Applied Economics Seminar Series. Discrimination, Political Orientation, and Escape: University Professors in Fascist Italy

Published: 14 May 2023

17 May. Professor Sascha Becker, Monash University

Professor Sascha Becker, Monash University

“Discrimination, Political Orientation, and Escape: University Professors in Fascist Italy”
Wednesday, 17 May. 3 pm
Room 540 (Main Building)


We study the escape of academics of Jewish origin dismissed from their positions by the Mussolini government in 1938, when new Racial Laws were introduced, opening a new phase of increased persecution of Jews by restricting their rights and livelihoods. We use rich individual-level data on the universe of Jewish professors, revealing their family situation, their domestic and international academic recognition, as well as their political orientation. Jewish academics with children, with Jewish spouses, those whose parents are deceased, as well as young and internationally recognized scholars, are more likely to emigrate. Jewish academics who are either openly fascist or anti-fascist are less likely to emigrate. While the former may feel ``safe enough'' given their loyalty to the regime, the latter may want to oppose and fight the regime, as evidenced by several of them joining the resistance.


Professor Sascha O. Becker is Professor and Xiaokai Yang Chair of Business and Economics Monash University, Melbourne/Australia and a part-time Professor at the University of Warwick.

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First published: 14 May 2023

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