Number of items: 94.
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Tsoukas, S. , Dudau, A. and Gaska, P.
Beyond declarations: metrics, journal rankings and responsible assessment.
Research Policy, 53(10),
(doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2024.105093)
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Sinkovics, N.
Palimpsest Territory: Language and the Academic Migration Experience from the East to the West.
10th Anniversary of Academy of International Business Central Eastern European (AIB-CEE) Chapter Annual Conference on "Navigating New Realms: Business Collaboration, Digitalization, and Innovation Redefining Success in Uncertain Times”, Budapest, Hungary, 17-21 Sep 2024.
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Towards Sustainable Doctoral Education: Policy Insights and Best Practices for Phd by Publication.
10th Anniversary of Academy of International Business Central Eastern European (AIB-CEE) Chapter Annual Conference on "Navigating New Realms: Business Collaboration, Digitalization, and Innovation Redefining Success in Uncertain Times”, Budapest, Hungary, 17-21 Sep 2024.
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Generative AI and academic publishing.
British Academy of Management Conference 2024, Nottingham, UK, 02-06 Sep 2024.
Febrianto, A., Dudau, A. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Exploring the Phenomena of Sociomateriality in the Context of Digital Transformation in the Public Sector.
EURAM 2024, Bath, 24-27 June 2024.
Osuna Ramírez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
On the antipodes of love and hate: the conception and measurement of brand polarization.
Journal of Business Research, 179,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114687)
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Negative Online Brand Engagement: Models of Brand-Related Antecedents and Anti-Brand Community Outcomes.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 22-24 May 2024.
Osuna Ramirez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Drivers and Outcomes of Brand Polarization for Airlines Brands.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 22-24 May 2024.
Wang, W., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Finch, J.
Systematic Literature Review on Social Media and B2B Relationships.
Academy of Marketing Science, Miami, Florida, USA, 22-24 May 2024.
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Cautionary Tech: AI Innovations and the Echoes from the Past.
AI Spring, Warsaw, Poland, 8-10 May 2024.
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Negative online brand engagement: Conceptualisation, scale development and validation.
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,
(doi: 10.1108/JRIM-09-2023-0303)
(Early Online Publication)
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Examining the Key Consumer-related Determinants Towards their Intention to Participate in Anti-brand Communities.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-19 May 2023.
Sanrı, H., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Smart, A.
Algorithms and Routines: How Algorithms Shape Innovation in Digital Startups.
R&D Management Conference 2022, Trento, Italy, 09-13 Jul 2022.
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Dessart, L. and Veloutsou, C.
Digital ecosystem and consumer engagement: a socio-technical perspective.
Journal of Business Research, 121,
pp. 713-723.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.042)
Zhao, Y., von Delft, S. , Morgan-Thomas, A. and Buck, T.
The evolution of platform business models: exploring competitive battles in the world of platforms.
Long Range Planning, 53(4),
(doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2019.101892)
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Brand negativity: a relational perspective on anti-brand community participation.
European Journal of Marketing, 54(7),
pp. 1761-1785.
(doi: 10.1108/EJM-06-2018-0423)
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Dudau, A.
Of possums, hogs and horses: capturing duality of student engagement in eLearning.
Academy of Management Learning and Education, 18(4),
pp. 564-580.
(doi: 10.5465/amle.2018.0029)
Osuna Ramírez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
I hate what you love: brand polarization and negativity towards brands as an opportunity for brand management.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 28(5),
pp. 614-632.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-03-2018-1811)
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Generativity in Algorithmic Systems.
9th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop, São Paulo, Brazil, 24-26 Jul 2019.
Osuna Ramirez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Advantages of Brand Polarization? Exploring Potential Beneficiaries: Structured Abstract.
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 25-31 May 2019.
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Innovation in Algorithmic Systems.
14th Organization Studies Workshop on Technology and Organization, Mykonos, Greece, 23-25 May 2019.
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Negative Consumer Engagement.
14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, 8-10 May 2019.
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Abrunhosa, A. and Canales, J. I.
Material conflict: MOOCs and institutional logics in business education.
In: de Vaujany, François-Xavier, Adrot, Anouck, Boxenbaum, Eva and Leca, Bernard (eds.)
Materiality in Institutions: Spaces, Embodiment and Technology in Management and Organization.
