Professor Alan McGregor
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Affiliate (Adam Smith Business School)
Adam Smith Business School, R 304, West Quadrangle, Gilbert Scott Building
Alan McGregor has been Research Professor of Economic Development at the University of Glasgow Adam Smith Buiness School since 2011, and was Director of the Training and Employment Research Unit (TERU) between 1985 and 2017.
Research interests
Alan is a member of the Entrepreneurship, Development and Political Economy research cluster.
Areas of expertise:
- Employment and labour markets
- Inclusive growth
- Local and regional economic development
McGregor, A. (2019) Brexit and Fulfilling Work: Responding to Threats and Exploiting Opportunities. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. (2018) Scotland's Future Skills Needs: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2018) Influence of work-welfare cycling and labour market segmentation on employment histories of young long-term unemployed. Work, Employment and Society, 32(1), pp. 20-37. (doi: 10.1177/0950017017697857)
Christie, L., Gibb, K. , McGregor, A. and McTier, A. (2017) Economic Regeneration in Scotland. Past Lessons; Current Practice; Future Challenges. [Research Reports or Papers]
Waite, D. , McGregor, A. and McNulty, D. (2017) Inclusive Growth and City Deals. [Research Reports or Papers]
Waite, D. , McGregor, A. and McNulty, D. (2017) Issue Paper on City Deals and Inclusive Growth. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Macdougall, L., McGregor, A. , Hirst, A. and Rinne, S. (2016) Mapping the Employability Landscape for People with Learning Disabilities in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , McTier, A. and Sutherland, V. (2016) Education and Skills Support Structures: Comparative Perspective. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2016) Supporting Young People in the NEET Group Into Modern Apprenticeships. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sutherland, V., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2015) Evaluation of Employability Pipelines Across Scotland: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2015) Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Phase 3 and Phase 4 Care Leaver and Young People with Convictions Pilots: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Analysis of the Impact and Value of Community Benefit Clauses in Procurement. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McGregor, A. and Kromydas, T. (2015) Investors in Young People Research to Support Roll Out of Year 2: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., McGregor, A. and Kromydas, T. (2015) Review of Investing in Volunteers Scotland: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., McTier, A., Kromydas, T. and McGregor, A. (2015) Analysis of the Impact and Value of Investors in People: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Hirst, A., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Strategic Expansion of Modern Apprenticeships. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. , Kromydas, T. , Macdougall, L. and McTier, A. (2015) Equalities in Scotland’s Growth Economic Sectors: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Review of Regional Skills Assessments: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sutherland, V., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Skills Assessment for Business Services: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2014) Main ESF Achievements: 2007-2013: ESF Expert Evaluation Network Final Synthesis Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2014) Fife Workforce Modelling Study: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2013) Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Phase 2 (2012-2013). [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2013) Final Synthesis Report on Women and Young People: ESF Expert Evaluation Network. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2013) North East LEP Skills Action Plan Evidence Base: Final report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2013) Supporting Young People with Disabilities and Additional Support Needs. The Coalyard: A Case Study. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2013) Evaluation of Certificate of Work Readiness Pilot Programme. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Clelland, D. , Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2013) Evaluation of Social Enterprise and Third Sector Challenge Fund. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. and Macdougall, L. (2013) PACE: Evaluation of PACE Intervention for Vion Hall’s Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2012) Final Synthesis Report on Social Inclusion: ESF Expert Evaluation Network. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2012) Final Synthesis Report on Access to Employment: ESF Expert Evaluation Network. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Macdougall, L., Quashie, A., Sutherland, V. and McGregor, A. (2012) Evaluation of the Scottish Center for Healthy Working Lives Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: Phase 2 Case Study Briefing Note. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Macdougall, L., Quashie, A., Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. , Mackenzie, M., Beaumont, P., Fischbacher-Smith, M. and Stewart, S. (2012) Evaluation of the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Assessment of the Coalyard as a Social Enterprise: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Evaluation of the Coalyard Employability Project: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2012) Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Programme. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Learning the lessons of property-led regeneration: Maximising the employment legacy of major physical developments. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 6(1), pp. 66-78.
McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Coalyard Employability Project Social Return on Investment: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2011) Evaluation of the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: E-Survey Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. , Clelland, D. and Quashie, A. (2011) Evaluation of the SCHWL Support to Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme Telephone Survey Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2011) Evaluation of the Personal Best (Scotland) Pilot Programme in Glasgow. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2011) Integrating employment and skills: the role of community-based learning. Policy Studies, 32(1), pp. 73-90. (doi: 10.1080/01442872.2010.529322)
Sutherland, V., Macdougall, L., Quashie, A., Glass, A., McGregor, A. , Beaumont, P., Fischbacher-Smith, M. and Stewart, S. (2011) Evaluation of SCHWL Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: Phase 1 Case Study Briefing Notes. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., Clelland, D. , Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2011) Evaluation of Community Renewal's Area Focus Projects in Edinburgh. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Hirst, A. (2010) Investing in skills for local economic development. Series: Foresight Skills Independent Expert Views and Evidence, 3. East of England Development Agency.
