Number of items: 111.
Keith, N. et al.
Emerging Ecologies of Health, Heritage, and Habitat: Looking into Living and Working in 2033.
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Unleashing “currents of curiosity”: reconfiguring learning design using academic comics in higher education.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1),
pp. 296-303.
(doi: 10.1177/21695067231194989)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Addressing the risk paradox: Exploring the demand challenges around risk and uncertainty and the supply side of calculative practices.
In: Eyal, G. and Medvetz, T. (eds.)
Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics.
Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 401-432.
ISBN 9780190848927
(doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190848927.013.18)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Beyond Bounce Back: A systems perspective on resilience, information and the potential for crisis.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Living on factory row: exploring the causal aspects of criminal behaviours.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
To the gutters and beyond: or “how I learned to use a comics-based perspective when writing academic papers”.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
A walk on the wild side: the application of psychology in a hostile environment.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Adekola, J. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Okey-Adibe, T. and Audu, J.
Strategies to build trust and COVID-19 vaccine confidence and engagement among minority groups in Scotland.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13(6),
pp. 890-902.
(doi: 10.1007/s13753-022-00458-7)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Adekola, J.
Lessons learned from COVID-19 and the implications for resilience research, policy and practice.
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 30(3),
pp. 226-230.
(doi: 10.1111/1468-5973.12413)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Suppressing the ‘seeker of truth’ in the Covid-19 pandemic: medical populism, radical uncertainty, and the assault on expertise.
In: Waring, A. (ed.)
The New Authoritarianism. Volume 3: A Risk Analysis of the Corporate/Radical-Right Axis.
ibidem: Hanover, pp. 301-346.
ISBN 9783838214931
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Framing business schools as a socio-technical system – issues around complexity and emergence.
In: Lindgreen, A., Irwin, A., Poulfelt, F. and Thomsen, T.U. (eds.)
How to Lead Academic Departments Successfully.
Edward Elgar.
(Accepted for Publication)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Presenting a ‘virtual’ paper in a ‘virtual’ conference: adapting to the challenges posed by a pandemic.
EASST Review, 39(2),
pp. 23-29.
Adekola, J. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Inherent complexities of a multi-stakeholder approach to building community resilience.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11,
pp. 32-45.
(doi: 10.1007/s13753-020-00246-1)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
In Search of Resilience.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Adekola, J. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Light me up: power and expertise in risk communication and policy-making in the e-cigarette health debates.
Journal of Risk Research, 22(10),
pp. 1294-1308.
(doi: 10.1080/13669877.2018.1473463)
Bongiovanni, I. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Governance of disaster management.
In: Farazmand, A. (ed.)
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
ISBN 9783319209272
Adekola, J. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Building community resilience to natural hazards: Lessons from Katrina.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Afraid of MICE? Human Factors and Organisational Security.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Hazard, vulnerability, and the transition to crisis.
In: Strang, K. D., Korstanje, M. E. and Vajjhala, N. (eds.)
Research, Practices, and Innovations in Global Risk and Contingency Management.
IGI Global: Hershey, PA, xv-xxii.
ISBN 9781522547549
(doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4754-9)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
When I grow up I want to be a comic: storytelling, graphic novels and visualisation in the teaching of risk.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oliver, S. W., Campbell, J., Kingsmore, D. B., Kasthuri, R., Metcalfe, W., Traynor, J. P., Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Jardine, A. G. and Thomson, P. C.
A national appraisal of haemodialysis vascular access provision in Scotland.
Journal of Vascular Access, 18(2),
pp. 126-131.
(doi: 10.5301/jva.5000651)
Adekola, J. , Fischbacher-Smith, M., Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Adekola, O. A.
Health risks from environmental degradation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 35(2),
pp. 334-354.
(doi: 10.1177/0263774X16661720)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
When organisational effectiveness fails: business continuity management and the paradox of performance.
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 4(1),
pp. 89-107.
(doi: 10.1108/JOEPP-01-2017-0002)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Framing the UK’s counter-terrorism policy within the context of a wicked problem.
Public Money and Management, 36(6),
pp. 399-408.
(doi: 10.1080/09540962.2016.1200801)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Leadership and crisis: incubation, emergence, and transitions.
