues around Vaccine Hesitancy in the Preparing for Pandemics: How to Communicate event, hosted by Centre for Virus Research (CVR), COGITO Epistemology Research Centre, ArtsLab
- 2024 Sept: One of three-panel members on 'Overcoming Barriers to Vaccine Uptake in the Health Inequalities in the Scotland: The State of the Nation event at the Scottish Parliament.
- 2024 August: The SAV collaborative model with researchers was identified as a good practice for working between communities, health practitioners, and communities. Link here: https://evaluationsupportscotland.org.uk/news/working-with-university-researchers-staff-getting-started/
- 2024 July: Convening the Females in Academics conference with Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria, on the challenges and resilience of female academics in Africa.
- 2024 May: Cited in the Scottish Government publication on Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme 2023-2024: equality impact assessment, recognising the role of Adekola’s SAV project in brokering stronger connections between health boards and the community. https://www.gov.scot/publications/flu-covid-19-vaccination-programme-fvcv-2023-24-equality-impact-assessment/pages/6/
- 2024 Feb: SAV impact case study film premiere: 'Scotland African Voices: Enhancing Public Health Messaging'. This SAV impact case study film reflects on 'Scotland African Voices' research and community engagement work to draw lessons for public health messaging.
- 2023 Oct: Guest Speaker at an international symposium on 'The NHS and the legacies of empire', Centre for British Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- 2023 Oct: Panel member. Black History Month Celebrations University of Dundee Business School in partnership with the School of Medicine, the School of Life Sciences, and the School of Humanities, Social Science, and Law
- 2023 Oct: Speaker. Lourdes Secondard School. Black History Month; Saluting our Sisters. She spoke about her pathway, her work, breaking down barriers, and moving forward.
- 2023 Aug: Developing strategic research relationships with the French-speaking African communities in Scotland in partnership with Africa Delice.
- 2023 June: Panel member at the Scottish Parliament Festival of Politic
The Cross Party Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (in conjunction with the CPG on Health Inequalities) on 'The Language of Poo. Can words disengage communities?' - 2023: Written Evidence by Dr Josephine Adekola to the UK parliament - Health and Social Care Committee's inquiry, Prevention in Health and Social Care. https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/117423/pdf/
- 2023 May: Cited in the Public Health Scotland report - Monitoring racialised health inequalities in Scotland Data and evidence. Accessible here at https://echf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/monitoring-racialised-health-inequalities-in-scotland-may2023-english.pdf
- 2023 May: SAV Community Film Screening Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, in partnership with Bob Doris, Member of the Scottish Parliament.
- 2023 Apr: Stirling SAV Community Film Screening in partnership with Redeem Christian Church of God, Stirling.
- 2023 Apr: Dundee SAV Community Film Screening in partnership with Nigerian Community Scotland, Dundee.
- 2023 Mar: Lunch Time Learning Session with Q&A to discuss insight from Scotland African Voices Film in partnership with Public Health Scotland.
- 2023 Mar: Aberdeen SAV Community Film Screening in partnership with African Women Group, Aberdeen.
- 2023 Mar: Edinburgh SAV Community Film Screening in partnership with Project Esperanza, Edinburgh.
- 2023 Mar: Glasgow SAV Community Film Screening in partnership with Esther company Glasgow.
- 2022 Oct: Film premiere: Scotland’s African Voices: The COVID-19 Vaccine Debate in partnership with Challenges in Changing Cities IRT, Cogito Epistemology Research Centre, Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and Jezreel Consultancy Ltd.
- 2022 Oct: Documentary film: ‘Scotland, African Voices: The COVID-19 Vaccine Debate’. The documentary aims to address health inequalities and save lives by encouraging vaccine take-up in the Scottish, African, Caribbean, and Black communities and highlighting social-epistemological obstacles amongst barriers to vaccination for these communities.
- The full documentary is available on YouTube: Scotland African Voices: COVID-19 Vaccine Debate
- Watch the trailer on YouTube: Film Premiere of Scotland African Voices: COVID-19 Vaccine Debate
- Partners: Sarah Gilbert and the Vaccine Knowledge Group (University of Oxford), Emma Thompson (the MRC Centre for Virus Research), Mona Simion (Cogito Epistemology Research Center), Deji Bolarinwa (University of Ilorin, Nigeria), Duncan Pritchard (the University of California Irvine), Ilan Kelman (University College London, Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction), Jason Leitch (National Clinical Director, the Scottish Government), Claire Cameron (Public Health Scotland), Pastor Yinka and Adefolake Adesina (Fountain of Living Water, RCCG, Ayr), pRESPECT Hub Edinburgh, Sharpen Her: the African Women's Network (SHAWM), Glasgow Black and Scot, Aberdeen Jezreel Consultancy.
- 2022 Oct: Vaccine Inclusive Steering Group Research Presentation. COVID-19 Vaccine Debate Research within Scotland African and Caribbean communities.
- 2022 Oct: BBC News recorded an interview on 'Reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy and Way Forward'.
- 2022 Aug: BEMIS/SG Joint Research Launch Event. COVID-19 Vaccine Experience and Hesitancy Within African, Caribbean, and Black Communities In Scotland.
- 2022 Aug: Community event: ‘COVID-19 Experience and Vaccine Hesitancy, Ayr’. Public Debate Project, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, in partnership with Fountain of Living Water, Ayr.
