Dr Omer Edhan, University of Manchester

"Mentors and Recombinators: Multi-Dimensional Social Learning"
Tuesday, 04 March 2025. 16:00-17:30
Room 141B, Adam Smith Business School


We study games in which the set of strategies is multi-dimensional, and new agents might learn various strategic dimensions from different mentors. We introduce a new family of dynamics, the recombinator dynamics, which is characterised by a single parameter, the recombination rate $r\in[0,1]$. The case of $r=0$ coincides with the standard replicator dynamics. The opposite case of $r=1$ corresponds to a setup in which each new agent learns each new strategic dimension from a different mentor. We fully characterise stationary states and stable states under these dynamics, and we show that they predict novel and empirically-relevant behaviour in various applications.


My main research interest lies in evolutionary and learning dynamics and its applications in economics (and elsewhere).

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First published: 11 February 2025