In: Storey, J. (ed.)
Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends [3rd Ed.].
Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 70-96.
ISBN 9781138905689
Dudau, A. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. and McAllister, L.
The unsung heroes of welfare collaboration: complexities around individuals’ contribution to effective inter-agency working in LSCBs.
Public Management Review, 18(10),
pp. 1536-1558.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1148190)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Breaking bad? In search of a (softer) systems view of security ergonomics.
Security Journal, 29(1),
pp. 5-22.
(doi: 10.1057/sj.2015.41)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Crisis management as a critical perspective.
Journal of Management Development, 35(7),
pp. 930-940.
(doi: 10.1108/JMD-10-2014-0115)
Mercer, S. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Furler, J., Sanci, L., Moffat, K. and de Silva, D.
Safer Primary Care: Caring for People with Multiple Conditions.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Mercer, S. , Furler, J., Moffat, K., Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Sanci, L.
Multimorbidity: Technical Series on Safer Primary Care.
World Health Organization: Geneva.
ISBN 9789241511650
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Through a glass darkly: expertise, evidence, and the management of uncertainty.
Risk Management, 17(4),
pp. 352-372.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2015.19)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Smith, L.
Navigating the 'dark waters of globalisation': global markets, inequalities, and the spatial dynamics of risk.
Risk Management, 17(3),
pp. 179-203.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2015.12)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
The enemy has passed through the gate: insider threats, the dark triad, and the challenges around security.
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(2),
pp. 134-156.
(doi: 10.1108/JOEPP-03-2015-0010)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Putting Humpty together again: developing resilience within growth cycles.
In: Jolly, A. (ed.)
The Growing Business Handbook:Inspiration and Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs and Fast Growing UK Companies.
Kogan Page: London, pp. 25-36.
ISBN 9780749473150
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
The symbiosis of failure: the strategic dynamics of risk and resilience.
In: Andersen, T. (ed.)
Routledge Companion on Strategic Risk Management.
Series: Routledge companions in business,management and accounting.
ISBN 9781138016514
Brookfield, D., Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Mohd-Rahim, F. and Boussabaine, H.
Conceptualising and responding to risk in IT projects.
Risk Management, 16(3),
pp. 195-230.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2014.10)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
What lies beneath? The role of informal and hidden networks in the management of crises.
Financial Accountability and Management, 30(3),
pp. 259-278.
(doi: 10.1111/faam.12038)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
The dark side of effectiveness – risk and crisis as the "destroyer of worlds".
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1(4),
pp. 338-348.
(doi: 10.1108/JOEPP-10-2014-0062)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Organisational ineffectiveness: environmental shifts and the transition to crisis.
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1(4),
pp. 423-446.
(doi: 10.1108/JOEPP-09-2014-0061)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
When Good Management Theory Hits the Fan: Crisis Management and the Challenge to the Rational-Positivistic Paradigm of MBA Programmes.
In: 2014 EFMD Higher Education Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-16 May 2014,
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Foreign policy crises.
In: Penuel, K.B., Statler, M. and Hagen, R. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Crisis Management.
SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
ISBN 9781452226125
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Paradigm blindness.
In: Penuel, K.B., Statler, M. and Hagen, R. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Crisis Management.
SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
ISBN 9781452226125
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Tales of the unexpected: issues around the development of a crisis management module for the MBA program.
Journal of Management Education, 37(1),
pp. 51-78.
(doi: 10.1177/1052562912455664)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
The vulnerability of public spaces: challenges for UK hospitals under the 'new' terrorist threat.
Public Management Review, 15(3),
pp. 330-343.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2013.769851)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Hospitals as Sites for Crisis from Extreme Events.
In: Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 9-12 Oct 2013,
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Getting pandas to breed: Paradigm blindness and the policy space for risk prevention, mitigation and management.
Risk Management, 14(3),
pp. 177-201.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2012.6)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Barriers to organizational learning.
In: Steel, N. (ed.)
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning.
Springer, pp. 407-409.
ISBN 9781441914279
(doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Ethical Spaces: Health Care, Patient Safety, and the Search for Social Responsibility.
