Marketing Seminar. Marketing research at the University of East Finland Business School

Published: 5 April 2023

26 April. Professor Tommi Laukkanen, University of East Finland

Professor Tommi Laukkanen, University of East Finland

"Marketing research at UEF Business School"
Wednesday, 26 April. 10:00 am
Room 709, Boyd Orr Building.


The presentation gives an overview of the research of the Marketing and Consumer Behavior research group of the University of Eastern Finland Business School. Two examples demonstrate the latest ongoing research in sensory marketing and virtual reality.
First, we contribute to the sensory marketing research by investigating if the sampling order influences the role of autotelic need for touch on product judgment. The earlier literature suggests that the low autotelics, unlike high autotelics, are sensitive to haptic cues in their product evaluations. We suggest that this result holds only in certain conditions. We demonstrate that the container quality affects product judgment only among low autotelics who sample a strong cue before a weak cue, but not if they sample in the reverse order.
Second, using an online experiment we examine the effect of time spent in a 360-virtual store on purchase intention across browsers and searchers. The study finds a significant negative linear effect for the full sample, but after splitting the sample into browsers and searchers, we see that the effect holds only for the searchers. A quadratic estimation shows that the negative effect eventually turns positive and that this turning point varies greatly between browsers and searchers. The comparison of the models suggests that time is better able to explain purchase intention among searchers than browsers.


Dr Tommi Laukkanen is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Eastern Finland Business School. He is also the Vice Dean (research) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. In addition, he holds an Adjunct Professorship of digital consumer behaviour and quantitative market research at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki. He received his PhD from the Lappeenranta University of Technology. His current research interests include marketing analytics, innovation adoption and resistance, consumer behaviour, ethical consumption, international marketing, and bank marketing. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed international scientific articles and is globally among the leading scholars in electronic banking. His works have appeared in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, Tourism Management, Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Bank Marketing, and others. He is an Associate Editor of the International Marketing Review and serves in editorial boards of the International Journal of Information Management, the International Journal of Bank Marketing, and the International Journal of Electronic Finance. He is an active member of the scientific community and has presented his research results globally in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

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First published: 5 April 2023

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