Number of items: 45.
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Tsoukas, S. , Dudau, A. and Gaska, P.
Beyond declarations: metrics, journal rankings and responsible assessment.
Research Policy, 53(10),
(doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2024.105093)
Petrescu, M., Gironda, J.T., Krishen, A.S., Dudau, A. , Ferguson, J.R., Stewart, S.A., Kitchen, P. and Fine, M.
Students as value co-creators in the business education ecosystem.
Journal of Marketing Education,
(doi: 10.1177/02734753241267762)
(Early Online Publication)
Drennan, L. T., Dudau, A. , McConnell, A. and Stark, A.
Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector.
ISBN 9781032434759
Febrianto, A., Dudau, A. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Exploring the Phenomena of Sociomateriality in the Context of Digital Transformation in the Public Sector.
EURAM 2024, Bath, 24-27 June 2024.
Lebec, L. and Dudau, A.
From the inside looking out: towards an ecosystem paradigm of third sector organizational
performance measurement.
Public Management Review, 26(7),
pp. 1988-2013.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2238724)
Rodrigues, A., Dudau, A. , Kominis, G. and Favotto, A.
Framing risk management within management control systems.
In: Rana, Tarek and Parker, Lee (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Public Sector Accounting.
Routledge, pp. 189-201.
ISBN 9781003295945
(doi: 10.4324/9781003295945-18)
Dudau, A. , Stirbu, D., Petrescu, M. and Bocioaga, A.
Enabling PSL and value co-creation through public engagement: a study of municipal service regeneration.
Public Management Review,
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2203148)
(Early Online Publication)
Dudau, A. , Masou, R., Murdock, A. and Hunter, P.
Public service resilience post-Covid: introduction to the special issue.
Public Management Review, 25(4),
pp. 681-689.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2219690)
Dudau, A. and Brunetto, Y.
Editorial: Walking the talk of managing emotional labour.
Public Money and Management,
(doi: 10.1080/09540962.2022.2073080)
(Early Online Publication)
Kominis, G. , Dudau, A. , Favotto, A. and Gunn, D.
Risk governance through public sector interactive control systems: the intricacies of turning immeasurable uncertainties into manageable risks.
Public Money and Management, 42(6),
pp. 379-387.
(doi: 10.1080/09540962.2021.1965729)
Elliott, I. C., Robson, I. and Dudau, A.
Building student engagement through co-production and curriculum co-design in public administration programmes.
Teaching Public Administration, 39(3),
pp. 318-336.
(doi: 10.1177/0144739420968862)
Dudau, A.I. , Kominis, G. and Brunetto, Y.
Red tape and psychological capital: a counterbalancing act for professionals in street-level bureaucracies.
Journal of Professions and Organization, 7(3),
pp. 334-350.
(doi: 10.1093/jpo/joaa024)
Dudau, A. , Favotto, A. , Kominis, G. and Sicilia, M.
Building trust in public sector networks: the role of rhetoric and persuasion.
Financial Accountability and Management, 36(2),
pp. 134-150.
(doi: 10.1111/faam.12229)
Corduneanu, R., Dudau, A. and Kominis, G.
Crowding-in or crowding-out: the contribution of self-determination theory to public service motivation.
Public Management Review, 22(7),
pp. 1070-1089.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2020.1740303)
Dudau, A. and Brunetto, Y.
Debate: managing emotional labour in the public sector.
Public Money and Management, 40(1),
pp. 11-13.
(doi: 10.1080/09540962.2019.1665912)
Patel, C., Hardy, R., Stirby, D. and Dudau, A.
Together with Tenants: Research and Evaluation of the Early Adopters Programme.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Trinchero, E., Kominis, G. , Dudau, A. and Corduneanu, R.
With a little help from my friends: the positive contribution of teamwork to safety behaviour in public hospitals.
Public Management Review, 22(1),
pp. 141-160.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2019.1638443)
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Dudau, A.
Of possums, hogs and horses: capturing duality of student engagement in eLearning.
Academy of Management Learning and Education, 18(4),
pp. 564-580.
(doi: 10.5465/amle.2018.0029)
Dudau, A. , Glennon, R. and Verschuere, B.
Following the yellow brick road? (Dis)enchantment with co-design, co-production and value co-creation in public services.
Public Management Review, 21(11),
pp. 1577-1594.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2019.1653604)
Dudau, A. I. and McAllister, L.
Failure in welfare partnerships – a gender hypothesis: reflections on a serendipity pattern in Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
Public Policy and Administration, 34(1),
pp. 84-103.
(doi: 10.1177/0952076717751037)
Stirbu, D. and Dudau, A.