In: Royal Geographical Society - IBG Annual International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Jul 2012,
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Fractured Spaces - Challenges for (Public) Health Under the 'New' Terrorist Threats.
In: Royal Geographical Society - IBG Annual International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Jul 2012,
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Under Dark Skies: The Vulnerability of Cities to Terrorist Attack.
In: Royal Geographical Society - IBG Annual International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Jul 2012,
Franco Villoria, M., Scott, E.M. , Hoey, T. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Temporal investigation of flow variability in Scottish rivers using wavelet analysis.
Journal of Environmental Statistics, 3(6),
Boin, A. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
The importance of failure theories in assessing crisis management: The Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster revisited.
Policy and Society, 30(2),
pp. 77-87.
(doi: 10.1016/j.polsoc.2011.03.003)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Destructive landscapes - (Re)framing elements of risk?
Risk Management, 13(1-2),
pp. 1-15.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2011.4)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Human Networks: Contesting Control, Incubation and the Escalation of Crises.
In: New Public Sector Seminar, Edinburgh, UK, 10 Nov 2011,
Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Fischbacher-Smith, M. and Scott, M.
Let Me Get Back to You on That – Error Cost, Uncertainty and the Management of Extreme Events.
In: ISI 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 21-26 Aug 2011,
Smith, A., Casey, K., Wilson, J. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Wristbands as aids to reduce misidentification: an ethnographically-guided task analysis.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(5),
pp. 590-599.
(doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzr045)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Beyond the worse case scenario: Managing the risks of extreme events.
Risk Management, 12(1),
pp. 1-8.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2009.17)
Bennett, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D. (Eds.)
Risk communication and public health.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780199562848
Bennett, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Embedding better practice in risk communication and public health.
In: Bennett, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D. (eds.)
Risk Communication and Public Health.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 317-326.
ISBN 9780199562848
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.20)
Bennett, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Understanding public responses to risk: issues around policy and practice.
In: Bennet, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D. (eds.)
Risk Communication and Public Health.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 3-22.
ISBN 9780199562848
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.01)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Calman, K.
A precautionary tale - the role of the precautionary principle in policy making for public health.
Risk Communication and Public Health.
Oxford University Press, pp. 197-211.
ISBN 978-0-19-956284-8
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.13)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Fischbacher-Smith, M. and BaMaung, D.
Where do we go from here? The evacuation of city centres and the communication of public health risks from extreme events.
In: Bennett, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D. (eds.)
Risk Communication and Public Health.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 97-114.
ISBN 978-0-19-956284-8
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Hudson, R.
Exporting Pandora's box- exploitation, risk communication and public health problems associated with the export of hazard.
In: Bennet, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D. (eds.)
Risk Communication and Public Health.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 245-260.
ISBN 9780199562848
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.16)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Irwin, A. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
Bringing light to the shadows and shadows to the light: risk, risk management, and risk communication.
In: Bennet, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S. and Fischbacher-Smith, D. (eds.)
Risk Communication and Public Health.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 23-38.
ISBN 9780199562848
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.02)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Fischbacher-Smith, M. and Irwin, A.
Monsters Under the Bed: Exploring the Shadowy Spaces Around Risk in Public Health and Environmental Impact.
In: Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 25-29 Aug 2010,
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
We may remember but what did we learn? Dealing with errors, crimes and misdemeanours around adverse events in healthcare.
Financial Accountability and Management, 25(4),
pp. 451-474.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0408.2009.00487.x)
Harris, R.V., Dancer, J.M., Smith, D. and Campbell, S.
The use of conversation mapping to frame key perceptual issues facing the general dental practice system in England.
Community Dental Health, 26(2),
pp. 84-91.
(doi: 10.1922/CDH_2279Harris08)
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, M.
The changing nature of risk and risk management: the challenge of borders, uncertainty and resilience.
Risk Management, 11(1),
pp. 1-12.
(doi: 10.1057/rm.2009.1)
Dudau, A., Smith, D. and Fischbacher, M.
Interacting Identities in Welfare Partnerships.
In: 13th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, 06-08 Apr 2009,
Smith, D. and Fischbacher, M.
Managing Risk Within a Fitness Landscape: Issues in Resilience, Control And Failure.
