Number of items: 40.
Kaddour, B., Varadarajan Shanmugapriya, L., Navrouzoglou, P. , Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Co-creating and Collaborating Pathways for Sustainable and Equitable Futures.
Students as Co-Creators Symposium 2025: Student mattering, Online Symposium, 29 Jan 2025.
Maltsev, V. and Selvaretnam, G.
"The impact of acting lessons on university teaching" - an interview with an academic who has had acting lessons.
Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Beyond compliance: Creating inclusive promotion pathways for disabled academics in Higher Education.
Selvaretnam, G. , Bateman, C. and Cheng, W.
Recognising and Enriching Curricula with a Global Perspective: Decolonising the Curriculum in a UK Business School [Blog post].
Wenya, C. and Selvaretnam, G.
Mentimeter for Interactive Learning and Inner Feedback Generation.
Advance HE: Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, Nottingham, 2nd - 4th July, 2024.
Kushwah, L., Navrouzoglou, P. and Selvaretnam, G.
Sustainability Group Project: Optimising group dynamics, experiences, and skills among diverse group members.
TeachECONference 2024, Online, 24 - 26th June, 2024.
Maltsev, V. and Selvaretnam, G.
Economic Concepts that Make an Impression and Why: an Analysis of 1st Year Accounting Students.
BAFA Accounting Education SIG Annual Conference 2024,, Leeds, UK, 29 - 31 May 2024.
Kushwah, L., Navrouzoglou, P. and Selvaretnam, G.
Structured Reflection as A Tool to Boost, Monitor and Evaluate Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education.
Chartered ABS LTSE Conference 2024, Birmingham, 14-15 May, 2024.
Hussain, M. and Selvaretnam, G.
Inclusive Leadership in Business Schools [Chartered ABS Blog].
Navrouzoglou, P. , Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Using a group podcast and policy brief in an economics undergraduate course to enhance sustainability literacy, communication and teamwork skills.
In: Wall, Tony, Trevisan, Laís Viera, Filho, Walter Leal and Shore, Adam (eds.)
Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices.
Series: World sustainability series (WSUSE).
Springer: Cham, pp. 41-62.
ISBN 9783031559952
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-55996-9_4)
Selvaretnam, G.
Facilitating feedback generation and group skill development through assessment design.
Journal of Work-Applied Management,
(doi: 10.1108/JWAM-10-2023-0103)
(Early Online Publication)
Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Compassionate Classrooms and Approachable Lecturers–12 Practical Tips.
Kushwah, L., Navrouzoglou, P. and Selvaretnam, G.
Using a Group Podcast and Policy Brief in an Economics Undergraduate Course to Enhance Sustainability Literacy, Communication and Teamwork Skills.
Chartered Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching and Student Experience (LTSE 2023), ICC, Wales, 22-23 May 2023.
Kushwah, L., Navrouzoglou, P. and Selvaretnam, G.
Using a Group Podcast and Policy Brief in an Economics Undergraduate Course to Enhance Sustainability Literacy, Communication and Teamwork Skills.
16th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 Mar 2023.
Kushwah, L., Navrouzoglou, P. and Selvaretnam, G.
Using a Group Podcast and Policy Brief in an Economics Undergraduate Course to Enhance Sustainability Literacy, Communication and Teamwork Skills.
European Symposium on Sustainability in Business Education, Liverpool, UK, 23-24 February 2023.
Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
The Great Confluence.
Say it With a Story. The #creativeHE Annual 2022.
Series: Creativity for learning in higher education community, 2022.
Selvaretnam, G. and Smith, I.
Interactive Learning – Sharing our Experiences.
Cheng, W. and Selvaretnam, G.
Evaluating the efficacy of different types of in-class exams.
Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1),
pp. 103-122.
(doi: 10.56230/osotl.5)
Cheng, W. and Selvaretnam, G.
Effects of mixed groups on multicultural interaction and student experience.
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, 15(2),
pp. 1-28.
(doi: 10.3167/latiss.2022.150202)
Nicol, D. and Selveretnam, G.
