Dr Philippa Yam

  • Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Biosciences (Veterinary Science & Education )

telephone: 01413308215
email: Philippa.Yam@glasgow.ac.uk

Garscube Estate, McCall Building, Bearsden Road, G61 1qh

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0632-0884


I am currently Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Science and Education at the School of Veterinary Medicine in Glasgow. I graduated from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh in 1992 having also intercalated with BSc Vet Sci Hons. I moved across to Glasgow and after an Internship at the School of Veterinary Medicine, where I gained a Certificate in Small Animal Medicine (RCVS) and a Certificate in Small Animal Nutrition (City and Guilds), I undertook a PhD in the Medical Faculty. I started my Lectureship here at Glasgow in 1998 and for many years was a clinician in the Small Animal Hospital specialising in small animal gastroenterology and internal medicine.

My job has evolved over the years and now as Senior Lecturer I have many roles as both an academic and research scientist. I am passionate about the health and welfare of our student population and sit on committees to optimise policy and practice in relation to this, I teach to various year groups, carry out research as well as undertaking various administrative duties.

Current position and roles:

Chief Adviser of Studies

EMS (extra mural Studies) Co-ordinator

Accreditation Team Champion

Chair of Hardship Fund

I sit on many other committees including Admissions, Progress, Programme Board and Staff Student Liaison committee.

Research interests

My research interests are in small animal nutrition, obesity and physical activity and I have published extensively in these areas (see below). I am particularly interested in pathogenesis of obesity and novel methodology for educating key stakeholders in tackling the small animal obesity epidemic. I recently produced a short film entitled ‘Fat Dog Slim’ available to view at https://youtu.be/Ta2k9voS2po.   I enjoy interdisciplinary research and always keen to collaborate so feel free to contact me to discuss research proposals and ideas.

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1993
Number of items: 79.


Lumbis, R. , Fontaine, S. , Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2024) The Nutrition-Related Experience of Foundation Phase Student Veterinary Professionals. 49th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress (WSAVA 2024), Suzhou, China, 3-5 Sept 2024. (Unpublished)

Lumbis, R. , Fontaine, S. , Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2024) Perceptions of Foundation Phase Student Veterinary Professionals Regarding Nutrition Information Sources and Unconventional Diet Choice. 49th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress (WSAVA 2024), Suzhou, China, 3-5 Sept 2024. (Unpublished)

Lumbis, R. , Fontaine, S. , Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2024) An Exploration of the Current Education, Information Sources, Knowledge, Competence, and Attitudes About Small Animal Nutrition Among Foundation Phase Student Veterinary Professionals. VetEd Symposium 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 3-5 July 2024. (Unpublished)


Empert-Gallegos, A., Hill, S. and Yam, P. (2020) Insights into dog owner perspectives on risks, benefits, and nutritional value of raw diets compared to commercial cooked diets. PeerJ, 8, e10383. (doi: 10.7717/peerj.10383)


Androutsou, E., Rosenbaum, S., Murray, M. and Yam, P. S. (2019) Fat Dog Slim: Impact of a Social Marketing Video on the Behaviour of Pet Owners Regarding Obesity in the Dog. BSAVA Congress 2019, Birmingham, UK, 4-7 Apr 2019.


Root, A. L., Parkin, T. D. , Hutchison, P., Warnes, C. and Yam, P. S. (2018) Canine pseudopregnancy: an evaluation of prevalence and current treatment protocols in the UK. BMC Veterinary Research, 14, 170. (doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1493-1) (PMID:29793494) (PMCID:PMC5968611)


Yam, P. S. , Naughton, G., Butowski, C. F. and Root, A. L. (2017) Inaccurate assessment of canine body condition score, bodyweight, and pet food labels: a potential cause of inaccurate feeding. Veterinary Sciences, 4(2), 30. (doi: 10.3390/vetsci4020030) (PMID:29056689) (PMCID:PMC5606605)

Root, A., Warmes, C. E., Hutchison, P. J., Parkin, T. and Yam, P. S. (2017) Canine Pseudopregnancy: an Evaluation of Prevalence and Current Treatment Protocols. INSPIRE Research Forum and the Governors and Mitchell of Cranstonhill, Glasgow, UK, 22 Feb 2017.

Root, A., Warnes, C. E., Hutchison, P. J., Parkin, T. and Yam, P. S. (2017) Canine Pseudopregnancy: An Evaluation of Incidence, Diagnosis and Current Treatment Protocols. BSAVA Congress 2017, Birmingham, UK, 06-09 Apr 2017.

Yam, P. , Naughton, G., Butowski, C. F. and Root, A. L. (2017) Inaccurate Assessment of Canine Body Condition Score, Bodyweight and Pet Food Labels: A Cause for Concern. BSAVA Congress 2017, Birmingham, UK, 06-09 Apr 2017.


Helm, J., McBrearty, A., Fontaine, S. , Morrison, R. and Yam, P. (2016) Use of accelerometry to investigate physical activity in dogs receiving chemotherapy. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 57(11), pp. 600-609. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12587) (PMID:27709617)

Yam, P.S. , Butowski, C.F., Chitty, J.L., Naughton, G., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Parkin, T. and Reid, J. (2016) Impact of canine overweight and obesity on health-related quality of life. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 127, pp. 64-69. (doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.03.013) (PMID:27094142)

Warnes, C. E., Hutchison, P. J., Parkin, T. and Yam, P. S. (2016) Pilot Study Into the Incidence and Treatment of Pseudopregnancy in Entire and Spayed Bitches. British Veterinary Behaviour Association, Birmingham, UK, 2016.