In: Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 22-27 Mar 2009,
Hunter-Jones, P., Jeffs, A. and Smith, D.
Backpacking your way into crisis: an exploratory study into perceived risk and tourist behaviour amongst young people.
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 23(2-4),
pp. 237-247.
(doi: 10.1300/J073v23n02_18)
Harris, R.V., Ashcroft, A., Burnside, G., Dancer, J.M., Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Grieveson, B.
Facets of job satisfaction of dental practitioners working in different organisational settings in England.
British Dental Journal, 204(E1),
(doi: 10.1038/bdj.2007.1204)
Pelling, M., High, C., Dearing, J. and Smith, D.
Shadow spaces for social learning: a relational understanding of adaptive capacity to climate change within organisations.
Environment and Planning A, 40(4),
pp. 867-884.
(doi: 10.1068/a39148)
Smith, D. and Fischbacher, M.
Managerial responses to catastrophic events.
In: Organization Science Winter Conference, Reno, NV, USA, 7-10 Feb 2008,
Docherty, I. and Smith, D.
Practicing what we preach? Academic consultancy in a multi-disciplinary environment.
Public Money and Management, 27(4),
pp. 273-280.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9302.2007.00594.x)
Brookfield, D. and Smith, D.
Managerial intervention and instability in healthcare organisations: the role of complexity in explaining the scope of effective management.
Risk Management, 8(4),
pp. 268-293.
(doi: 10.1057/palgrave.rm.8250018)
Elliott, D. and Smith, D.
Voices from the terrace: from 'mock bureaucracy' to learning from crisis within the UK's football industry.
In: Pearson, C. and Roux-Dufort, C. (eds.)
International Handbook of Organizational Crisis Management.
SAGE: Los Angeles.
ISBN 9780761988519
Holmes, L., Brookfield, D. and Smith, D.
Business evolution: how fit is your business?
Merseyside and North Wales Business Prospect, 5(2),
pp. 31-33.
Smith, D. and Elliott, D.
Exploring the barriers to learning from crisis: organizational learning and crisis.
Management Learning, 38(5),
pp. 519-538.
(doi: 10.1177/1350507607083205)
Smith, D. and Fischbacher, M.
What’s That Coming Over The Hill, is it a Doctor?
In: British Association of Medical Managers Annual Conference, London, UK, Jun 2007,
Smith, D. and Barton, L.
Explorations in a fractured landscape.
Communication Director, 1(1),
pp. 63-69.
Boin, A. and Smith, D.
Terrorism and critical infrastructures: implications for public-private crisis management.
Public Money and Management, 26(5),
pp. 295-304.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9302.2006.00543.x)
Smith, D.
Terrorism and public management.
Public Money and Management, 26(5),
pp. 271-273.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9302.2006.00537.x)
Elliott, D. and Smith, D.
Cultural readjustment after crisis: regulation and learning from crisis within the UK soccer industry.
Journal of Management Studies, 43(2),
pp. 289-317.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2006.00591.x)
Smith, D. and Elliott, D. (Eds.)
Key Readings in Crisis Management: Systems and Structures for Prevention and Recovery.
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780415315203
Elliott, D. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Responding to the demands of crisis: issues around future developments in theory and practice.
In: Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Elliott, D. (eds.)
Key Readings in Crisis Management. Systems and structures for prevention and recovery.
Routledge: London, pp. 415-425.
ISBN 9780415315210
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Crisis management - practice in search of a paradigm.
In: Smith, D. and Elliott, D. (eds.)
Key Readings in Crisis Management: Systems and structures for Prevention and Recovery.
Routledge: London, pp. 1-12.
ISBN 9780415315203
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
The crisis of management: managing ahead of the curve.
In: Smith, D. and Elliott, D. (eds.)
Key Readings in Crisis Management: Systems and structures for Prevention and Recovery.
Routledge: London, 301 -317.
ISBN 9780415315203
Smith, D.
'Et tu Brutus': public management in times of crisis.
In: Lavender, M. (ed.)
What is Public Management For?
Public Management and Policy Association: London, pp. 35-39.
ISBN 1845080793
Smith, D.
Modelling the crisis management process: approaches and limitations.
