Professor Greg Stoner
- Professor (Accounting & Finance)
Room 6107, Adam Smith Business School, Accounting & Finance, Adam Smith Building, 2 Discovery Place, Glasgow, G11 6EY
Greg has a PhD in accounting history and education from the University of Glasgow and is a Professor of Accounting, with primary research interests in accounting education, the history of accounting and the accounting profession. Greg also has a long term interest in the educational impact and utilisation of information systems and IT (including AI) in accounting practice and higher education.
Greg is currently Editor for Accounting Education (previously Accounting Education: an international journal), is on the editorial board of Accounting and Business Research, and was Associate Editor of Issues in Accounting Education (one of the three primary publications of the American Accounting Association).
Greg is Vice-Chair of the QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Benchmarking Review Groups for Accounting (2023-2025) and was one of the prime architects of the substantive review of the benchmark. Greg was also a member of the earlier advisory groups for both accounting and finance (2014-2016).
Greg is recipient of two major awards of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) (both for 2024)
- BAFA Outstanding Contribution to Accounting Education Award (OCAEA) for "substantial and direct contribution to UK accounting and finance education”. (
- BAFA Life-time Achievement Award (LAA) for "substantial and direct contribution to UK academic accounting and finance” over the course of your career. (
Greg was awarded the 2021 American Accounting Association TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award (with Alan Sangster & Barbara Flood) for our 2020 paper "Insights into accounting education in a COVID-19 world, Accounting Education, 29:5, 431-562,
Greg is Immediate Past Chair of the British Accounting and Finance Association Accounting Education Special Interest Group, was on the executive committee of the British Accounting and Finance Association, is a member of the Education Committee of the European Accounting Association, and ex officio member of the executive board of the IAAER, the International Association for Accounting Education and Research.
Greg has a long established involvement in the use of and research into the use of information technology in education. This resulted in a spell on secondment to the Learning Technology Dissemination Initiative in the mid 1990s; a major nationally funded project that was at the forefront of this area of development in Scotland at the time. Greg has been heavily involved in organisations like the Business, Management, Accounting and Finance Centre of the Higher Education Academy and earlier national centres for accounting and business education.
Greg’s broad experience of teaching and research has been accompanied by a wide range of administrative functions including Head of Accounting and Finance (subject group) within the Adam Smith Business School, director of taught postgraduate accounting programmes in accounting and finance, professional accreditation, student international mobility (study abroad and Erasmus), connections with practice/external engagement, responsibility for the development and maintenance of the website for Accounting & Finance, and VLEs (virtual learning environments), admissions, and publicity.
Greg is now semi-retired and his normal working day is Wednesdays and Thursday mornings.
Also known as: Gregory Stoner, Gregory Neil Stoner, Gregory N. Stoner
Research interests
Greg is a member of the Accounting research cluster.
Areas of expertise:
- Accounting history
- Accounting education
- The Accounting Profession
- Information systems in accounting
- Educational technology
- Wards' Fund Research Grant (2019) £3,000 (2nd Grant) for the project "The History of Accounting and the BAcc at the University of Glasgow" (with Kirsten Kininmonth)
- Bid: Co-Investigator on ESRC ISCF Next Generation Services bid of £1,250,000 for the project 'Augmented Professional Practice through Leading Innovation' (2018: not awarded).
- Wards' Fund Research Grant (2018) £3,000 for the project "The History of Accounting and the BAcc at the University of Glasgow" (with Kirsten Kininmonth)
- Erasmus+ ICM staff exchange grant c.£2,700 for mobility, teaching and PGR research collaboration with University of Sao Paulo (USP/FEA).
- Wards' Fund Grant of £1,500 for studies in the State Archives of Florence on Hiding Usury in the Italian Renascence.
- Application pending: the Russian Science Foundation, £480,000/£170,000, Development of professional accounting in Russia: balance training, market labour and public interest in a historical perspective (2014 & 2017)
- Carnegie Travel Fund, £2,200, 2012.
- Raised over £70,000 to help fund the BAFA AE SIG over his years as treasure (2008-2018) years from professional and educational associations.
- Learning & Teaching Development Fund, £8,000, 2005/7.
Greg is interested in supervising projects examining:
- the early history of accounting and bookkeeping
- the development of the accounting and the accounting profession in international contexts, and
- critical perspectives on the role and place of accounting, especially accounting education and training, in social and professional change and development.
I would also be interested in supervising student research into other areas of accounting education (particularly in relation to skills development, the use of information and learning technologies and the effects of change on the accounting education landscape) and research on the application of information systems in the field of accounting.
Completed PhDs
- "The Accounting Profession in Malaysia: Understanding Prospective Accountants’ Professional Trajectory"
- "An autoethnographic approach on auditing: a Brazilian investigation."
