Dr Gorana Misic

  • Learning Innovation Officer (Business School Administration)

email: Gorana.Misic@glasgow.ac.uk

2 Discovery Place, Glasgow, Adam Smith Building, G11 6EY

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9389-9534


Gorana joined the at Adam Smith Business School as a Learning Innovation Officer (academic developer) in 2022. She specializes in higher education teaching and learning, and has experience in education management, academic development, and mentoring of novice teachers in higher education (HE). At ASBS she works closely with the Teaching and Learning Directorate on portfolio review and curriculum design, supports Programme Directors and Course Coordinators in programme and course (re)design, and leads the GTA Teaching Development Programme.

Gorana is currently also a a Visiting Faculty at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Previously, she worked at the Central European University (CEU) as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Academic Development and Visiting Faculty in Public Policy, and at Bard College Berlin as Education Manager of OLIve-UP (university preparatory programme for refugees).

She holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Zagreb, and an MA and a PhD in Public Policy from CEU.

Research interests

Gorana’s SoTL research interest focuses on academic development, design for learning, and assessment in HE.

Current projects

  • Assessment of teamworking skills with text analysis (with Carsten Sprenger and Marco Avarucci)
  • Impact of AI on student engagement in an international classroom (with Yannis Tsafos, Sisir Ramanan, Wenya Cheng and Geethanjali Selvaretnam)

Research groups

  • Innovative Pedagogy Hub


Teaching at ASBS (teaching development courses for GTAs):

  • Design for Learning
  • Foundations in Teaching

Teching at ELTE (MA level):

  • Online and Distance Learning

Previously taught courses:

  • Starting Your Teaching Portfolio
  • Comparative Public Budgeting
  • Policy Process and Policy Analysis
  • Critical Inquiry and Contemporary Social Problems
  • Corruption, Corruption Control and Global Governance
  • Experiential Learning: Teaching with Case Studies and Simulations
  • Facilitating Group Discussions: From the Seminar Room to the Lecture Hall
  • Political Parties, Policy-Making and the Accountability Challenge in the Digital Age
  • Foundations in Teaching in Higher Education: Scholarship, Reflection and Innovation

Professional activities & recognition

Prizes, awards & distinctions

  • 2022: Joanna Renc-Roe Award for the paper "Facilitating a SoTL Community of Practice for Teaching in a Trauma Sensitive Classroom" (EuroSoTL)
  • 2023: Senior Fellow (Advance HE (HE Academy))

Additional information

 Guides, op-eds, blogs, reports

Selected Conference Presentations

  • Misic G., Dorner H. “Revisiting teaching awards: Lever for sustainable change in teaching and learning in the post-pandemic era?”, The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Utrecht, Netherlands, November 2023
  • Misic G., Rymarenko M. “Facilitating a SoTL community of practice in a trauma-sensitive classroom”, the European Conference of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Manchester, UK, June 2022
  • Misic G., Rymarenko M. “Sensitive Classroom: Teaching Practices for Inclusion and Diversity”, Pedagogies in Programmes for Displaced and Marginalised People: Critique and Practice, Refugee Education Initiatives, February 2021
  • Misic, G. “Breaking Down the Hierarchies: Students as Partners in Higher Education Teaching and Learning” ECPR General Conference, online, August 2020
  • Misic G., Rymarenko M. “Teaching with Case Studies to Include ‘Students as Partners’ in Teaching and Learning” European Conference on Teaching and Learning Politics, International Relations and European Studies, online, June 18-19, 2020
  • Misic G., Rymarenko M. “Supporting Doctoral Candidates as Early Career Teachers: Addressing Teaching Challenges Through Design” the European Conference of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bilbao, Spain, June 13-14, 2019