Glass, A., Mackenzie, M. and McGregor, A. (2010) Evaluation of the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Workplace Services and Award Programme - A Theory of Change Approach Initial Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McTier, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2010) Factors Influencing Deprivation in North East England: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Delvaux, J., Rinne, S., Short, C. and McGregor, A. (2009) Multiple and complex needs initiative: programme evaluation report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2009) East of England Economic Participation Study: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Adams, E., Smart, D., McGregor, A. and Macdougall, L. (2008) Work experience in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Landsburgh, H., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2008) The work readiness of recruits from colleges and universities in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2008) Linking opportunity and need: maximising the regeneration benefits from physical investment. [Research Reports or Papers]
Landsburgh, H., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2008) Working for a healthier life. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Glass, A., Lefaucheux, M. and McGregor, A. (2008) East of England Participation Study. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2007) Sharing the Benefits of Growth: Linking Opportunity and Need in North East Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Macdougall, L., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2007) Creating Workplace Opportunities for Blind & Partially Sighted People. [Research Reports or Papers]
Quashie, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2007) Evaluation of RE:focus development partnership action 2. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Clelland, D. and Reid, J. (2006) Evaluation of Measurement Options for Those Aged 16-19 Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET). [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McGregor, A. , McTier, A., O'Sullivan, T. and Young, G. (2006) Affordable Housing and the Labour Market in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Tarling, R., Lefaucheux, M., Short, C., Rinne, S., McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Evans, M. and Simm, C. (2006) Evaluation of Multiple Provider Employment Zones. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2005) Scottish School Leavers and Their Understanding of the World of Work: Summary. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Tarling, R., Lefaucheux, M., Rinne, S., McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Tu, T. and Simm, C. (2003) Evaluation of Lone Parents and Partners Outreach Service. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Higgins, K., Macdougall, L. and Sutherland, V. (2003) Developing People - Regenerating Place: Achieving Greater Integration for local Area Regeneration. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Higgins, K. and McGregor, A. (2002) Delivering Work Based Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Tarling, R., Lefraucheux, M., Rowland, B., McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Tu, T., Simm, C., Shaw, H. and Engineer, R. (2002) Qualitative Evaluation of Employment Zones: A Study of Local Delivery Agents and Area Case Studies. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Lavery, A. and McGregor, A. (2001) The Role of the Private Sector in Social Inclusion Partnerships. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. (2001) Housing, competitiveness and economic inclusion. In: Main, B. (ed.) The Wider Issues of Housing. Series: Hume papers on public policy (8, no.). Edinburgh University Press, pp. 36-62. ISBN 0748616624
McGregor, A. , Glass, A. and Higgins, K. (2001) Business involvement in area economic regeneration. Journal of Community Work and Development,
McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Richmond, K., Ferguson, Z. and Higgins, K. (1999) Getting Employers Involved in Area Regeneration. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Fitzpatrick, I., Glass, A. and Richmond, K. (1998) Regeneration Areas and Barriers to Employment. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kintrea, K. , McGregor, A. , McConnachie, M. and Urquhart, A. (1996) Whitfield. In: Stewart, M. (ed.) Partnership in the Regeneration of Urban Scotland. Central Research Unit: Edinburgh, pp. 57-72. ISBN 9780114957599
McGregor, A. , Kintrea, K. , Fitzpatrick, I. and Urquhart, A. (1996) Westerhails. In: Stewart, M. (ed.) Partnership in the Regeneration of Urban Scotland. Central Research Unit: Edinburgh, pp. 17-38. ISBN 9780114957599
McGregor, A. , Kintrea, K. , Fitzpatrick, I. and Urquhart, A. (1995) Urquhart Interim Evaluation of the Wester Hailes Partnership. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2018) Influence of work-welfare cycling and labour market segmentation on employment histories of young long-term unemployed. Work, Employment and Society, 32(1), pp. 20-37. (doi: 10.1177/0950017017697857)
McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Learning the lessons of property-led regeneration: Maximising the employment legacy of major physical developments. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 6(1), pp. 66-78.
