Dr Giulia Giupponi, Bocconi University

"Company Wage Policy in a Low-Wage Labor Market"
Wednesday, 04 December 2024. 15:00-16:30


We study how firms set wages for their employees when they can legally age-discriminate across workers. We exploit an age-specific minimum wage change in the UK, which raised the minimum applying to workers aged 25 and over, leaving unchanged the minima for younger workers. Using matched employer-employee data on a low-paying sector, we show large, positive wage spillovers on workers aged under 25, which arise within firms from company wage policy. Pay equity norms offer the most plausible explanation for the emergence of spillovers. The effects that we document also operate in other low-paying sectors of the UK labor market.


Giulia Giupponi is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Bocconi University. She was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in 2019-2020. She earned a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2019. Her research interests lie in the areas of Labor and Public Economics, with a focus on the employment and welfare effects of social insurance and social security programs, and the impact of minimum wages on firm behavior and distributional outcomes.

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First published: 27 October 2024

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