Econometrics Seminar Series. Identification, estimation, and inference for stochastic block models

Published: 16 February 2024

22 March. Professor Koen Jochmans, Toulouse School of Economics

Professor Koen Jochmans, Toulouse School of Economics

"Identification, estimation, and inference for stochastic block models"
Friday, 22 March 2024. 3 p.m.
Room 355 Gilbert Scott Building


Identification, estimation and interference for scholastic block from many social networks.


Koen Jochmans works on problems in econometrics, with a particular focus on issues related to panel data and network data. His research is supported by the European Research Council through an ERC Consolidator Grant; from 2017 to 2022 he was Principal Investigator of an ERC Starting Grant. Koen joined TSE in 2021. He has been a Research Fellow at CORE (2009-2011), was on the Faculty of Sciences Po Paris (2011-2017) and the University of Cambridge (2017-2021), and has held visiting positions at Brown University (2010) and the London School of Economics (2015). Koen currently serves as Associate Editor for Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Econometrics Journal and Journal of Applied Econometrics, having previously supported Journal of Econometrics in the same capacity.

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First published: 16 February 2024