A woman looks above and behind the camera in a photo before a navy blue background

Name: Anne Patricia Agbo

Home country: Nigeria

"With a background in Law and several years of consulting work in the private corporate sector in Nigeria, I wanted to broaden the scope of understanding of corporate governance so the choice of the course of study was a choice in the direction. I am very passionate about providing the right support to boards of directors to ensure that they are effective and deliver on their mandate to the company and all stakeholders. My other interests are travelling and meeting people from different cultures."

Why did you choose the Adam Smith Business School? 

 For it's rich history and the credibility of the business school. It was a very easy choice. 

What did you enjoy the most about your programme? How has your degree helped you in your career?  

The learning resources that were at my disposal during the period of study. The degree has opened me up to wide scope of global corporate governance issues especially matters bordering on ethics and shareholder rights. 

What have you been up to since graduating from the Business School? 

I went back to my former employer, DCSL Corporate Services Ltd and have worked with the organisation up until now. 

What was the most important thing you learnt while studying at Glasgow? 

The world is indeed a global village! 

What is your top piece of advice for current students – our future alumni? 

Study, eat right, sleep well and be kind to everyone. 

Tell us about your fondest memory at the Business School. 

The Christmas season and the way ground floor of the Bute Hall was beautifully lit up! It was a favourite spot for pictures for students and tourist alike.


First published: 12 June 2024