Morrison, R., Sutton, D. G. M. , Ramsoy, C., Hunter-Blair, N., Carnwath, J., Horsfield, E. and Yam, P. S. (2015) Validity and practical utility of accelerometry for the measurement of in-hand physical activity in horses. BMC Veterinary Research, 11, 233. (doi: 10.1186/s12917-015-0550-2) (PMID:26362544) (PMCID:PMC4566433)


Morrison, R., Reilly, J.J.,, Penpraze, V., Pendlebury, E. and Yam, P.S. (2014) A 6-month observational study of changes in objectively measured physical activity during weight loss in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 55(11), pp. 566-570. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12273)

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Greening, R., Underwood, T., Reilly, J. J. and Yam, P. S. (2014) Correlates of objectively measured physical activity in dogs. Veterinary Journal, 199(2), pp. 263-267. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.11.023)

Chitty, J., Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, L., Parkin, T. , Pendlebury, E. and Yam, P. (2014) Impact of Canine Overweight on Health-Related Quality of Life. British Small Animal Veterinary Association Annual Congress, Birmingham, UK, 03-06 April 2014.


Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Beber, A., Reilly, J.J. and Yam, P.S. (2013) Associations between obesity and physical activity in dogs: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 54(11), pp. 570-574. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12142)

Morrison, R. et al. (2013) Children, parents and pets exercising together (CPET): exploratory randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 13(1096), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-1096)

Morrison, R., Reilly, J.J., Penpraze, V., Pendlebury, E. and Yam, P.S. (2013) Physical Activity in Pet Dogs Undergoing a Calorie Controlled Weight Loss Programme. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Annual Congress 2013, Birmingham, UK, 04-07 Apr 2013.

Morrison, R., Reilly, J. J., Penpraze, V., Westgarth, C., Ward, D. S., Mutrie, N., Hutchison, P., Young, D. and Yam, P. S. (2013) Children, Parents and Pets Exercising Together (CPET): an Exploratory Randomised Controlled Trial. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium, 22-25 May 2013.


Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Pendlebury, E., Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2012) An investigation into the epidemiology of feline obesity in Great Britain: results of a cross-sectional study of 47 companion animal practises. Veterinary Record, 171(22), p. 560. (doi: 10.1136/vr.100953)

Yam, P. , Holmes, P., Murray, M. and Jarrett, O.S. (Eds.) (2012) Glasgow Veterinary School, 1862-2012. School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9781899845194

Courcier, E.J., Mellor, D.J. , Pendlebury, E., Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2012) Preliminary investigation to establish prevalence and risk factors for being overweight in pet rabbits in Great Britain. Veterinary Record, 171(8), p. 197. (doi: 10.1136/vr.100792)

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Pendlebury, E., Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2012) Exploring the Epidemiology of Canine and Feline Overweight/Obesity in the United Kingdom Using a National Database of Veterinary Practices. 13th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), Maastricht, Netherlands, 20-24 Aug 2012.

Greening, R., Underwood, T., Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2012) The Objective Assessment of Physical Activity Levels in Labrador Retrievers using Accelerometry. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2012, Birmingham, UK, 12-15 Apr 2012.

McAulay, K. and Yam, P. (2012) Celebrating a tradition of innovation. Veterinary Record, 170(26), pp. 664-666. (doi: 10.1136/vr.e4356)

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Beber, A., Reilly, J.J. and Yam, P.S. (2012) A Comparison of Objectively Measured Sedentary and Physical Activity Levels of Obese and Overweight Dogs with Ideal Weight Dogs. Vet 150 New Horizons Research Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 05-07 Oct 2012.

Sutton, D., Ramsoy, C., Carnwath, J., Morrison, R. and Yam, P.S. (2012) Validation of the use of Accelerometry for Habitual Physical Activity in Horses. Vet 150 New Horizons Research Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 05-07 Oct 2012.

Yam, P.S. , Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Westgarth, C., Ward, D.S., Mutrie, N., Hutchison, P., Young, D. and Reilly, J.J. (2012) Children, parents, and pets exercising together (CPET) randomised controlled trial: study rationale, design, and methods. BMC Public Health, 12, p. 208. (doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-208)


Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Thomson, R.M. and Yam, P.S. (2011) A cross sectional study of the prevalence and risk factors for owner misperception of canine body shape in first opinion practice in Glasgow. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 102(1), pp. 66-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2011.06.010)

Yam, P.S. , Penpraze, V., Young, D., Todd, M.S., Cloney, A.D., Houston-Callaghan, K.A. and Reilly, J.J. (2011) Validity, practical utility and reliability of Actigraph accelerometry for the measurement of habitual physical activity in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 52(2), pp. 86-91. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2010.01025.x)

Beber, A., Penpraze, V., Reilly, J.J., Young, D. and Yam, P.S. (2011) Factors Affecting Activity Levels in Free-Living Dogs: an Assessment Using Accelerometry. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2011, Birmingham, UK, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2011.

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D. , Tompson, R. and Yam, P.S. (2011) A Comparison of Methods for Risk Factor Investigation in Canine and Feline Obesity. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2011, Birmingham, UK, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2011.

