Microtheory Seminar Series. Intergenerational democracy for sustainable resource allocation

Published: 17 August 2023

19 September. Dr Jung You, California State University.

Dr Jung You, California State University, East Bay

"Intergenerational democracy for sustainable resource allocation"
Tuesday, 19 September. 4 pm
Room 355. Main Building


In this article, I explore the impact of distinct institutional rules and varying voter compositions across generations on the conservation of resources, ensuring an ample provision for future generations. The inquiry unfolds along two main lines of questioning: (1) the extent to which a democratic decision-making system fosters sustainable resource allocations across successive generations, and (2) the influence of including representatives from future generations within the group decision-making framework on promoting sustainable resource distribution.

To address these inquiries, I devise online laboratory experiments aimed at unraveling potential intergenerational collaboration within overlapping age groups. The experimental findings unequivocally confirm the efficacy of a foundational voting condition in upholding the resource reservoir compared to scenarios devoid of regulations. Moreover, a noteworthy revelation appears as the coexistence of overlapping generations under unregulated circumstances manages to sustain the resource pool, with first phase decisions closely mirroring those under the baseline voting model.

To elucidate the experimental outcomes, I present a comprehensive theoretical model and proceed to estimate the behavioral parameters inherent in the conducted games. By using demographic data of the participants in the experiments, I employ regression analysis and simulations to further expound upon the experimental conclusions and derive policy implications.


Jung You serves as an Associate Professor at California State University, East Bay. She earned a PhD and MA in Economics, with a specialized emphasis on Mechanism Design, from Rice University in Houston, Texas, USA. Prior to her time at Rice University, she achieved an MA in Econometrics from Seoul National University, South Korea, alongside a BS in Statistics and a minor in Economics from the same institution.

Her scholarly pursuits encompass Market Design, Energy/Environmental Economics, Public Economics, and Experimental Economics. Among her contributions are works of significance, including the publication “Optimal VCG Mechanisms to Assign Multiple Bads" in Games and Economic Behavior, and the article "Incentive-Compatible Simple Mechanisms" in Economic Theory. Her passion for interdisciplinary exploration is evident in collaborative initiatives, exemplified by works like “Welfare Effects of Nonlinear Electricity Pricing,” published in the Energy Journal, and “Estimating the Economic Costs of Nuclear Power Plant Outages in a Regulated Market Using a Latent Factor Model,” published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Beyond her scholarly pursuits, Jung You actively contributes to the educational landscape. Her enthusiasm for innovative teaching methodologies is exemplified in her article titled "Synchronous or Asynchronous Course: Business Students’ Perspectives on an Optimized Modality of Online Teaching and Learning," published in the Journal of Marketing Education. Those who share her curiosity are encouraged to contact her at jung.you@csueastbay.edu.

For further information, please contact business-school-research@glasgow.ac.uk

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First published: 17 August 2023

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