Making the best use of Library Resources: Putting the ‘E’ into Learning

Presenter: Ms Lynn Irvine

Would you like to know how you can make the best use of the many library resources available to Adam Smith Business School staff and students? Did you know that the Library has a budget specifically to buy resources for Adam Smith Business School, and that you can ask the library to purchase resources that you would like to use for your teaching and scholarship? Would you like to get some support with using reading lists (and adding them to Moodle) or with using Ebooks and journals in your teaching? Are you mystified by the online databases and hoping for a helping hand to get started?

This session is aimed at any member of staff in Adam Smith Business School who teaches face-to-face, blended and online courses and would like to find out about available resources. Our specialist librarian will run this session, and there will be plenty of time for questions.

SlidesLT Seminar 31st Jan 2019.pptx