Courcier, E.A., Pendlebury, E., Mellor, D. , Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2011) Prevalence Estimates for Companion Animal Obesity in UK. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2011, Birmingham, UK, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2011.

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Beber, A., Reilly, J.J. and Yam, P.S. (2011) A Pair-Matched Comparison of Objectively Measured Sedentary and Physical Activity Levels of Obese/Overweight Dogs With Normal Weight Dogs. 2nd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Glasgow, UK, 24-27 May 2017.


Courcier, E.A., O'Higgins, R., Mellor, D.J. and Yam, P.S. (2010) Prevalence and risk factors for feline obesity in a first opinion practice in Glasgow, Scotland. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 12(10), pp. 746-753. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfms.2010.05.011)

Courcier, E.A., Thomson, R.M., Mellor, D.J. and Yam, P. (2010) An epidemiological study of environmental factors associated with canine obesity. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(7), pp. 362-367. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2010.00933.x)

Courcier, E., Mellor, D. , Thomson, R. and Yam, P.S. (2010) The Usefulness of Classification Trees in Identifying Risk Factors in Canine Obesity. AVTRW Irish Region, Newry, Northern Ireland, 2010.

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Thomson, R.M. and Yam, P.S. (2010) The Usefulness of Classification Trees in Risk Factor Identification in Canine Obesity. 44th AVTR Scientific Session, Newry, Northern Ireland, 1 Oct 2010.

Courcier, E.A., Yam, P.S. , Taylor, D.J., Gault, E.A., Knottenbelt, C.M. and Mellor, D.J. (2010) Feeding of Raw Meat Diets to Dogs: Principles and Practice in the UK. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Dykes, C., Courcier, E., Mellor, D. and Yam, P.S. (2010) Are Dog Owners Able to Accurately Read a Pet Food Label? British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Silva, S., Wyse, C.A., Goodfellow, M.R., Yam, P.S. , Preston, T. , Papasouliotis, K. and Hall, E.J. (2010) Assessment of liver function in dogs using the 13C-galactose breath test. Veterinary Journal, 185(2), pp. 152-156. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2009.05.022)

Todd, M.S., Cloney, A.D., Reilly, J.J., Penpraze, V., Young, D. and Yam, P.S. (2010) Obese Dogs: Too Little Exercise? British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Yam, P.S. and Burr, P.D. (2010) Detection of Leptospira Antibodies in Dogs by Immunofluorescence. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.


Courcier, E., Mellor, D. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Canine Obesity: Do Owners See What You See? British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2009, Birmingham, UK, 02-05 Apr 2009.

Courcier, E., Thomson, R., O'Higgins, R., Mellor, D. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Misperceptions of Pet Body Shape: do Cat and Dog Owners Differ? 13th European Society for Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition (ESVCN) Congress, Sardinia, Italy, 15-17 Oct 2009.

Courcier, E., Yam, P.S. , Thomson, R. and Mellor, D. (2009) The Importance of Owner Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors in Canine Obesity. European College of Veterinary Public Health AGM and Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 08-09 Oct 2009.

Courcier, E., Yam, P.S. , Thomson, R.M. and Mellor, D.J. (2009) Owner Misperception of Canine Body Shape: an Important Determinant of Canine Obesity? 12th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Durban, South Africa, 10-14 Aug 2009.

O'Higgins, R., Courcier, E. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Owner Ability to Assess the Body Condition of their Feline Friends. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2009, Birmingham, UK, 02-05 Apr 2009.

Thomson, R., Courcier, E. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Canine Obesity: the Penny Drops. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2009, Birmingham, UK, 02-05 Apr 2009.


Thomson, R.M., Hammond, J.A., Ternent, H. and Yam, P.S. (2008) Feeding practices and the use of supplements for dogs kept by owners in different socioeconomic groups. Veterinary Record, 163(21), pp. 621-624. (doi: 10.1136/vr.163.21.621)

Courcier, E.A., Thomson, R.M. and Yam, P.S. (2008) Demographic Correlates for Nutrient Supplementation in 800 Dogs in Scotland. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2008, Birmingham, UK, 03-06 Apr 2008.

Denwood, M., Dale, V. H.M. and Yam, P. (2008) Development and evaluation of an online computer-aided learning (CAL) package to promote small-animal welfare. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 35(2), pp. 318-324. (doi: 10.3138/jvme.35.2.318)

Silva, S., Wyse, C.A., Goodfellow, M.R., Yam, P.S. , Preston, T., Papasouliotis, K. and Hall, E.J. (2008) Application of the 13C-Galactose Breath Test for Assessment of Canine Liver Function. 26th Annual ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, TX, USA, 04-07 Jun 2008.


King, A., Weinrauch, S., Doust, R., Hammond, G., Yam, P. and Sullivan, M. (2007) Comparison of ultrasonography, radiography and a single computed tomography slice for fluid identification within the feline tympanic bulla. Veterinary Journal, 173, pp. 638-644. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2006.02.003)

Marshall, W.G., Preston, T., Wyse, C.A. and Yam, P.S. (2007) Retention of acetaminophen in an in vitro model of solid-phase gastric emptying of animals. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 68, pp. 895-898.


