Order - Cetacea
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Theria
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Cetacea
Name derivation: “sea monster”
Suborder: Mysticeti (baleen whales)
- Family: Balaenidae (4 species - bowhead and right whales)
- Family: Balaenopteridae (9 species - rorqual whales)
- Family: Eschrichtiidae (1 species - grey whale)
- Family: Neobalaenidae (1 species - pygmy right whale)
Suborder: Odontoceti (toothed whales)
- Family: Delphinidae (40 species - dolphins, pilot whales, killer whales)
- Family: Hyperoodontidae (24 species - beaked whales)
- Family: Iniidae (1 species - Amazon river dolphin)
- Family: Kogiidae (2 species - small sperm whale)
- Family: Lipotidae (1 species - Chinese river dolphin) EXTINCT?
- Family: Monodontidae (2 species - white whales)
- Family: Phocoenidae (7 species - porpoises)
- Family: Physeteridae (1 species - sperm whale)
- Family: Platanistidae (2 species - South Asian river dolphins)
- Family: Pontoporiidae (1 species - La Plata dolphin)
Genus Count: 40
Species Count: 96
Notes: Based on Catalogue of Life as of March 2025. Recognised as being part of the Artiodactyla but kept as a separate order by the Catalogue of Life for historical reasons.