Making internal feedback explicit: harnessing the comparisons students make during two-stage exams.
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(4),
pp. 507-522.
(doi: 10.1080/02602938.2021.1934653)
Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Developing Self-regulated Learners Using a Unique Reflective Summative Assessment.
15th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 Mar 2022.
Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Developing self-regulated learners using a unique reflective summative assessment.
In: Learning, Teaching and Student Experience 2022 (LTSE 2022) Conference Proceedings, Belfast, United Kingdom, 24-25 May 2022,
pp. 20-21.
Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Enhancing interactive learning in an online setting: Breakout rooms and questions to ponder.
In: Tasler, Nathalie, O'Brien, Rachelle and Spiers, Alex (eds.)
Being Creative in the Face of Adversity: Annual #creativeHE Collection 2021.
Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community, pp. 93-99.
(doi: 10.25416/NTR.17709860.v4)
Selvaretnam, G. and Clancey, K.
Discovering Economics - School Outreach Programme.
Cheng, W. , Kushwah, L. and Selvaretnam, G.
Peer Support for Dissertations in an Online Environment.
Teaching and Learning Conference 2021, 06-08 Jul 2021.
Bradley, L. , Kim, Y. and Selvaretnam, G.
Using Opinion Mining to Understand Student Evaluation of Teaching.
In: Chartered Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching and Student Experience (LTSE) 2021, 29-30 Jun 2021,
pp. 52-58.
Selvaretnam, G. and Clancey, K.
Research Internship Schemes for Undergraduates.
Honeychurch, S. and Selvaretnam, G.
Removing barriers from SoTL projects.
Cheng, W. and Selvaretnam, G.
Two-Nation Group Formations to Enhance Cross-National Interaction to Enhance Learning Experience.
13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 13 Feb 2020.
Damjanovic, T. and Selvaretnam, G.
Economic growth and evolution of gender equality.
Manchester School, 88(1),
pp. 1-36.
(doi: 10.1111/manc.12274)
Bradley, L. , Selvaretnam, G. and Kim, Y.
Using Opinion Mining to Understand and Respond to Student Feedback on Teaching.
BAFA Accounting Education SIG Annual Conference 2019, Ghent, Belgium, 22-24 May 2019.
Selvaretnam, G. and Cheng, W.
Examination Without Invigilation: a More Effective Assessment Method?
CABS LTSE Conference 2019, Manchester, UK, 14-15 May 2019.
Selvaretnam, G.
Optimal reserves and short-term interest rates in a model of bank runs.
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 61(5),
pp. 537-558.
(doi: 10.1111/sjpe.12057)
Selvaretnam, G. , Thampanishvong, K. and Ulph, D.
Saving and re-building lives: determinants.
Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 7(14),
pp. 1-28.
(doi: 10.17015/ejbe.2014.014.01)
Selvaretnam, G.
Comparison between long term and short term deposit interest rates in a model of adverse selection: a theoretical framework.
Banks and Bank Systems, 7(4),
pp. 75-83.
Selvaretnam, G.
How noisy should a noise signal be? Optimal level of noise for bank stability and depositor welfare.
Global Journal of Finance and Banking Issues, 6(6),
pp. 21-36.
Selvaretnam, G. and Thampanishvong, K.
Efficacy of the clean development mechanism.
Environmental Economics, 3(3),
pp. 52-61.
Rainer, H., Selvaretnam, G. and Ulph, D.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in a model of fertility choice.
Journal of Population Economics, 24(3),
pp. 1101-1132.
(doi: 10.1007/s00148-010-0320-1)
Papyrakis, E. and Selvaretnam, G.
The greying church: the impact of life expectancy on religiosity.
International Journal of Social Economics, 38(5),
pp. 438-452.
(doi: 10.1108/03068291111123138)
Selvaretnam, G. and Thampanishvong, K.
Using effluent charges in promoting investment in water pollution control technology: a model of coordination failure among firms.
Environmental Economics, 1(2),
pp. 21-28.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 09:22:32 2025 GMT.