Couraud, L., Jermyn, K., Yam, P.S. , Ramsey, I.K. and Philbey, A.W. (2006) Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, lymphocytic leiomyositis and atrophy of the muscularis externa in a dog. Veterinary Record, 159(3), pp. 86-87. (doi: 10.1136/vr.159.3.86)


Chalmers, A.F., Kirton, R., Wyse, C.A., Dickie, A., Cumming, D., Cooper, J.M., Preston, T. and Yam, P.S. (2005) Ultrasonographic assessment of the rate of solid-phase gastric emptying in dogs. Veterinary Record, 157(21), pp. 649-652. (doi: 10.1136/vr.157.21.649)

Wyse, C.A. et al. (2005) Effects of changes to the stable environment on the exhalation of ethane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen peroxide by horses with respiratory inflammation. Veterinary Record, 157(14), pp. 408-412. (doi: 10.1136/vr.157.14.408)


Wyse, C.A., Hammond, J., Arteaga, A., Cumming, D. , Cooper, J.M. , McEwan, J. and Yam, P.S. (2004) Collection and analysis of exhaled breath condensate hydrogen peroxide in conscious healthy dogs. Veterinary Record, 155, pp. 744-746.

Wyse, C.A. et al. (2004) Current and future uses of breath analysis as a diagnostic tool. Veterinary Record, 154(12), pp. 353-360. (doi: 10.1136/vr.154.12.353)

Arteaga, A., Hammond, J., Wyse, C., Dukes-McEwan, J. and Yam, P. (2004) Clinical research abstracts presented at Bsava congress 2004. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 45, p. 459.

Dickie, A., McLellan, J., Preston, T., Wyse, C.A. and Yam, P.S. (2004) Comparison of the carbon 13-labeled octanoic acid breath test and ultrasonography for assessment of gastric emptying of a semisolid meal in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 65(11), pp. 1557-1562.

Wyse, C.A., Love, S., Christley, R.M., Yam, P.S., Cooper, J.M., Cumming, D.R.S. and Preston, T. (2004) Validation of a method for collection and assay of pentane in the exhaled breath of the horse. Research in Veterinary Science, 76(2), 109 -112. (doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2003.08.007)

Yam, P.S., McLellan, J., Wyse, C.A., Reid, S., Cooper, J. and Preston, T. (2004) Effect of body size on gastric emptying using the C-13-octanoic acid breath test. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 45(8), pp. 386-389.


Wyse, C.A., McLellan, J., Dickie, A.M., Sutton, D.G. , Preston, T. and Yam, P.S. (2003) A review of methods for assessment of the rate of gastric emptying in the dog and cat: 1898-2002. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 17(5), pp. 609-621. (doi: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2003.tb02491.x)

Wyse, C.A., Yam, P.S. , Slater, C., Cooper, J.M. and Preston, T. (2003) A comparison of the rate of recovery of in exhaled breath with 2H in body water following ingestion of [2H/13C]octanoic acid in a dog. Research in Veterinary Science, 74(2), pp. 123-127. (doi: 10.1016/S0034-5288(02)00178-9)

Addie, D., Radford, A., Yam, P. and Taylor, D. (2003) Cessation of feline calicivirus shedding coincident with resolution of chronic gingivostomatitis in a cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 44, pp. 172-176.

Wyse, C., Yam, P., Slater, C., Cooper, J. and Preston, T. (2003) A comparison of the rate of recovery of (CO2)-C-13 in exhaled breath with H-2 in body water following ingestion of [H-2/C-13]octanoic acid in a dog. Research in Veterinary Science, 74, pp. 123-127.


Yam, P., Johnson, V., Martineau, H., Dickie, A. and Sullivan, M. (2002) Multicentric lymphoma with intestinal involvement in a dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 43, pp. 138-143.


Wyse, C.A., Preston, T., Love, S., Morrison, D.J. , Cooper, J.M. and Yam, P.S. (2001) Use of the C-13-octanoic acid breath test for assessment of solid-phase gastric emptying in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 62(12), pp. 1939-1944. (doi: 10.2460/ajvr.2001.62.1939)


Yam, P. S. , Dunn, L. T., Graham, D. I., Dewar, D. and McCulloch, J. (2000) NMDA receptor blockade fails to alter axonal injury in focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 20(5), pp. 772-779. (doi: 10.1097/00004647-200005000-00003) (PMID:10826527)


Dewar, D. , Yam, P. and McCulloch, J. (1999) Drug development for stroke: importance of protecting cerebral white matter. European Journal of Pharmacology, 375(1-3), pp. 41-50. (doi: 10.1016/S0014-2999(99)00280-0) (PMID:10443563)


Yam, P.S. , Patterson, J., Graham, D.I., Takasago, T., Dewar, D. and McCulloch, J. (1998) Topographical and quantitative assessment of white matter injury following a focal ischaemic lesion in the rat brain. Brain Research Protocols, 2(4), pp. 315-322. (doi: 10.1016/S1385-299X(98)00005-1) (PMID:9630700)

Yam, P.S. , Dewar, D. and McCulloch, J. (1998) Axonal injury caused by focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. Journal of Neurotrauma, 15(6), pp. 441-450. (doi: 10.1089/neu.1998.15.441) (PMID:9624629)


Yam, P.S. , Takasago, T., Dewar, D. , Graham, D.I. and McCulloch, J. (1997) Amyloid precursor protein accumulates in white matter at the margin of a focal ischaemic lesion. Brain Research, 760(1-2), pp. 150-157. (doi: 10.1016/S0006-8993(97)00290-4) (PMID:9237529)


Yam, P.S. , Shelton, G.D. and Simpson, J.W. (1996) Megaoesophagus secondary to acquired myasthenia gravis. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 37(4), pp. 179-183. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.1996.tb01957.x) (PMID:8731405)


Yam, P. , Helfer, S. and Watling, R. (1993) Mushroom poisoning in a dog. Veterinary Record, 133(1), p. 24. (doi: 10.1136/vr.133.1.24) (PMID:8362490)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:48:05 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 79.