In: Smith, D. and Elliott, D. (eds.)
Key Readings in Crisis Management. Systems and Structures for Prevention and Recovery.
Routledge: London, 99 -114.
ISBN 0415315212
Smith, D. and Irwin, A.
Complexity, risk and emergence: elements of a 'management' dilemma.
Risk Management, 8(4),
pp. 221-226.
(doi: 10.1057/palgrave.rm.8250024)
Smith, D.
Dancing around the mysterious forces of chaos: exploring issues of complexity, knowledge and the management of uncertainty.
Clinician in Management, 13(3/4),
pp. 115-123.
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
In the eyes of the beholder: making sense of the system(s) of disaster.
In: Quarantelli, E.L. and Perry, R.W. (eds.)
What is a Disaster? New Answers to Old Questions. Volume two in the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disasters Series.
Xlibris Press: Philadelphia, PA, pp. 201-236.
ISBN 9781413479867
Smith, D.
Accidents will happen... Or will they? Issues around governance, latent error and organisational failure.
Guide to Global Corporate Social Responsibility.
International Chamber of Commerce..
ISBN 9781904631149
Smith, D.
Business (not) as usual: crisis management, service recovery and the vulnerability of organisations.
Journal of Services Marketing, 19(5),
pp. 309-320.
(doi: 10.1108/08876040510609925)
Smith, D.
Through a glass darkly - a response to Stallings' "Disaster, Crisis, Collective Stress, and Mass Deprivation".
In: Quarantelli, E.L. and Perry, R.W. (eds.)
What is a Disaster? New Answers to Old Questions.
Xlibris Press: Philadelphia, PA, pp. 292-307.
ISBN 1413479863
Smith, D. and Toft, B.
Towards an organization with a memory: exploring the organizational generation of adverse events in health care.
Health Services Management Research, 18(2),
pp. 124-140.
(doi: 10.1258/0951484053723144)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
For whom the bell tolls: imagining accidents and the development of crisis simulation in organisations.
Simulation and Gaming, 35(3),
pp. 347-362.
(doi: 10.1177/1046878104266295)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Performing as designed but not as intended? Managing cultural change in healthcare.
Clinician in Management, 12(2),
pp. 45-48.
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Oh 'system', where art thou? Capacity, chaos, performance and the search for solutions to a constantly adapting problem.
Clinician in Management, 12(3),
pp. 93-97.
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Exploring layers of reform? Tensions and conflicts around the human face of health care.
Clinician in Management, 12(1),
pp. 3-6.
Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Eades, E.
The competent medical manager: issues in the management of health care professionals.
Clinician in Management, 12(1),
pp. 11-20.
Smallman, C. and Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Patterns of managerial risk perceptions: exploring the dimensions of managers' accepted risks.
Risk Management, 5(1),
pp. 7-32.
(doi: 10.1057/palgrave.rm.8240137)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Management and medicine: strange bedfellows or partners in crime.
Clinician in Management, 11(4),
pp. 159-162.
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Management and medicine: issues in quality, risk and culture.
Clinician in Management, 11(1),
pp. 1-6.
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Not by error, but by design: Harold Shipman and the regulatory crisis for health care.
Public Policy and Administration, 17(4),
pp. 55-74.
(doi: 10.1177/095207670201700405)
Calman, K. and Smith, D.
Works in theory but not in practice? The role of the precautionary principle in public health policy.
Public Administration, 79(1),
pp. 185-204.
(doi: 10.1111/1467-9299.00252)
Fischbacher-Smith, D.
Crisis management.
In: Michie, J. (ed.)
Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences.
Fitzroy Dearborn: London.
ISBN 1579580912
Smith, D.
Crisis as a catalyst for change: Issues in the management of uncertainty and organizational vulnerability.
E-risk: Business as usual?
British Bankers Association/Deloitte and Touche: London, 81 -88.
ISBN 1874185174
Smith, D.
The precautionary principle.
In: Barry, J. and Frankland, G. (eds.)
International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences.
Routledge: London.
Smith, D.
Risk assessment and management.
In: Barry, J. and Frankland, G. (eds.)
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
Routledge: London.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 19:13:32 2025 GMT.