Dekaban-Liddle Fellowship Programme
About the foundation
The Glasgow-Warsaw Dekaban Liddle Foundation is a collaboration between the University of Glasgow, the University of Warsaw and the Piast Institute. The Foundation facilitates exchanges to enhance the quality of Polish science and education. Dr Anatole and Mrs Pamela Dekaban established the Foundation at the University of Glasgow in 1990. Since then, it has promoted the mutual exchange of expertise between Polish and British higher education institutions.
The fellowship offers Polish economists, broadly defined, the possibility to visit the University of Glasgow. The research visits allow them to gain a more comprehensive experience of economic theory and practice. And vice versa, Glasgow academics can as well visit Poland. Participation in the Foundation’s fellowship scheme is directed by but not limited to Glasgow and Warsaw and may include other British and Polish institutions.
Areas of interest to the Committee may include cognate social sciences and applied economics.
Application process
Who can apply?
You should be a full-time teacher or researcher in Economics, Finance, Management or cognate social sciences—broadly defined Applied Economics—including, but not limited to:
- Management
- Finance
- Accounting
- International Business & Enterprise
- Strategy and Decision Making
- Entrepreneurship
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing and Innovation Management.
Consideration will also be given to suitably qualified applicants from the government and businesses in Poland. Please, note that PhD students are not eligible to apply for the Fellowship.
At the end of their stay Fellows are required to submit a standardised report that will be reviewed by various stakeholders in Scotland, Poland and USA.
This report seeks to capture:
- the nature of your research
- how your time was spent
- with whom you collaborated
- and the value of the fellowship for your career, for your institution and for Poland in general.
Applications that identify clear deliverables aligned with the research aims of the Adam Smith Business School will be prioritised. Deliverables may include, for example:
- publication in a highly-ranked journal
- or attendance at a specific conference.
The Committee awards Junior and Senior Fellowships, and funding is expected to cover living expenses during your time in Glasgow.
Junior Fellowships are valued at a maximum of £12,100* for a five-month visit and are appropriate for early-career researchers.
Senior Fellowships are valued at a maximum of £2,860* for a one-month visit and are aimed at more established, senior academics.
You can divide your fellowship into multiple visits, but funds will be sent in advance of your first visit. Additionally, all Fellows will have a University of Glasgow IT account and full access to all Library resources. Offices are not offered; however, upon arrival, shared office space may be booked in the University Library for varying lengths of time.
Travel & accommodation
You will be responsible for making your own arrangements for travel and accommodation to/from Glasgow.
You will be responsible for booking your own accommodation. You may try to book accommodation through the University’s Accommodation Services, but please note that there is currently a shortage of short-term accommodation in Glasgow.
You will also be responsible for your own life, health and travel insurance, and any expenses related to your dependents (i.e. spouses, children) if they are accompanying you.
The University of Glasgow follows a strict Ethical Approval process if your research involves human participants, material or data. You must receive ethical approval before conducting such research at the University of Glasgow. More information can be found on the College of Social Sciences Ethics page. Please note that it may take up to six weeks for your ethics application to be processed.
Language skills
English is the language used in Scotland and the United Kingdom and is, naturally, the business language at the University of Glasgow. Therefore, strong English speaking and comprehension skills are required to communicate effectively with academic colleagues and the wider community during your research visit.
Collaborations outside Glasgow
Fellows are welcome to collaborate with academics outside the University of Glasgow and Scotland, but research projects with a significant tie to the Adam Smith Business School will be prioritised. Any planned visits or collaborations outside of Glasgow should be detailed in your application.
Likewise, you are encouraged to travel around Scotland during your visit, but research should be the primary focus of your time here.