Empert-Gallegos, A., Hill, S. and Yam, P. (2020) Insights into dog owner perspectives on risks, benefits, and nutritional value of raw diets compared to commercial cooked diets. PeerJ, 8, e10383. (doi: 10.7717/peerj.10383)

Root, A. L., Parkin, T. D. , Hutchison, P., Warnes, C. and Yam, P. S. (2018) Canine pseudopregnancy: an evaluation of prevalence and current treatment protocols in the UK. BMC Veterinary Research, 14, 170. (doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1493-1) (PMID:29793494) (PMCID:PMC5968611)

Yam, P. S. , Naughton, G., Butowski, C. F. and Root, A. L. (2017) Inaccurate assessment of canine body condition score, bodyweight, and pet food labels: a potential cause of inaccurate feeding. Veterinary Sciences, 4(2), 30. (doi: 10.3390/vetsci4020030) (PMID:29056689) (PMCID:PMC5606605)

Helm, J., McBrearty, A., Fontaine, S. , Morrison, R. and Yam, P. (2016) Use of accelerometry to investigate physical activity in dogs receiving chemotherapy. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 57(11), pp. 600-609. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12587) (PMID:27709617)

Yam, P.S. , Butowski, C.F., Chitty, J.L., Naughton, G., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Parkin, T. and Reid, J. (2016) Impact of canine overweight and obesity on health-related quality of life. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 127, pp. 64-69. (doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.03.013) (PMID:27094142)

Morrison, R., Sutton, D. G. M. , Ramsoy, C., Hunter-Blair, N., Carnwath, J., Horsfield, E. and Yam, P. S. (2015) Validity and practical utility of accelerometry for the measurement of in-hand physical activity in horses. BMC Veterinary Research, 11, 233. (doi: 10.1186/s12917-015-0550-2) (PMID:26362544) (PMCID:PMC4566433)

Morrison, R., Reilly, J.J.,, Penpraze, V., Pendlebury, E. and Yam, P.S. (2014) A 6-month observational study of changes in objectively measured physical activity during weight loss in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 55(11), pp. 566-570. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12273)

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Greening, R., Underwood, T., Reilly, J. J. and Yam, P. S. (2014) Correlates of objectively measured physical activity in dogs. Veterinary Journal, 199(2), pp. 263-267. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.11.023)

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Beber, A., Reilly, J.J. and Yam, P.S. (2013) Associations between obesity and physical activity in dogs: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 54(11), pp. 570-574. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12142)

Morrison, R. et al. (2013) Children, parents and pets exercising together (CPET): exploratory randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 13(1096), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-1096)

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Pendlebury, E., Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2012) An investigation into the epidemiology of feline obesity in Great Britain: results of a cross-sectional study of 47 companion animal practises. Veterinary Record, 171(22), p. 560. (doi: 10.1136/vr.100953)

Courcier, E.J., Mellor, D.J. , Pendlebury, E., Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2012) Preliminary investigation to establish prevalence and risk factors for being overweight in pet rabbits in Great Britain. Veterinary Record, 171(8), p. 197. (doi: 10.1136/vr.100792)

McAulay, K. and Yam, P. (2012) Celebrating a tradition of innovation. Veterinary Record, 170(26), pp. 664-666. (doi: 10.1136/vr.e4356)

Yam, P.S. , Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Westgarth, C., Ward, D.S., Mutrie, N., Hutchison, P., Young, D. and Reilly, J.J. (2012) Children, parents, and pets exercising together (CPET) randomised controlled trial: study rationale, design, and methods. BMC Public Health, 12, p. 208. (doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-208)

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Thomson, R.M. and Yam, P.S. (2011) A cross sectional study of the prevalence and risk factors for owner misperception of canine body shape in first opinion practice in Glasgow. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 102(1), pp. 66-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2011.06.010)

Yam, P.S. , Penpraze, V., Young, D., Todd, M.S., Cloney, A.D., Houston-Callaghan, K.A. and Reilly, J.J. (2011) Validity, practical utility and reliability of Actigraph accelerometry for the measurement of habitual physical activity in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 52(2), pp. 86-91. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2010.01025.x)

Courcier, E.A., O'Higgins, R., Mellor, D.J. and Yam, P.S. (2010) Prevalence and risk factors for feline obesity in a first opinion practice in Glasgow, Scotland. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 12(10), pp. 746-753. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfms.2010.05.011)

Courcier, E.A., Thomson, R.M., Mellor, D.J. and Yam, P. (2010) An epidemiological study of environmental factors associated with canine obesity. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(7), pp. 362-367. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2010.00933.x)

Silva, S., Wyse, C.A., Goodfellow, M.R., Yam, P.S. , Preston, T. , Papasouliotis, K. and Hall, E.J. (2010) Assessment of liver function in dogs using the 13C-galactose breath test. Veterinary Journal, 185(2), pp. 152-156. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2009.05.022)