- 2022 Jun: Cited in the HSCS Committee inquiry into health inequalities – Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland informal briefing session. Accessible at https://www.parliament.scot/-/media/files/committees/health-social-care-and-sport-committee/correspondence/2022/scottish-parliament-hscs-cttee--hi-inquiry-session--24-may-2022--response-from-dir-of-pop-health.pdf
- 2022 June: Community event: ‘COVID-19 Experience and Vaccine Hesitancy, Aberdeen’. Public Debate Project, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, in partnership with Black and Scot, Aberdeen.
- 2022 Apr: Community event: ‘COVID-19 Experience and Vaccine Hesitancy, Glasgow’. Public Debate Project, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, in partnership with Sharpen Her: African Women Network (SHAWN).
- 2022 Apr: Community event: ‘COVID-19 Experience and Vaccine Hesitancy, Edinburgh’. Public Debate Project, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, in partnership with PRESPECT HUB CIC, Edinburgh.
- 2022 Oct: THE NIGERIAN PRIDE | Interview with Dr Josephine Adekola. COVID-19 Research and Vaccine hesitancy. Jambo Radio Scotland.
- 2021 Dec: Vaccine Inclusive Steering Group Research Presentation. COVID-19 Vaccine experience in Scotland’s African and Caribbean communities.
- 2021 Oct: THE NIGERIAN PRIDE | Interview with Dr Josephine Adekola. COVID-19 Research and Vaccine Hesitancy. Jambo Radio Scotland.
- 2021 Oct: BBC news recorded interview on 'Reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy and Way Forward'.
- 2021 Jul: BBC news recorded interview on vaccine hesitancy in Black and Asian communities in Scotland.
- 2019: Science festival: ‘What will I do card’ card game. Transport Museum Glasgow. The card game made to the Creative Converge Challenge Semi-finalist stage 2020.
- Fischbacher-Smith D. and Adekola J. Journal of contingencies and crisis management. Lessons learned from COVID-19 and implications for resilience research, policy and practice. September 2022.
- Dale V., Adekola J., Sheridan N. & Murray J.A. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. Transitions to online and blended learning. July 2021.
- Adekola J. (2022). Strategies to Build Trust and COVID-19 Vaccine Engagement and Confidence. IRSPM Conference.
- Adekola J. (2022). Medical Populism and vaccine hesitancy and way forward. A survey of ethnic minority communities in Scotland. BAM Conference 2022
- Adekola J. (2022). Working paper: A conceptual understanding of social equity in public engagement regarding science and technology policy. BAM Conference 2022.
- Adekola J. (March 2021). Building Back a Disaster-Resilient Society After COVID-19. Lecture series. Glasgow Caledonian New York College. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4P1uncKkwA
- Adekola, J., Fischbacher-Smith, D. & Fischbacher-Smith, M., 2018. Building community resilience to natural hazards: lessons from Katrina. National Centre for Resilience. (Unpublished).
- Adekola, J., Sidiqqui Noreen and Alexis Barlow (2020). The Roles of Senior Management in Online and Blended Learning, Teaching and Learning Conference, 8 July 2020.
- Adekola, J., Dale, V., Gardiner, K., Murray, J.-A. and Fischbacher-Smith, M. (2017). Institutional and Student Transitions Into Enhanced Blended Learning. 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 06-08 Jun 2017.
- Adekola, J., Dale, V., Powell, K. and Gardiner, K. (2017). Student transitions to blended learning – challenges and solutions (workshop). Gearing Up 2017 Conference, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 09 Mar 2017.
- Adekola, J. , Dale, V. H.M. and Gardiner, K. (2016) Student experiences of transitions into blended learning. 2016 Enhancement Themes Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 9 Jun 2016. (Unpublished)
- Adekola, J. (2016) The social construction of risk as it relates to policy making. Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference 2016, Bath, UK, 20-22 Jun 2016. (Unpublished)
- Adekola, J. , Dale, V. H.M. and Gardiner, K. (2016) Student transitions in blended learning. Stirling Learning and Teaching Conference 2016: Changing Places: Student Transitions in Higher Education, Stirling, UK, 20 Apr 2016. (Unpublished)
- Adekola, J. (2015) Spaces of disagreement – the role of communication and trust in public deliberation of risk. Science, Policy and Society - Bridging the Gap Between Risk and Science: The 24th SRA-Europe Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 15-17 Jun 2015. (Unpublished)
- Adekola, J. (2015) Rethinking communication and trust in public deliberation of risk. Business and Management Pathway PhD Colloquium 2015: Social Scientists at Large: Achieving Impact in and outside of Academia, Aberdeen, UK, 09-10 Apr 2015. (Unpublished)
- Adekola, J. , Dale, V. , Gardiner, K. and Murray, J.M.D. (2015) Staff Experiences of Transitions Into Blended Learning. Evaluations of e-learner Experiences Special Interest Group Meeting, Aberdeen, UK, 2015.
- Adekola, J. , Dale, V. , Gardiner, K. and Murray, J.M.D. (2015) Teachers Experiences of e-learning. Evaluations of e-learner Experiences Special Interest Group Meeting, St. Andrews, UK, 2015.
- Adekola, J. (2014) The roles of expertise and power in risk communication. Business and Management Pathway Colloquium Spring 2014, Stirling, UK, 28-29 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)
- Adekola, J. University of Aberdeen PhD Management Colloquium (2015). Rethinking trust and communication in public deliberation of risk and uncertainties.
- Adekola, J. The University of Stirling, PhD Management Colloquium (2014). The Roles of Expertise and Power in Risk Communication.
- Fischbacher-Smith, M., MacVicar, A., McEwan, M., Cheng, M., Dendrinos, P., Adekola, J. and Milner, M., 2013, June. Supporting international students' transition from pathway programmes: A study of the University of Glasgow. In International Enhancement Themes Conference: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education (pp. 11-13).