Series: Technology, work and globalization.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 255-279.
ISBN 9783319974712
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97472-9_9)
Reuber, A. R. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Communicating moral legitimacy in controversial industries: the trade in human tissue.
Journal of Business Ethics, 154(1),
pp. 49-63.
(doi: 10.1007/s10551-017-3480-z)
Okay-Somerville, B. , Dudau, A. , Favotto, A. , Du, M., McMaster, R. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Adam Smith Cared and We Should Too: Our Duty of Care for Student Wellbeing and Resilience.
Academy of Management, Teaching and Learning Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 10-14 Aug 2018.
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Artifacts, Aestetics, and Sensory Experiences in Learning.
8th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices Workshop (OAP2018), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-22 Jun 2018.
Osuna Ramirez, S.A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Towards a Conceptualization of Brand Polarization.
13th Global Brand Conference, Newcastle, UK, 2-4 May 2018.
Zhao, Y. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Competition at the Digital Frontier: Algorithmic Innovation, Value-Creation and Digital Venture Performance.
AOM Specialized Conference: Big Data and Managing in Digital Economy, Surrey, UK, 18-20 Apr 2018.
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Dudau, A.
Resilience as Entanglement of Action and Matter.
LAEMOS Conference 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-24 Mar 2018.
Mitev, N., Morgan-Thomas, A., Lorino, P., De Vaujany, F.-X. and Nama, Y. (Eds.)
Materiality and Managerial Techniques: New Perspectives on Organizations, Artefacts and Practice.
Series: Technology, work and globalization.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham.
ISBN 9783319661001
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Libereat: Monetising Big Data Analytics.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Schatzki and techno-organizational practice.
In: Mitev, Nathalie, Morgan-Thomas, Anna, Lorino, Philippe, de Vaujany, Francois-Xavier and Nama, Yesh (eds.)
Materiality and Managerial Techniques: New Perspectives on Organizations, Artefacts and Practice.
Series: Technology, work and globalization.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 307-324.
ISBN 9783319661001
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66101-8_12)
Osuna Ramírez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
A systematic literature review of brand commitment: definitions, perspectives and dimensions.
Athens Journal of Business and Economics, 3(3),
pp. 305-332.
(doi: 10.30958/ajbe.3.3.5)
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Silent Tyranny of Code? Performativity, Encoding and Branding Work.
7th Organizations, Artefacts and Practices (OAP) International Workshop, Singapore, 17-18 Jun 2017.
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Explaining Anti-brand Community Participation.
12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, 26-28 Apr 2017.
Pasternak, O., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Self-presentation, privacy and electronic word-of-mouth in social media.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26(4),
pp. 415-428.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-04-2016-1150)
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Rethinking technology in the SME context: Affordances, practices and ICTs.
International Small Business Journal, 34(8),
pp. 1122-1136.
(doi: 10.1177/0266242615613839)
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Abrunhosa, A. and Canales, J. I.
Digital Materialities and Incompatible Institutional Logics.
6th Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 Jun 2016.
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Capturing consumer engagement: duality, dimensionality and measurement.
Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6),
pp. 399-426.
(doi: 10.1080/0267257X.2015.1130738)
Li, C., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Tang, Y. K.
A Systematic Review of Literature: The Link Between CRM and Firm Performance.
British Academy of Management Conference 2016, Newcastle, UK, 06-08 Sep 2016.
Zhao, Y., Morgan-Thomas, A. , Von Delft, S. and Buck, T.
Survival Through Digital Innovation: How Digitization Accelerates Business Model Evolution.
In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference: Contextualizing Strategic Management in Asia: Institutions, Innovation and Internationalization, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec 2016,
Zhao, Y., Von Delft, S. , Morgan-Thomas, A. and Buck, T.
Competitive Dynamics in Business Model Evolution: An Analysis of the Chinese Online Group Buying Industry.
In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference: Contextualizing Strategic Management in Asia: Institutions, Innovation and Internationalization, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 Dec 2016,
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Residual Humanism: Schatzki, Digital Objects and Organizational Practice.
5th Organisations, Artifacts and Practices Conference, Sydney, Australia, 07-08 Dec 2015.
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Unfolding practices with unfolding objects: standardization work in global branding.