- "An ethnographic study of front-line audit work in China"
- "The history and development of accounting and the accounting profession in Lebanon"
- "Audit quality: evidence from the Indonesian Supreme Audit Board"
- "Sustainability reporting practices in Sri Lanka: current practices, nature and causes"
- "Management accounting within the supply chain context"
Most Recent Course Contributions:
- Issues in Accounting Research (PGT – MAcc)
- Research Methodology (PGT)
- Business Reporting, Accounting and Management Information Systems (previously, Information and Computer Systems)
- The Accounting Profession (Level 2 u/g)
- Business Reporting and Financial Management (level 1 u/g)
- PhD Research Seminars (pgr)
- Managerial Accounting and Finance (level 1 u/g)
Earlier teaching experience:
- Management Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Management & Modelling
- Research Methodology
- MBA Accounting
- Computerised Accounting & Modelling
- Accounting for engineering students
- Management Information Systems
- Quantitative Methods
- Managerial Decision Models
- Management Accounting Information Systems
- IT Skills / Spreadsheet Modelling
- International Financial Management
External Examiner:
- Dublin City University, MSc
- University of Ulster, MA/Dip (Advanced Accounting)
- Cardiff Metropolitan University, MBA
- Arab Academy of Science and Technology (Cairo & Alexandria), MBA (a collaborative programme with Cardiff Metropolitan University)
- External Doctoral Degree Assessor - Sothern Federal University of Russia (Rostov-on-Don)
Educational Evaluation / Expert Panels:
- Co-Chair of the QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Benchmarking Review Group for Accounting & Finance (2023-2025)
- Member of the QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Benchmarking Review Group for Accounting & Finance (2014-2016)
- External Panel Expert on the Periodic Review of Accounting and Finance at De Montfort University (May 2016).
- External Adviser on the Westminster Business School University Validation Panel for the Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), the first international university in Uzbekistan for the programmes BA (Hons) Business Management, BSc (Hons) Economics, and BSc (Hons) Economics with Finance (November 2015).
Additional information
Social Media
Twitter: @ProfGregStoner
LindeIn: Greg Stoner
Additional Roles
- Head of Accounting and Finance (subject group) (2019-2022)
- Director of Taught Postgraduate Accounting Programmes in Accounting & Finance (2016-2022)
- Senior Advisor of Studies (2013-2023)
- Adam Smith Business School Executive (2019-2022)
- Learning & Teaching Committee (Past)
- Connections with Practice (External Engagement) Committee (Past)
- Alternate Head of the accounting and finance subject group (2017-2019)
- BAcc Accreditation officer (including liaison with ICAS, ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA & CIPFA) (to 2018)
- Mobility Officer (International study abroad and Erasmus exchanges & developing links with international partners) (to 2016)
- College Ethics Review Panel (to 2014)
External roles and engagement
- Editor of Accounting Education (formerly Accounting Education: an international journal) the official journal of the IAAER (International Association for Accounting Education and Research)
- Co-Chair of the QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Benchmarking Review Group for Accounting & Finance (2023-2025)
- Chair of the British Accounting and Finance Association Accounting Education Special Interest Group (2018-2024 - currently on executive board as past chair)
- Member of the executive committee of the British Accounting and Finance Association (2018-2024)
- Ex officio member of the executive board of the IAAER, the International Association for Accounting Education and Research
- Member of the Education Committee of the European Accounting Association (EAA) (2020-2025)
- Member of the executive committee of the British Accounting and Finance Association (2018-2024)
- Associate Editor of Issues in Accounting Education (one of the three primary publications of the American Accounting Association) (2010 to 2012);
- Member of the Editorial Board of Accounting and Business Research;
- Guest Editor of the Word Congress of Accounting Educators and Researchers 2014 Special Edition of Accounting Education (2016);
- ICAS (Institute of Chartered accountants of Scotland) SEC Committee;
- Co-chair of the International Member Outreach Committee of the AAA (American Accounting Association) Teaching Learning and Curriculum Section
- Member of the QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Benchmarking Review Group for Accounting & Finance
- External Examiner: Dublin City University
- Treasurer and Executive Board member of the British Accounting and Finance Association Accounting Education Special Interest Group;
- Research Development mentor for the Accounting Education Special Interest Group of BAFA;
- External examiner: University of Ulster, MSc Advanced Accounting (2011-2015);
- External examiner: Cardiff Metropolitan University MBA (2011-2015);
- External examiner: Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport/Cardiff Metropolitan University MBA (2011-2015);
- External examiner: MSc in Strategic Information Systems at Strathclyde University (to 2011);
- Liaison ("Key Contact") with the Business, Management, Accounting and Finance Centre of the Higher Education Academy (formerly Business Education Support Team - BEST);
- Honorary auditor for the Committee of Heads of Accounting (BAA Sub-group);
- Accreditation Assessor for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS).