Number of items: 33.
Ates, A., Acur, N. and MacLean, D.
How Linn Products Ltd. has achieved organizational fitness in the digital age.
Research-Technology Management, 67(4),
pp. 23-35.
(doi: 10.1080/08956308.2024.2351333)
MacLean, D. and MacIntosh, R.
The strategy cycle: planning, paradox and poetry in the practice of strategists.
In: Siebert, Sabina (ed.)
Management Research: European Perspectives.
Series: Routledge studies in international business and world economy (73).
Routledge: London, pp. 103-120.
ISBN 9781138721463
MacLean, D.
Dynamic capabilities, creative action and poetics.
Revista de Administração de Empresas, 57(3),
pp. 264-272.
(doi: 10.1590/s0034-759020170307)
MacIntosh, R., Bartunek, J. M., Bhatt, M. and MacLean, D.
I never promised you a rose garden: when research questions ought to change.
In: Noumair, Debra A. and Shani, Abraham B. (Rami) (eds.)
Research in Organizational Change and Development.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 47-82.
ISBN 9781786353603
(doi: 10.1108/S0897-301620160000024003)
MacLean, D. , MacIntosh, R. and Seidl, D.
Rethinking dynamic capabilities from a creative action perspective.
Strategic Organization, 13(4),
pp. 340-352.
(doi: 10.1177/1476127015593274)
MacLean, D. and MacIntosh, R.
Planning reconsidered: paradox, poetry and people at the edge of strategy.
European Management Journal, 33(2),
pp. 72-78.
(doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2015.02.003)
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Complexity theory.
In: Beech, Nic and Gilmore, Charlotte (eds.)
Organising Music: Theory, Practice, Performance.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 152-161.
ISBN 9781107040953
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Strategic management: Strategists at Work.
Palgrave Macmillan: London.
ISBN 9781137035448
MacLean, D. and MacIntosh, R.
Strategic change as creative action.
International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 4(1),
pp. 80-97.
(doi: 10.1504/IJSCM.2012.045827)
Houchin, K. and MacLean, D.
Complexity and strategy: an empirically informed critique.
In: Johannessen, S.O. and Kuhn, L. (eds.)
Complexity in Organization Studies.
Sage: London, UK, pp. 79-106.
ISBN 9781446207260
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Conditioned emergence: researching change and changing research.
In: Johannessen, S.O. and Kuhn, L. (eds.)
Complexity in Organization Studies.
Sage: London, UK, pp. 55-70.
ISBN 9781446207260
Wilson, F. and MacLean, D.
The Big Society, values and cooperation.
Work, Employment and Society, 26(3),
pp. 531-541.
(doi: 10.1177/0950017012438572)
MacLean, D. and MacIntosh, R.
Organizing at the edge of chaos: insights from action research.
In: Allen, P., Maguire, S. and McKelvey, B. (eds.)
The SAGE Handbook of Complexity and Management.
SAGE: London, pp. 423-458.
MacLean, D. , MacIntosh, R. and Canales, J.I.
Strategy beyond the firm: interorganizational capability and industry development.
In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference, San Diego, Miami, USA, 10-12 Jun 2011,
Seidl, D.N., MacLean, D. and MacIntosh, R.
Rules of suspension: a rules-based explanation of strategy workshops in strategy process.
In: 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2011, San Antonio, Texas, USA, August 12-16, 2011,
Beech, N., MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Dialogues between academics and practitioners: the role of generative dialogic encounters.
Organization Studies, 31(9-10),
pp. 1341-1367.
(doi: 10.1177/0170840610374396)
MacIntosh, R., MacLean, D. and Seidl, D.
Unpacking the effectivity paradox of strategy workshops: do strategy workshops produce strategic change?
In: Golsorkhi, D., Rouleau, L., Seidl, D. and Vaara, E. (eds.)
Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 291-309.
ISBN 9780521517287
MacLean, D. , Seidl, D. and MacIntosh, R.
Action, system and practice in strategy research.
In: SMS 30th Annual International Conference, Rome, Italy, September 12-15, 2010,
Seidl, D., MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
A rules-based approach to strategy workshops: episodes of strategic change and continuity.
In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference: Intersections of Strategy Processes and Strategy Practices, Lapland, Finland, 17-20 March 2010,
Palmer-Woodward, C. and MacLean, D.
The experience of being changed through consulting.
In: Buono, A.F. and Poulfelt, F. (eds.)
Client-Consultant Collaboration: Coping with Complexity and Change.
Series: Research in management consulting.
Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC, USA, pp. 89-107.
ISBN 9781607522096
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Mode 2.
In: Thorpe, R. and Holt, R. (eds.)
Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research.
Sage Publications, pp. 136-138.
ISBN 9781412935289
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Complex adaptive systems.
In: Clegg, S and Bailey, J (eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies.
ISBN 9781412915151
MacIntosh, R., MacLean, D. and Burns, H.
Health in organization: toward a process-based view.
Journal of Management Studies, 44(2),
pp. 206-221.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2007.00685.x)
MacLean, D.
Cultivating questions, consensual conflict?
Journal of Management Inquiry, 15(1),
pp. 31-32.
(doi: 10.1177/1056492605276081)
Houchin, K. and MacLean, D.
Complexity theory and strategic change: an empirically formed critique.
British Journal of Management, 16(2),
pp. 149-166.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2005.00427.x)
Johnson, G. and MacLean, D.
Aim high: Gerry Johnson on the ESRC’s initiative for UK management: an interview.
European Management Journal, 23(3),
pp. 331-335.
(doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2005.04.011)
Beech, N., Burns, H., de Caestecker, L., MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Paradox as invitation to act in problematic change situations.
Human Relations, 57(10),
pp. 1313-1332.
(doi: 10.1177/0018726704048357)
MacLean, D.
Sunshineand Storms on the Isle of Skye: Sabhal Mor Ostaig and the gaelic renaissance.
In: Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (eds.)
Exploring Corporate Strategy.
FT-Pearson, pp. 1000-1007.
Beech, N., MacIntosh, R., MacLean, D. , Shepherd, J. and Stokes, J.
Exploring constraints on developing knowledge: on the need for conflict.
Management Learning, 33(4),
pp. 459-475.
(doi: 10.1177/1350507602334004)
MacLean, D. , MacIntosh, R. and Grant, S.
Mode 2 management research.
British Journal of Management, 13(3),
pp. 189-207.
(doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.00237)
MacLean, D. and MacIntosh, R.
One process, two audiences: on the challenges of management research.
European Management Journal, 20(4),
pp. 383-392.
(doi: 10.1016/S0263-2373(02)00058-0)
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Conditioned emergence: researching change and changing research.
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 21(10),
pp. 1343-1357.
(doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000005973)
MacIntosh, R. and MacLean, D.
Conditioned emergence: a dissipative structures approach to transformation.
Strategic Management Journal, 20(4),
pp. 297-316.
(doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199904)20:4<297::AID-SMJ25>3.0.CO;2-Q)
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 21:02:39 2025 GMT.