In: 4th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop, Rome, Italy, 26-27 June 2014,
pp. 174-177.
Zhao, Y., Buck, T. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Change or Die: Business Model Innovation and Firm Performance Case Studies of Chinese Online Group Buying Firms.
EURAM'15, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 Jun 2015.
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Consumer Engagement in an Online Brand Community: Development and Validation of a Scale.
In: 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 14-18 Jul 2015,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Consumer engagement in online brand communities: a social media perspective.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24(1),
pp. 28-42.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-06-2014-0635)
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Business model innovation in regional tourism: digital tourism platform.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Innovation in renewable energy: researching global market opportunities.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Market assessment and strategy development for Virtual Abattoir.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Routes to market in mobile applications contexts.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Pasternak, O., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Identifying the Nature of Consumer’s eWOM Activity on Facebook Brand Pages: an Exploratory Study.
In: 10th Global Brand Conference, Turku, Finland, 27-29 Apr 2015,
Zhao, Y., Buck, T. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Business Models, Imitations and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms.
In: Strategic Management Society 35th Annual International Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 3-6 Oct 2015,
Reuber, B., Fischer, E. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Understanding eINVs through the lens of prior research in entrepreneurship, international business and international entrepreneurship.
In: Fernhaber, Stephanie A. and Prashantham, Shaman (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to International Entrepreneurship.
Series: Routledge companions in business, management and accounting.
Routledge: New York, NY.
ISBN 9780415829199
Massa, N., Jones, M. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Internationalisation of traditional family businesses: an absorptive capacity approach.
In: ICSB 2014, Dublin, 11-14 Jun 2014,
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Harnessing Generativity of Digital Objects Through Process Innovation.
The 59th Annual Conference of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2014), Dublin Ireland, 11-14 Jun 2014.
Dessart, L., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Veloutsou, C.
Customer engagement in online brand communities: a social media perspective.
In: 9th Global Brand Conference, AM SIG, Hertfordshire, UK, 9-11 Apr 2014,
Dessart, L., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Veloutsou, C.
What drives anti-brand community behaviours: an examination of online hate of technology brands.
In: 2014 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 21-23 May 2014,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Materiality of online brand community.
In: 17th AMS World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru, 5-8 Aug 2014,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Brand communities and anti-brand communities: similarities, differences and implications to practitioners.
In: Grigoriou, Nicolas and Veloutsou, Cleopatra (eds.)
Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, pp. 63-78.
ISBN 9786185065584
Morgan-Thomas, A.
The effectiveness of flexible advertising systems.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Ubiquitous digitization and risk management models.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Utellme: Ubiquitous digitization and value creation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Pasternak, O., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
External brand communication: a literature review of the antecedents to word-of-mouth.
In: Grigoriou, Nicolas and Veloutsou, Cleopatra (eds.)
Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, pp. 79-106.
ISBN 9786185065584
Reuber, B. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Communicating moral legitimacy through socio-material practices.
In: 3rd Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop (IMSW 2014), Provence, France, 5-6 Jun 2014,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Veloutsou, C.
Beyond technology acceptance: Brand relationships and online brand experience.
Journal of Business Research, 66(1),
pp. 21-27.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.07.019)
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Base: new business models in digital economy.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Brand communities and anti-brand communities: similarities, differences and implications for practitioners.
Atiner Conference Paper Series,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and D'Angelo, A.
Bio-tech start-ups and demand-side strategy.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Reuber, B.
Online internationalization.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Pate, J., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Beaumont, P.
Trust restoration: an examination of senior managers' attempts to re-build employee trust.
Human Resource Management Journal, 22(2),
pp. 148-164.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1748-8583.2012.00194.x)
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Childlow, A. and Ghauri, P.
Common method variance in IB research: truth or urban legend?
In: 38th AIB-UKI (UK and Ireland Chapter) Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 Apr 2011,
Bernardino, L., Jones, M.V. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Resources and performance in global markets: the case of high technology SMEs in Portugal.
In: Dimitratos, P. and Jones, M.V. (eds.)
Resources, Efficiency and Globalization.
Series: The Academy of International Business.
Palgrave: Houndmills, pp. 249-267.
ISBN 9780230236530
Johnston, S.P., Jones, M.V., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Vlachos, G.
