Dr Kurt Liu

  • Affiliate (Adam Smith Business School)


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
Number of items: 16.


Esfahbodi, A., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y. and Geng, D. (2023) The fallacy of profitable green supply chains: The role of green information systems in attenuating the sustainability trade-offs. International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108703. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108703)


Liu, K. Y. (2022) Supply Chain Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030922238 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-92224-5)


Liu, Y., Ndubisi, N. O., Liu, Y. and Barrane, F. Z. (2020) New product development and sustainable performance of Chinese SMMEs: the role of dynamic capability and intra-national environmental forces. International Journal of Production Economics, 230, 107817. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107817)

Liu, Y., Zhu, Q. and Seuring, S. (2020) New technologies in operations and supply chains: implications for sustainability. International Journal of Production Economics, 229, 107889. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107889) (PMCID:PMC7413863)


Cui, L., Zhai, M., Dai, J., Liu, Y. and Zhang, P. (2019) Assessing sustainability performance of high-tech firms through a hybrid approach. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 119(8), pp. 1581-1607. (doi: 10.1108/IMDS-02-2019-0066)

Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Batista, L. and Rong, K. (2019) Green operations: what's the role of supply chain flexibility? International Journal of Production Economics, 214, pp. 30-43. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.03.026)


Liu, Y., Blome, C., Sanderson, J. and Paulraj, A. (2018) Supply chain integration capabilities, green design strategy and performance: a comparative study in the auto industry. Supply Chain Management, 23(5), pp. 431-443. (doi: 10.1108/SCM-03-2018-0095)

Rong, K., Hu, J., Ma, Y., Lim, M. K., Liu, Y. and Lu, C. (2018) The sharing economy and its implications for sustainable value chains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 130, pp. 188-189. (doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.12.001)

Batista, L., Bourlakis, M., Liu, Y., Smart, P. and Sohal, A. (2018) Supply chain operations for a circular economy. Production Planning and Control, 29(6), pp. 419-424. (doi: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1449267)


Liu, Y., Zhu, Q. and Seuring, S. (2017) Linking capabilities to green operations strategies: the moderating role of corporate environmental proactivity. International Journal of Production Economics, 187, pp. 182-195. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.03.007)


Liu, K. (2016) Design and Manufacture in Link to Link: Driving Resource Efficiency across Supply Chains. [Research Reports or Papers]

Liu, Y., Srai, J. S. and Evans, S. (2016) Environmental management: the role of supply chain capabilities in the auto sector. Supply Chain Management, 21(1), pp. 1-19. (doi: 10.1108/SCM-01-2015-0026)


Liu, Y. (2015) Green Supply Chain Management: the Complementary Effects of Internal and External Supply Chain Flexibilities. In: 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2015,


Liu, Y., Srai, J. A. and Evans, S. (2013) An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Supply Chain Capabilities and Green Logistics. In: 17th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 19-20 Sep 2013, ISBN 9781902546360


Liu, Y. and Srai, J. S. (2012) A Configuration Perspective on Sustainable Supply Chain Management. In: 17th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-24 Feb 2012,


Liu, Y. and Srai, J. S. (2011) Sustainable Supply Chain Configuration: Proposing a Hot Spot Analysis Methodology. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials Science, Metal and Manufacturing (M3 2011), Singapore, 12-13 Dec 2011,

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 08:36:41 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 16.


Esfahbodi, A., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y. and Geng, D. (2023) The fallacy of profitable green supply chains: The role of green information systems in attenuating the sustainability trade-offs. International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108703. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108703)

Liu, Y., Ndubisi, N. O., Liu, Y. and Barrane, F. Z. (2020) New product development and sustainable performance of Chinese SMMEs: the role of dynamic capability and intra-national environmental forces. International Journal of Production Economics, 230, 107817. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107817)

Liu, Y., Zhu, Q. and Seuring, S. (2020) New technologies in operations and supply chains: implications for sustainability. International Journal of Production Economics, 229, 107889. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107889) (PMCID:PMC7413863)

Cui, L., Zhai, M., Dai, J., Liu, Y. and Zhang, P. (2019) Assessing sustainability performance of high-tech firms through a hybrid approach. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 119(8), pp. 1581-1607. (doi: 10.1108/IMDS-02-2019-0066)

Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Batista, L. and Rong, K. (2019) Green operations: what's the role of supply chain flexibility? International Journal of Production Economics, 214, pp. 30-43. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.03.026)

Liu, Y., Blome, C., Sanderson, J. and Paulraj, A. (2018) Supply chain integration capabilities, green design strategy and performance: a comparative study in the auto industry. Supply Chain Management, 23(5), pp. 431-443. (doi: 10.1108/SCM-03-2018-0095)

Rong, K., Hu, J., Ma, Y., Lim, M. K., Liu, Y. and Lu, C. (2018) The sharing economy and its implications for sustainable value chains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 130, pp. 188-189. (doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.12.001)

Batista, L., Bourlakis, M., Liu, Y., Smart, P. and Sohal, A. (2018) Supply chain operations for a circular economy. Production Planning and Control, 29(6), pp. 419-424. (doi: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1449267)

Liu, Y., Zhu, Q. and Seuring, S. (2017) Linking capabilities to green operations strategies: the moderating role of corporate environmental proactivity. International Journal of Production Economics, 187, pp. 182-195. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.03.007)

Liu, Y., Srai, J. S. and Evans, S. (2016) Environmental management: the role of supply chain capabilities in the auto sector. Supply Chain Management, 21(1), pp. 1-19. (doi: 10.1108/SCM-01-2015-0026)


Liu, K. Y. (2022) Supply Chain Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783030922238 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-92224-5)

Research Reports or Papers

Liu, K. (2016) Design and Manufacture in Link to Link: Driving Resource Efficiency across Supply Chains. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Liu, Y. (2015) Green Supply Chain Management: the Complementary Effects of Internal and External Supply Chain Flexibilities. In: 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2015,

Liu, Y., Srai, J. A. and Evans, S. (2013) An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Supply Chain Capabilities and Green Logistics. In: 17th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 19-20 Sep 2013, ISBN 9781902546360

Liu, Y. and Srai, J. S. (2012) A Configuration Perspective on Sustainable Supply Chain Management. In: 17th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-24 Feb 2012,

Liu, Y. and Srai, J. S. (2011) Sustainable Supply Chain Configuration: Proposing a Hot Spot Analysis Methodology. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials Science, Metal and Manufacturing (M3 2011), Singapore, 12-13 Dec 2011,

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 08:36:41 2025 GMT.


  • Bai, Yutong
    The impact of blockchain technology implementation on supply chain collaboration