Thomson, R.M., Hammond, J.A., Ternent, H. and Yam, P.S. (2008) Feeding practices and the use of supplements for dogs kept by owners in different socioeconomic groups. Veterinary Record, 163(21), pp. 621-624. (doi: 10.1136/vr.163.21.621)

Denwood, M., Dale, V. H.M. and Yam, P. (2008) Development and evaluation of an online computer-aided learning (CAL) package to promote small-animal welfare. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 35(2), pp. 318-324. (doi: 10.3138/jvme.35.2.318)

King, A., Weinrauch, S., Doust, R., Hammond, G., Yam, P. and Sullivan, M. (2007) Comparison of ultrasonography, radiography and a single computed tomography slice for fluid identification within the feline tympanic bulla. Veterinary Journal, 173, pp. 638-644. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2006.02.003)

Marshall, W.G., Preston, T., Wyse, C.A. and Yam, P.S. (2007) Retention of acetaminophen in an in vitro model of solid-phase gastric emptying of animals. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 68, pp. 895-898.

Couraud, L., Jermyn, K., Yam, P.S. , Ramsey, I.K. and Philbey, A.W. (2006) Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, lymphocytic leiomyositis and atrophy of the muscularis externa in a dog. Veterinary Record, 159(3), pp. 86-87. (doi: 10.1136/vr.159.3.86)

Chalmers, A.F., Kirton, R., Wyse, C.A., Dickie, A., Cumming, D., Cooper, J.M., Preston, T. and Yam, P.S. (2005) Ultrasonographic assessment of the rate of solid-phase gastric emptying in dogs. Veterinary Record, 157(21), pp. 649-652. (doi: 10.1136/vr.157.21.649)

Wyse, C.A. et al. (2005) Effects of changes to the stable environment on the exhalation of ethane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen peroxide by horses with respiratory inflammation. Veterinary Record, 157(14), pp. 408-412. (doi: 10.1136/vr.157.14.408)

Wyse, C.A., Hammond, J., Arteaga, A., Cumming, D. , Cooper, J.M. , McEwan, J. and Yam, P.S. (2004) Collection and analysis of exhaled breath condensate hydrogen peroxide in conscious healthy dogs. Veterinary Record, 155, pp. 744-746.

Wyse, C.A. et al. (2004) Current and future uses of breath analysis as a diagnostic tool. Veterinary Record, 154(12), pp. 353-360. (doi: 10.1136/vr.154.12.353)

Arteaga, A., Hammond, J., Wyse, C., Dukes-McEwan, J. and Yam, P. (2004) Clinical research abstracts presented at Bsava congress 2004. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 45, p. 459.

Dickie, A., McLellan, J., Preston, T., Wyse, C.A. and Yam, P.S. (2004) Comparison of the carbon 13-labeled octanoic acid breath test and ultrasonography for assessment of gastric emptying of a semisolid meal in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 65(11), pp. 1557-1562.

Wyse, C.A., Love, S., Christley, R.M., Yam, P.S., Cooper, J.M., Cumming, D.R.S. and Preston, T. (2004) Validation of a method for collection and assay of pentane in the exhaled breath of the horse. Research in Veterinary Science, 76(2), 109 -112. (doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2003.08.007)

Yam, P.S., McLellan, J., Wyse, C.A., Reid, S., Cooper, J. and Preston, T. (2004) Effect of body size on gastric emptying using the C-13-octanoic acid breath test. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 45(8), pp. 386-389.

Wyse, C.A., McLellan, J., Dickie, A.M., Sutton, D.G. , Preston, T. and Yam, P.S. (2003) A review of methods for assessment of the rate of gastric emptying in the dog and cat: 1898-2002. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 17(5), pp. 609-621. (doi: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2003.tb02491.x)

Wyse, C.A., Yam, P.S. , Slater, C., Cooper, J.M. and Preston, T. (2003) A comparison of the rate of recovery of in exhaled breath with 2H in body water following ingestion of [2H/13C]octanoic acid in a dog. Research in Veterinary Science, 74(2), pp. 123-127. (doi: 10.1016/S0034-5288(02)00178-9)

Addie, D., Radford, A., Yam, P. and Taylor, D. (2003) Cessation of feline calicivirus shedding coincident with resolution of chronic gingivostomatitis in a cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 44, pp. 172-176.

Wyse, C., Yam, P., Slater, C., Cooper, J. and Preston, T. (2003) A comparison of the rate of recovery of (CO2)-C-13 in exhaled breath with H-2 in body water following ingestion of [H-2/C-13]octanoic acid in a dog. Research in Veterinary Science, 74, pp. 123-127.

Yam, P., Johnson, V., Martineau, H., Dickie, A. and Sullivan, M. (2002) Multicentric lymphoma with intestinal involvement in a dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 43, pp. 138-143.