Sampling frames for cross national survey research in international entrepreneurship.
In: Nummela, N. (ed.)
International Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises.
Series: Routledge studies in international business and the world economy (49).
Routledge: New York, pp. 191-209.
ISBN 9780415872706
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Childlow, A. and Ghauri, P.
Survey research and response rates in international business studies.
In: Academy of International Business conference, Dublin, April 8-10,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Paton, R.
Online globalization: global online performance and service orientation.
In: Lee, I. (ed.)
The Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy.
Business Science Reference: Hershey, PA, USA.
ISBN 9781615206117
Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Online Brand Relationships: An Integrative Model of Satisfaction, Relationship and Technology Acceptance.
In: 6th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland, 18-20 April 2010,
Childlow, A., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Ghauri, P.
Putting Dillman’s Survey Multiple Contacts to Test for International Business Research Data Collection Procedure Equivalence.
In: European International Business Academy Conference, Valencia,
Morgan-Thomas, A.
The development of e-commerce and the international growth of established SMEs: a capability perspective.
In: Jones, M.V., Dimitratos, P., Fletcher, M. and Young, S. (eds.)
Internationalization, Entrepreneurship and the Smaller Firm: Evidence From Around the World.
Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
ISBN 9781847208309
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Jones, M.V. and Ji, J.
Global online entrepreneurship: the review of empirical literature.
In: Larimo, J. and Vissak, T. (eds.)
Research on Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalization.
Emerald: Bingley, UK, pp. 69-88.
ISBN 9781848559561
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Online activities and export performance of the smaller firm: a capability perspective.
European Journal of International Management, 3(3),
pp. 266-285.
(doi: 10.1504/EJIM.2009.026992)
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Jones, M.
Post-entry internationalization dynamics: differences between SMEs in the development speed of their international sales.
International Small Business Journal, 27(1),
pp. 71-97.
(doi: 10.1177/0266242608098347)
Morgan-Thomas, A.
SME internationalization.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Jones, M. and Ji, J.
Global online entrepreneurship: what do we know after over a decade (1997-2008) of scientific enquiry?
In: 34th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference: 'International Business and the Catching-Up Economies: Challenges and Opportunities', Tallinn, Estonia, 11-13 Dec 2008,
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Online capabilities and export performance of the smaller firm.
In: 34th AIB-UKI (UK and Ireland Chapter) Conference, London, UK, 13-14 Apr 2007,
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Managing Multinational Enterprise.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Morgan-Thomas, A.
The use of e-commerce in passive internationalization.
In: 31st AIB-UKI (UK and Ireland Chapter) Conference, Derry, UK, 23-24 Apr 2004,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Bridgewater, S.
Internet and exporting: determinants of success in virtual export channels.
International Marketing Review, 21(4/5),
pp. 393-408.
(doi: 10.1108/02651330410547108)
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Bridgewater, S.
Winners and losers of the internet game: a study of British exporters.
In: MacDonald, F., Mayer, M. and Buck, T. (eds.)
Process of Internationalization: Strategic, Cultural and Policy Perspectives.
Series: Academy of International Business.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 3-20.
ISBN 9781403932280
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Bridgewater, S.
The winners and losers of the Internet game: a study of British exporters.
In: MacDonald, F., Mayer, M. and Buck, T. (eds.)
The Process of Internationalization: Strategic, Cultural and Policy Perspectives.
Series: Academy of International Business.
Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 3-20.
ISBN 140393228X
Hartley, J. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
The development of the Political Leadership Questionnaire: conceptual framework and measurement properties.
In: 'Studying Leadership': Future Agendas. The Fourth International Annual Conference on Leadership Research, Lancaster, UK, 15-16 Dec 2003,
Morgan-Thomas, A.
Knowledge perspectives of international e-commerce.
In: 29th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-13 Dec 2003,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Bridgewater, S.
The internet strategies and export performance of small high- and low-tech exporters.
In: British Academy of Management (BAM) 2003, Harrogate, UK, 15-17 Sep 2003,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Bridgewater, S.
The winners and losers of the Internet game: a study of British exporters.
In: 30th AIB-UKI (UK and Ireland Chapter) Conference, Leicester, UK, 11-12 Apr 2003,
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 15:18:36 2025 GMT.