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2011) Integrating employment and skills: the role of community-based learning. Policy Studies, 32(1), pp. 73-90. (doi: 10.1080/01442872.2010.529322)
McGregor, A. , Glass, A. and Higgins, K. (2001) Business involvement in area economic regeneration. Journal of Community Work and Development,
McGregor, A. and Hirst, A. (2010) Investing in skills for local economic development. Series: Foresight Skills Independent Expert Views and Evidence, 3. East of England Development Agency.
Book Sections
McGregor, A. (2001) Housing, competitiveness and economic inclusion. In: Main, B. (ed.) The Wider Issues of Housing. Series: Hume papers on public policy (8, no.). Edinburgh University Press, pp. 36-62. ISBN 0748616624
Kintrea, K. , McGregor, A. , McConnachie, M. and Urquhart, A. (1996) Whitfield. In: Stewart, M. (ed.) Partnership in the Regeneration of Urban Scotland. Central Research Unit: Edinburgh, pp. 57-72. ISBN 9780114957599
McGregor, A. , Kintrea, K. , Fitzpatrick, I. and Urquhart, A. (1996) Westerhails. In: Stewart, M. (ed.) Partnership in the Regeneration of Urban Scotland. Central Research Unit: Edinburgh, pp. 17-38. ISBN 9780114957599
Research Reports or Papers
McGregor, A. (2019) Brexit and Fulfilling Work: Responding to Threats and Exploiting Opportunities. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. (2018) Scotland's Future Skills Needs: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Christie, L., Gibb, K. , McGregor, A. and McTier, A. (2017) Economic Regeneration in Scotland. Past Lessons; Current Practice; Future Challenges. [Research Reports or Papers]
Waite, D. , McGregor, A. and McNulty, D. (2017) Inclusive Growth and City Deals. [Research Reports or Papers]
Waite, D. , McGregor, A. and McNulty, D. (2017) Issue Paper on City Deals and Inclusive Growth. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Macdougall, L., McGregor, A. , Hirst, A. and Rinne, S. (2016) Mapping the Employability Landscape for People with Learning Disabilities in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , McTier, A. and Sutherland, V. (2016) Education and Skills Support Structures: Comparative Perspective. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2016) Supporting Young People in the NEET Group Into Modern Apprenticeships. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sutherland, V., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2015) Evaluation of Employability Pipelines Across Scotland: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2015) Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Phase 3 and Phase 4 Care Leaver and Young People with Convictions Pilots: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Analysis of the Impact and Value of Community Benefit Clauses in Procurement. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McGregor, A. and Kromydas, T. (2015) Investors in Young People Research to Support Roll Out of Year 2: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., McGregor, A. and Kromydas, T. (2015) Review of Investing in Volunteers Scotland: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., McTier, A., Kromydas, T. and McGregor, A. (2015) Analysis of the Impact and Value of Investors in People: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Hirst, A., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Strategic Expansion of Modern Apprenticeships. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. , Kromydas, T. , Macdougall, L. and McTier, A. (2015) Equalities in Scotland’s Growth Economic Sectors: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Review of Regional Skills Assessments: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sutherland, V., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2015) Skills Assessment for Business Services: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2014) Main ESF Achievements: 2007-2013: ESF Expert Evaluation Network Final Synthesis Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2014) Fife Workforce Modelling Study: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2013) Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Phase 2 (2012-2013). [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2013) Final Synthesis Report on Women and Young People: ESF Expert Evaluation Network. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2013) North East LEP Skills Action Plan Evidence Base: Final report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2013) Supporting Young People with Disabilities and Additional Support Needs. The Coalyard: A Case Study. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2013) Evaluation of Certificate of Work Readiness Pilot Programme. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Clelland, D. , Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2013) Evaluation of Social Enterprise and Third Sector Challenge Fund. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. and Macdougall, L. (2013) PACE: Evaluation of PACE Intervention for Vion Hall’s Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2012) Final Synthesis Report on Social Inclusion: ESF Expert Evaluation Network. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. and Sutherland, V. (2012) Final Synthesis Report on Access to Employment: ESF Expert Evaluation Network. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Macdougall, L., Quashie, A., Sutherland, V. and McGregor, A. (2012) Evaluation of the Scottish Center for Healthy Working Lives Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: Phase 2 Case Study Briefing Note. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Macdougall, L., Quashie, A., Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. , Mackenzie, M., Beaumont, P., Fischbacher-Smith, M. and Stewart, S. (2012) Evaluation of the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Assessment of the Coalyard as a Social Enterprise: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Evaluation of the Coalyard Employability Project: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2012) Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Programme. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2012) Coalyard Employability Project Social Return on Investment: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2011) Evaluation of the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: E-Survey Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Sutherland, V., McGregor, A. , Clelland, D. and Quashie, A. (2011) Evaluation of the SCHWL Support to Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme Telephone Survey Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2011) Evaluation of the Personal Best (Scotland) Pilot Programme in Glasgow. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., Macdougall, L., Quashie, A., Glass, A., McGregor, A. , Beaumont, P., Fischbacher-Smith, M. and Stewart, S. (2011) Evaluation of SCHWL Services to Support Employers and Healthy Working Lives Award Programme: Phase 1 Case Study Briefing Notes. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., Clelland, D. , Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2011) Evaluation of Community Renewal's Area Focus Projects in Edinburgh. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Mackenzie, M. and McGregor, A. (2010) Evaluation of the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Workplace Services and Award Programme - A Theory of Change Approach Initial Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, V., McTier, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2010) Factors Influencing Deprivation in North East England: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Delvaux, J., Rinne, S., Short, C. and McGregor, A. (2009) Multiple and complex needs initiative: programme evaluation report. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2009) East of England Economic Participation Study: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Adams, E., Smart, D., McGregor, A. and Macdougall, L. (2008) Work experience in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Landsburgh, H., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2008) The work readiness of recruits from colleges and universities in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McTier, A. and McGregor, A. (2008) Linking opportunity and need: maximising the regeneration benefits from physical investment. [Research Reports or Papers]
Landsburgh, H., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2008) Working for a healthier life. [Research Reports or Papers]
McTier, A., Glass, A., Lefaucheux, M. and McGregor, A. (2008) East of England Participation Study. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McTier, A., Clelland, D. and McGregor, A. (2007) Sharing the Benefits of Growth: Linking Opportunity and Need in North East Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Macdougall, L., Quashie, A. and McGregor, A. (2007) Creating Workplace Opportunities for Blind & Partially Sighted People. [Research Reports or Papers]
Quashie, A., Glass, A. and McGregor, A. (2007) Evaluation of RE:focus development partnership action 2. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Clelland, D. and Reid, J. (2006) Evaluation of Measurement Options for Those Aged 16-19 Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET). [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., McGregor, A. , McTier, A., O'Sullivan, T. and Young, G. (2006) Affordable Housing and the Labour Market in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Tarling, R., Lefaucheux, M., Short, C., Rinne, S., McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Evans, M. and Simm, C. (2006) Evaluation of Multiple Provider Employment Zones. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Macdougall, L. and McGregor, A. (2005) Scottish School Leavers and Their Understanding of the World of Work: Summary. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Tarling, R., Lefaucheux, M., Rinne, S., McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Tu, T. and Simm, C. (2003) Evaluation of Lone Parents and Partners Outreach Service. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Higgins, K., Macdougall, L. and Sutherland, V. (2003) Developing People - Regenerating Place: Achieving Greater Integration for local Area Regeneration. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Higgins, K. and McGregor, A. (2002) Delivering Work Based Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hirst, A., Tarling, R., Lefraucheux, M., Rowland, B., McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Tu, T., Simm, C., Shaw, H. and Engineer, R. (2002) Qualitative Evaluation of Employment Zones: A Study of Local Delivery Agents and Area Case Studies. [Research Reports or Papers]
Glass, A., Lavery, A. and McGregor, A. (2001) The Role of the Private Sector in Social Inclusion Partnerships. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Glass, A., Richmond, K., Ferguson, Z. and Higgins, K. (1999) Getting Employers Involved in Area Regeneration. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Fitzpatrick, I., Glass, A. and Richmond, K. (1998) Regeneration Areas and Barriers to Employment. [Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. , Kintrea, K. , Fitzpatrick, I. and Urquhart, A. (1995) Urquhart Interim Evaluation of the Wester Hailes Partnership. [Research Reports or Papers]
Since January 2018:
- Tay Cities Skills investment Plan (Skills development Scotland - £18,750)
- Visitor Economy Skills Action Plan (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority - £5,700)
- Gender and Modern Apprenticeships (Skills Development Scotland - £4,100)
- Gender Pay Gap Action Plan (Scottish Government - £7,950)
- Scotland’s Future Skills Needs (Scottish Government - £7,700)
- Glasgow City Region Skills Investment plan (Skills Development Scotland - £12,700)
- Implications of No Deal BREXIT (Skills Development Scotland - £4,200)
- Trends Analysis for Just Transitions Commission (Scottish Government - £7,000)
Professor Alan McGregor delivers CPD courses on Local Economic Development and Inclusive Growth to employees of public, private and third sector organisations.
Additional information
- Employability Specialist Advisor to Scottish Government
- Vice Chair of North Ayrshire Economic Development + Regeneration Board