Wyse, C.A., Preston, T., Love, S., Morrison, D.J. , Cooper, J.M. and Yam, P.S. (2001) Use of the C-13-octanoic acid breath test for assessment of solid-phase gastric emptying in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 62(12), pp. 1939-1944. (doi: 10.2460/ajvr.2001.62.1939)

Yam, P. S. , Dunn, L. T., Graham, D. I., Dewar, D. and McCulloch, J. (2000) NMDA receptor blockade fails to alter axonal injury in focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 20(5), pp. 772-779. (doi: 10.1097/00004647-200005000-00003) (PMID:10826527)

Dewar, D. , Yam, P. and McCulloch, J. (1999) Drug development for stroke: importance of protecting cerebral white matter. European Journal of Pharmacology, 375(1-3), pp. 41-50. (doi: 10.1016/S0014-2999(99)00280-0) (PMID:10443563)

Yam, P.S. , Patterson, J., Graham, D.I., Takasago, T., Dewar, D. and McCulloch, J. (1998) Topographical and quantitative assessment of white matter injury following a focal ischaemic lesion in the rat brain. Brain Research Protocols, 2(4), pp. 315-322. (doi: 10.1016/S1385-299X(98)00005-1) (PMID:9630700)

Yam, P.S. , Dewar, D. and McCulloch, J. (1998) Axonal injury caused by focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. Journal of Neurotrauma, 15(6), pp. 441-450. (doi: 10.1089/neu.1998.15.441) (PMID:9624629)

Yam, P.S. , Takasago, T., Dewar, D. , Graham, D.I. and McCulloch, J. (1997) Amyloid precursor protein accumulates in white matter at the margin of a focal ischaemic lesion. Brain Research, 760(1-2), pp. 150-157. (doi: 10.1016/S0006-8993(97)00290-4) (PMID:9237529)

Yam, P.S. , Shelton, G.D. and Simpson, J.W. (1996) Megaoesophagus secondary to acquired myasthenia gravis. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 37(4), pp. 179-183. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.1996.tb01957.x) (PMID:8731405)

Yam, P. , Helfer, S. and Watling, R. (1993) Mushroom poisoning in a dog. Veterinary Record, 133(1), p. 24. (doi: 10.1136/vr.133.1.24) (PMID:8362490)

Edited Books

Yam, P. , Holmes, P., Murray, M. and Jarrett, O.S. (Eds.) (2012) Glasgow Veterinary School, 1862-2012. School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9781899845194

Conference or Workshop Item

Lumbis, R. , Fontaine, S. , Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2024) The Nutrition-Related Experience of Foundation Phase Student Veterinary Professionals. 49th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress (WSAVA 2024), Suzhou, China, 3-5 Sept 2024. (Unpublished)

Lumbis, R. , Fontaine, S. , Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2024) Perceptions of Foundation Phase Student Veterinary Professionals Regarding Nutrition Information Sources and Unconventional Diet Choice. 49th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress (WSAVA 2024), Suzhou, China, 3-5 Sept 2024. (Unpublished)

Lumbis, R. , Fontaine, S. , Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2024) An Exploration of the Current Education, Information Sources, Knowledge, Competence, and Attitudes About Small Animal Nutrition Among Foundation Phase Student Veterinary Professionals. VetEd Symposium 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 3-5 July 2024. (Unpublished)

Androutsou, E., Rosenbaum, S., Murray, M. and Yam, P. S. (2019) Fat Dog Slim: Impact of a Social Marketing Video on the Behaviour of Pet Owners Regarding Obesity in the Dog. BSAVA Congress 2019, Birmingham, UK, 4-7 Apr 2019.

Root, A., Warmes, C. E., Hutchison, P. J., Parkin, T. and Yam, P. S. (2017) Canine Pseudopregnancy: an Evaluation of Prevalence and Current Treatment Protocols. INSPIRE Research Forum and the Governors and Mitchell of Cranstonhill, Glasgow, UK, 22 Feb 2017.

Root, A., Warnes, C. E., Hutchison, P. J., Parkin, T. and Yam, P. S. (2017) Canine Pseudopregnancy: An Evaluation of Incidence, Diagnosis and Current Treatment Protocols. BSAVA Congress 2017, Birmingham, UK, 06-09 Apr 2017.

Yam, P. , Naughton, G., Butowski, C. F. and Root, A. L. (2017) Inaccurate Assessment of Canine Body Condition Score, Bodyweight and Pet Food Labels: A Cause for Concern. BSAVA Congress 2017, Birmingham, UK, 06-09 Apr 2017.

Warnes, C. E., Hutchison, P. J., Parkin, T. and Yam, P. S. (2016) Pilot Study Into the Incidence and Treatment of Pseudopregnancy in Entire and Spayed Bitches. British Veterinary Behaviour Association, Birmingham, UK, 2016.

Chitty, J., Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, L., Parkin, T. , Pendlebury, E. and Yam, P. (2014) Impact of Canine Overweight on Health-Related Quality of Life. British Small Animal Veterinary Association Annual Congress, Birmingham, UK, 03-06 April 2014.

Morrison, R., Reilly, J.J., Penpraze, V., Pendlebury, E. and Yam, P.S. (2013) Physical Activity in Pet Dogs Undergoing a Calorie Controlled Weight Loss Programme. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Annual Congress 2013, Birmingham, UK, 04-07 Apr 2013.

Morrison, R., Reilly, J. J., Penpraze, V., Westgarth, C., Ward, D. S., Mutrie, N., Hutchison, P., Young, D. and Yam, P. S. (2013) Children, Parents and Pets Exercising Together (CPET): an Exploratory Randomised Controlled Trial. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium, 22-25 May 2013.

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Pendlebury, E., Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2012) Exploring the Epidemiology of Canine and Feline Overweight/Obesity in the United Kingdom Using a National Database of Veterinary Practices. 13th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), Maastricht, Netherlands, 20-24 Aug 2012.

Greening, R., Underwood, T., Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Reilly, J. and Yam, P. (2012) The Objective Assessment of Physical Activity Levels in Labrador Retrievers using Accelerometry. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2012, Birmingham, UK, 12-15 Apr 2012.

