Dr Lauren Carruthers
- Affiliate Researcher (School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine)
- Affiliate (School of Chemistry)
- Affiliate Researcher (School of Infection & Immunity)
SBOHVM, Graham Kerr Building
Research Overview
I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Parasitology before undertaking two short-term research technician positions on diminazene resistance in Trypanosoma congolense parasites and the role of lipids in trypanosome cytokinesis. I then undertook a PhD exploring interactions between Schistosoma mansoni infection, gut bacteria and anti-helminthic treatment. I compared the bacterial composition of stool from individuals from a rural Ugandan community, with high and low schistosome infection intensities and explored how these bacterial structures change post-treatment with combined praziquantel and albendazole treatment. During my PhD, I also received funding to undertake an internship at the Texas Biomedical Research Centre, where I learnt about schistosome maintenance in the lab and explored the microbiota of Biomphalaria snails. I am currently characterising the role of a new family of zinc finger proteins in Plasmodium parasites in the laboratory of Dr Katarzyna Modrzynska.
Research Experience
- 2021 – Present: BBSRC Research Assistant, University of Glasgow.
Researching zinc finger proteins in Plasmodium berghei.
- 2017 - 2021: PhD researcher.
"The impact of Schistosoma mansoni infection and treatment on the gut microbiota of school-aged children in Uganda.”
- 2019: Summer Internship, Texas Biomedical Research Institute.
Researching the microbiome of Biomphalaria snails and learning schistosome parasite life cycle maintenance.
- 2017: Microbiome Techniques, Quadram Institute, University of East Anglia.
- 2016 –2017: Research Technician, University of Glasgow
(1) The role of lipids in Trypanosoma brucei cytokinesis.
(2) Diminazine drug resistance in Trypanosoma congolense.
- 2015: Undergraduate Honours Project
“Drug induced changes in the trypanosome metabolome.”
- 2015: Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholarship
“Cloning and sequencing of phosphodiesterase genes A and D from Trypanosoma cruzi strains.”
International Conferences
- BioMalPar XIX: Biology and Pathology of the Malaria Parasite 2023.
Poster Presenter: “Characterisation of the Apicomplexa-specific zinc-finger protein (ZINGER) family in Plasmodium.”
- British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting 2022.
Virtual Oral Presenter: “Characterisation of a member of the Apicomplexa-specific zinc-finger protein family in Plasmodium.”
- Molecular Parasitology Meeting 2021.
Virtual Oral Presenter: “Characterisation of the Apicomplexa-specific zinc-finger protein family in Plasmodium.”
- Virtual Women in Malaria Conference 2021.
Virtual Attendee.
- Molecular Helminthology; An Integrated Approach 2019.
Poster Presenter: “The microbiota profiles: are schistosomes and anti-helminthic drugs influential agents?”
- International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases Festival 2019.
Workshop: “Poop Pondering.”
- American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting 2018.
Poster Presenter 1320: “Unravelling interactions between schistosomes, the microbiome and anti-helminthic drugs in a Ugandan field setting.”
- British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting 2018.
Oral Presenter: “Unravelling interactions between schistosomes, the microbiome and anti-helminthic drugs in a Ugandan field setting.”
- International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases Festival 2018.
- British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting 2017.
Oral Presenter: “A decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential may be associated with diminazene resistance in Trypanosoma congolense.”
Public Engagement
I am passionate about public engagement and have volunteered at a variety of events, created activites, and written blogs. I have created a booklet of science cross stitch patterns and run the 'Parasites in Stitches,' (@ParasiteXStitch) twitter and instagram accounts.
Public Engagement Awards
- 2023: Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences Public Engagement Award Small Grant (University of Glasgow).
- 2022: Highly Commended Early Career Researcher Award (Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences Engagement Awards, University of Glasgow).
- 2019: International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases Art award.
Blog Posts and Magazine Articles
- The World of Cross Stitching Issue: March 2020: "Science in Stitches."
- Researcher Spotlight. (Read more)
- I’m Not Ubi-quitin Yet: Translating “Ubiquitination” Into Simple Language. (Read more)
- Public Engagement: A Penguin’s Perspective. (Read more)
- Engaging Communities About Research Through Community Led Performance: Schistosomiasis and Acting for Health. (Read more)
- Parasitologists flock to Aberystwyth for Annual BSP Conference. (Read more)
- The Story of Storing Stool: An insight into the Lamberton Lab. (Read more)
- Norfolk – Broadening My Knowledge: Adventure with the Hall Lab. (Read more)
- Schisto Gist: Worming Our Way in the Field to Fight Neglected Tropical Diseases. (Read more)
- The Antibiotic Resistance are Fighting Bac - teria. (Read more)
Research interests
My current research focuses on characterising the role of a new family of zinc finger proteins in Plasmodium parasites in the laboratory of Dr Katarzyna Modrzynska. I have also received an ECR Futurescope grant from the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Parasitology to explore the RNA interactome in the Plasmodium berghei ookinete.
I have supervised the following Masters projects in the laboratory of Dr Katarzyna Modrzynska:
- Exploring expression of a Plasmodium berghei 3xCCCH Zinc Finger Protein throughout the parasite life cycle (May - August 2022).
- Expression analysis of an RNA-binding protein through the malaria parasite life cycle (May - August 2022).
- 2022: Diploma in Tropical Hygiene and Medicine (DTMH) lab demonstrator.
- 2022: Masters lab rotation supervision.
- 2020 – 2021: Graduate Teaching Assistant (University of Glasgow).
- 2019: DTMH Schistosomiasis lecture.
- 2017 - 2019: DTMH lab demonstrator.
- 2017 - 2019: Undergraduate and Masters lab rotation supervision.