Barriers to tenant engagement.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Okay-Somerville, B. , Dudau, A. , Favotto, A. , Du, M., McMaster, R. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Adam Smith Cared and We Should Too: Our Duty of Care for Student Wellbeing and Resilience.
Academy of Management, Teaching and Learning Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 10-14 Aug 2018.
Dudau, A. , Favotto, A. and Kominis, G.
Boundary-spanning leadership in hybrid networks: a case study of English local safeguarding children boards.
In: Bonomi Savignon, Andrea, Gnan, Luca, Hinna, Alessandro and Monteduro, Fabio (eds.)
Hybridity in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services.
Series: Studies in public and non-profit governance (7).
Emerald Publishing: Bingley, UK, pp. 243-260.
ISBN 9781787437708
(doi: 10.1108/S2051-663020180000007008)
Kominis, G. and Dudau, A.
Collective corruption - how to live with it: towards a projection theory of post-crisis corruption perpetuation.
European Management Journal, 36(2),
pp. 235-242.
(doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2017.12.001)
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Dudau, A.
Resilience as Entanglement of Action and Matter.
LAEMOS Conference 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-24 Mar 2018.
Dudau, A. , Kominis, G. and Szocs, M.
Innovation failure in the eye of the beholder: Towards a theory of innovation shaped by competing agendas within higher education.
Public Management Review, 20(2),
pp. 254-272.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2017.1302246)
Dudau, A. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. and McAllister, L.
The unsung heroes of welfare collaboration: complexities around individuals’ contribution to effective inter-agency working in LSCBs.
Public Management Review, 18(10),
pp. 1536-1558.
(doi: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1148190)
Georgiou, V., Russo, P. and Dudau, A.
Online Training for Scottish Public, Third and Voluntary Sector Organizations Serving Minority Ethnic Communities.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Kerr, J., Dudau, A. , Deeley, S. , Kominis, G. and Song, Y.
Audio-Visual Feedback: Student Attainment and Student and Staff Perceptions.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Karadzhov, D., Andres, P.K. and Dudau, A.
Reaching the Harder to Reach.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dendrinos, P., Fischbacher-Smith, M., Milner, M., MacVicar, A., McEwan, M. , Cheng, M., Pringle Barnes, G., Dudau, A. , Kerr, J. and Adekola, J.
Supporting GIC Students’ Transition to Year 2 on the MA Social Sciences: Acculturation Strategies, Social Media and Mentoring.
In: Eighth Annual Foundation Year Network Conference, Loughborough University, UK, 10-11 Jul 2014,
Szocs, M., Clement, E. and Dudau, A.
A Study of Users and Non-Users at HoS Community Centre.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dudau, A. and Kominis, G.
Trust and control in children's services.
In: Llewellyn, S., Brookes, S. and Mahon, A. (eds.)
Trust and Confidence in Government and Public Services.
Series: Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management.
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780415896191
Szocs, M., Clement, E. and Dudau, A.
Service Usage of Shopmobility Paisley.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Kominis, G. and Dudau, A.I.
Time for interactive control systems in the public sector? The case of the Every Child Matters policy change in England.
Management Accounting Research, 23(2),
pp. 142-155.
(doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2012.04.002)
Dudau, A.
Evaluation of the Find a Solution Project.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dudau, A. and McAllister, L.
Developing collaborative capabilities by fostering diversity in organizations: Evidence from a case study of Youth Offending Teams in Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
Public Management Review, 12(3),
pp. 385-402.
(doi: 10.1080/14719030903286623)
Dudau, A.
Managing uncertainty: Public administrators dealing with 'wicked' issues in public policy.
In: Bergmann, A. (ed.)
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswissenschaften 2010.
Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences: Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 71-80.
ISBN 9783905839135
Dudau, A.
Leadership in public sector partnerships: a case study of Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
Public Policy and Administration, 24(4),
pp. 399-415.
(doi: 10.1177/0952076709340714)
Dudau, A. and Rowe, M.
Quality assurance and safeguarding adults project report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dudau, A. and McAllister, L.
Old and New Encounters: The Impact of Managing Diversity on Services for Children and Young People in the UK.
In: 12th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM XII), Brisbane, Australia, 26 Mar 2008,
Dudau, A. and Anderson, L.
Evaluation of the National Leadership Academy pilot projects in 2007.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dudau, A.
An evaluation of the Welsh Football Trust's Mini Football Programme.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dudau, A.
Making sense of leadership in the voluntary and community sector: programme evaluation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dudau, A. and Popescu, A.
Strategy of reform acceleration in Galati devolved administration.
[Research Reports or Papers]
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 21:49:47 2025 GMT.