Round table session: Assessing the process of group work
Presenters: Dr Sarah Honeychurch, Dr Steve Draper, Prof Greg Stoner, Prof Denis Fischbacher-Smith
Working in groups can provide valuable learning opportunities for students, and this is recognized by the recent University of Glasgow group work policy, which states that:
“we believe that all students should have an equal opportunity to participate in, and learn from, the opportunities that group working can provide”
This round-table session will look at the fundamental principles for setting and assessing group work and discuss them together. In particular we will consider:
- What are we assessing when we assess group work?
- How should we assess this?
- How do we ensure that assessment is fair?
We have invited a panel of experienced educators from Adam Smith Business School and the wider University community to come along and be a part of this discussion. Participants are encouraged to come along with examples of group work from their own teaching and to share them with the group.
Slides: LT Seminar 14th Feb 2019.pptx