Professor Eilon Solan, Tel Aviv University (TAU)

"Stopping Games with Termination Rates", Joint with Catherine Rainer
Wednesday, 30 October 2024. 13:00-14:00
Room 411, Boyd Orr Building


While two-player stopping games in continuous time admit an epsilon-equilibrium for every epsilon>0, as do three-player stopping games in discrete time, three-player stopping games in continuous time do not necessarily admit epsilon-equilibria when epsilon>0 is sufficiently small. In this project we explore why this happens, and we study stopping games where stopping is not instantaneous but rather nonatomic: if a player wants to stop at time t, the game terminates with probability of the order dt.


Eilon Solan is the Nathan and Lily Silver Chair in Stochastic Models at the School of Mathematical Sciences in Tel-Aviv University, Israel, and the director of the Good To Know project. He co-authored the textbook "Game Theory" and the graduate textbook "A Course in Stochastic Game Theory".

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First published: 14 October 2024