Dr Tatiana Mayskaya, Higher School of Economics

"Does Reducing Communication Barriers Promote Diversity?"
Tuesday, 7 November. 4 pm
Room 355 Gilbert Scott Building


We study optimal diversity (in expertise) in hiring decisions. The key trade-off is that while hiring a more diverse team enlarges the team's pool of knowledge; it may also discourage communication between the hired experts. Equilibrium diversity balances this trade-off. We find that a gradual reduction in communication costs can lower diversity, but a big reduction in communication costs will eventually foster diversity.


Tatiana joined HSE in 2017 as an Assistant Professor after receiving her PhD in social science from California Institute of Technology. She holds a Master's degree in economics from New Economic School (class MAE 2012) and an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For further information, please contact business-school-research@glasgow.ac.uk

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First published: 11 August 2023

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