Round table session: Assessing the process of group work

Presenters: Dr Sarah Honeychurch, Dr Steve Draper, Prof Greg StonerProf Denis Fischbacher-Smith

Working in groups can provide valuable learning opportunities for students, and this is recognized by the recent University of Glasgow group work policy, which states that:

“we believe that all students should have an equal opportunity to participate in, and learn from, the opportunities that group working can provide”

This round-table session will look at the fundamental principles for setting and assessing group work and discuss them together. In particular we will consider:

  • What are we assessing when we assess group work?
  • How should we assess this?
  • How do we ensure that assessment is fair?

We have invited a panel of experienced educators from Adam Smith Business School and the wider University community to come along and be a part of this discussion. Participants are encouraged to come along with examples of group work from their own teaching and to share them with the group.

SlidesLT Seminar 14th Feb 2019.pptx