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Beber, A., Reilly, J.J. and Yam, P.S. (2012) A Comparison of Objectively Measured Sedentary and Physical Activity Levels of Obese and Overweight Dogs with Ideal Weight Dogs. Vet 150 New Horizons Research Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 05-07 Oct 2012.

Sutton, D., Ramsoy, C., Carnwath, J., Morrison, R. and Yam, P.S. (2012) Validation of the use of Accelerometry for Habitual Physical Activity in Horses. Vet 150 New Horizons Research Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 05-07 Oct 2012.

Beber, A., Penpraze, V., Reilly, J.J., Young, D. and Yam, P.S. (2011) Factors Affecting Activity Levels in Free-Living Dogs: an Assessment Using Accelerometry. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2011, Birmingham, UK, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2011.

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D. , Tompson, R. and Yam, P.S. (2011) A Comparison of Methods for Risk Factor Investigation in Canine and Feline Obesity. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2011, Birmingham, UK, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2011.

Courcier, E.A., Pendlebury, E., Mellor, D. , Evans, C. and Yam, P.S. (2011) Prevalence Estimates for Companion Animal Obesity in UK. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2011, Birmingham, UK, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2011.

Morrison, R., Penpraze, V., Beber, A., Reilly, J.J. and Yam, P.S. (2011) A Pair-Matched Comparison of Objectively Measured Sedentary and Physical Activity Levels of Obese/Overweight Dogs With Normal Weight Dogs. 2nd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, Glasgow, UK, 24-27 May 2017.

Courcier, E., Mellor, D. , Thomson, R. and Yam, P.S. (2010) The Usefulness of Classification Trees in Identifying Risk Factors in Canine Obesity. AVTRW Irish Region, Newry, Northern Ireland, 2010.

Courcier, E.A., Mellor, D.J. , Thomson, R.M. and Yam, P.S. (2010) The Usefulness of Classification Trees in Risk Factor Identification in Canine Obesity. 44th AVTR Scientific Session, Newry, Northern Ireland, 1 Oct 2010.

Courcier, E.A., Yam, P.S. , Taylor, D.J., Gault, E.A., Knottenbelt, C.M. and Mellor, D.J. (2010) Feeding of Raw Meat Diets to Dogs: Principles and Practice in the UK. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Dykes, C., Courcier, E., Mellor, D. and Yam, P.S. (2010) Are Dog Owners Able to Accurately Read a Pet Food Label? British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Todd, M.S., Cloney, A.D., Reilly, J.J., Penpraze, V., Young, D. and Yam, P.S. (2010) Obese Dogs: Too Little Exercise? British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Yam, P.S. and Burr, P.D. (2010) Detection of Leptospira Antibodies in Dogs by Immunofluorescence. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2010, Birmingham, UK, 8-11 Apr 2010.

Courcier, E., Mellor, D. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Canine Obesity: Do Owners See What You See? British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2009, Birmingham, UK, 02-05 Apr 2009.

Courcier, E., Thomson, R., O'Higgins, R., Mellor, D. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Misperceptions of Pet Body Shape: do Cat and Dog Owners Differ? 13th European Society for Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition (ESVCN) Congress, Sardinia, Italy, 15-17 Oct 2009.

Courcier, E., Yam, P.S. , Thomson, R. and Mellor, D. (2009) The Importance of Owner Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors in Canine Obesity. European College of Veterinary Public Health AGM and Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 08-09 Oct 2009.

Courcier, E., Yam, P.S. , Thomson, R.M. and Mellor, D.J. (2009) Owner Misperception of Canine Body Shape: an Important Determinant of Canine Obesity? 12th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Durban, South Africa, 10-14 Aug 2009.

O'Higgins, R., Courcier, E. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Owner Ability to Assess the Body Condition of their Feline Friends. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2009, Birmingham, UK, 02-05 Apr 2009.

Thomson, R., Courcier, E. and Yam, P.S. (2009) Canine Obesity: the Penny Drops. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2009, Birmingham, UK, 02-05 Apr 2009.

Courcier, E.A., Thomson, R.M. and Yam, P.S. (2008) Demographic Correlates for Nutrient Supplementation in 800 Dogs in Scotland. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2008, Birmingham, UK, 03-06 Apr 2008.

Silva, S., Wyse, C.A., Goodfellow, M.R., Yam, P.S. , Preston, T., Papasouliotis, K. and Hall, E.J. (2008) Application of the 13C-Galactose Breath Test for Assessment of Canine Liver Function. 26th Annual ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, TX, USA, 04-07 Jun 2008.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:48:05 2025 GMT.


Grants and Awards listed are those received whilst working with the University of Glasgow.

  • Measurement of physical activity using accelerometry to assess improved quality of life following chemotherapy in dogs
    Petplan Charitable Trust
    2011 - 2013
  • The History of Glasgow Vet School 1862-2012; 150 Remarkable Years
    Scottish Society for the History of Medicine
    2011 - 2012
  • The history Glasgow Vet School 1862-2012: 150 remarkable years
    The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
    2011 - 2014


  • Lumbis, Rachel
    An exploration of knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and practice of small animal veterinary nutrition


I teach on various modules in BVMS1, BVMS2 and BVMS3 and also to the BSc Veterinary Scientists.

I am a module lead for the MSc Nutrition Course.