Peking University of School of Economics MOU signing

The Adam Smith Business School has formed a new partnership with Peking University School of Economics.

A Smith Around the World lecture on the ‘History of Economic Thought’ in commemoration of Adam Smith’s tercentenary was one of the first events to take place as part of this new partnership.

The event featured contributions from Professor Xuezheng Qin, Vice Dean of the School of Economics, Zhijie Yan, former Dean of the School of Economics, and Professor John Finch, Head of the Adam Smith Business School.  Other contributors included Dean of Zhejiang University City College, Weidong Luo; Professor of School of Social Sciences Denggao Long from Tsinghua University, and Professor Liqun Du, from Peking University School of Economics.

Leading researchers and scholars, and more than 30 University alumni joined the symposium which also saw the Memorandum of Understanding between the two schools signed.

The schools will collaborate on research into macroeconomics, international trade and economic development, international research symposia, and student exchanges. 

Head of the Adam Smith Business School, Professor John Finch said: “It was an absolute delight to visit Peking University in March, meet with colleagues and students, and to join in with the symposium on Adam Smith and the History of Economic Thought, which we had planned with Peking University’s School of Economics in recognition of colleagues’ expertise at Peking University, and our School’s contribution to the current Smith Around the World programme.  I am looking forward to supporting the relationship between our two schools, and deepening and strengthening our ties with Peking University.” 

The Adam Smith Business School  is continually exploring and develop global partnerships of high quality to achieve our academic missions across research, learning and teaching, and knowledge exchange, and to deepen and strengthen our presence internationally.  

Peking University’s School of Economics is prestigious on the global stage and renowned for its world-class learning and teaching, research, and talent cultivation.

Among its recent alumni is China's former-Premier Keqiang Li.

Adam Smith Business School and Peking University School of Economics have strong mutual interests in collaborating to advance research activities, outputs and impacts, and to facilitate exchanges among our students.

This partnership, as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding, signals both Schools’ commitments in deepening and strengthening collaborations.

First published: 20 April 2023

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