The Educational Memorial Programme (EMP)
Please take time to consider donating to the Glasgow EMP. It is an immensely worthwhile programme, investing in and supporting the veterinary surgeons of the future.
The University of Glasgow School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (SBOHVM) is dedicated to producing highly skilled, experienced and compassionate veterinary surgeons and nurses.
Donating your pet’s body to the Glasgow EMP supports the training of future vets and helps further the knowledge of diseases affecting our animal friends. In human medicine, people donate their bodies to science after their death. This altruistic and invaluable act supports the training of healthcare professionals and study of human disease. Similarly pet body donations to veterinary schools are highly valued; their contribution to animal healthcare is infinite and can be used for:
- Anatomical examination – teaching veterinary students about the structure and function of animal bodies,
- Pathology training – tuition on the mechanisms behind diseases and the changes caused to the body,
- Advancing animal healthcare – information gathered during postmortem examinations may be included in approved research studies by clinicians at the SBOHVM which aim to improve our knowledge of disease affecting our pets.
The staff and students of the SBOHVM recognise and understand that each donation is a unique and irreplaceable gift; every animal is treated with dignity and respect.
How the Educational Memorial Programme works
How to proceed
If you decide to donate your pet’s body to the Glasgow EMP you will be asked to read, complete and sign a consent form. Your veterinary surgeon will provide you with one. You are advised to take time to review the information before signing.
What happens when the time comes to donate my pet’s body?
When it is time to say farewell to your pet, your veterinary surgeon will euthanase your pet as normal. You will be asked to complete and sign the Glasgow EMP consent form. Your vet will then contact the veterinary school and a SBOHVM staff member will collect your pet’s body and deliver it to the veterinary school. If your pet dies at home and you want to donate to the EMP, please contact your veterinary surgeon for advice. Your vet may ask permission to transfer your pet’s health history to/within the SBOHVM in order to enhance the learning experience of the students. All information will be anonymised.
What happens afterwards?
Once the postmortem and teaching on your pet is complete your pet will be cremated. Your pet’s ashes can be returned if you specifically request and pay for this service at your Veterinary Practice. As this is an educational service, unfortunately, we are unable to provide any resulting postmortem information.
In Memoriam
The staff and students are profoundly appreciative of this precious gift and invite you to donate a picture of your cherished pet to the Glasgow EMP memorial book.
Speak to us
- Telephone: 0141 330 7768
- Email: vet-emp@glasgow.ac.uk