Number of items: 31.
Catalano, S. , Battelli, F., Traore, Z. I., Raghwani, J., Faust, C. and Standley, C. J.
Pathogen genomics and One Health: a scoping review of current practices in zoonotic disease research.
IJID One Health, 4,
(doi: 10.1016/j.ijidoh.2024.100031)
Plowright, R. K. et al.
Ecological countermeasures to prevent pathogen spillover and subsequent pandemics.
Nature Communications, 15(1),
(doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46151-9)
Childress, J., Faust, C. L. and Deiner, K.
Introduction to special issue: advancing disease ecology through eDNA monitoring of infectious agents.
Environmental DNA, 6(1),
(doi: 10.1002/edn3.502)
Raghwani, J. et al.
Seasonal dynamics of the wild rodent faecal virome.
Molecular Ecology, 32(17),
pp. 4763-4776.
(doi: 10.1111/mec.16778)
Faust, C. L. , Castellanos, A. A., Peel, A. J., Eby, P., Plowright, R. K., Han, B. A. and Bharti, N.
Environmental variation across multiple spatial scales and temporal lags influences Hendra virus spillover.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(7),
pp. 1457-1467.
(doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.14415)
Clark, J. et al.
Reconciling egg- and antigen-based estimates of Schistosoma mansoni clearance and reinfection: a modelling study.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 74(9),
pp. 1557-1563.
(doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab679)
Ruiz-Aravena, M. et al.
Ecology, evolution and spillover of coronaviruses from bats.
Nature Reviews Microbiology, 20(5),
pp. 299-314.
(doi: 10.1038/s41579-021-00652-2)
Clark, J. et al.
Translating from egg-to antigen-based indicators for Schistosoma mansoni elimination targets: a Bayesian latent class analysis study.
Frontiers in Tropical Diseases, 3,
(doi: 10.3389/fitd.2022.825721)
Trienekens, S. C. M., Faust, C. L. , Besigye, F., Pickering, L. , Tukahebwa, E. M., Seeley, J. and Lamberton, P. H. L.
Variation in water contact behaviour and risk of Schistosoma mansoni (re)infection among Ugandan school-aged children in an area with persistent high endemicity.
Parasites and Vectors, 15,
(doi: 10.1186/s13071-021-05121-6)
Baranowski, K., Faust, C. L. , Eby, P. and Bharti, N.
Quantifying the impacts of Australian bushfires on native forests and gray-headed flying foxes.
Global Ecology and Conservation, 27,
(doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01566)
Faust, C. L. et al.
Harnessing technology and portability to conduct molecular epidemiology of endemic pathogens in resource-limited settings.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 115(1),
pp. 3-5.
(doi: 10.1093/trstmh/traa086)
Arinaitwe, M., Adriko, M., Kibwika, B., Tukahebwa, E. M., Faust, C. L. and Lamberton, P. H. L.
Residence time, water contact, and age-driven Schistosoma mansoni infection in hotspot communities in Uganda.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105(6),
pp. 1772-1781.
(doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0391)
Faust, C. L. , Lambert, B., Kochenour, C., Robinson, A. C. and Bharti, N.
Passive surveillance assesses compliance with COVID-19 behavioural restrictions in a rural US county.
Epidemiology and Infection, 149(e211),
(doi: 10.1017/S0950268821002107)
Faust, C. L. , Osakunor, D. N.M., Downs, J. A., Kayuni, S., Stothard, J. R., Lamberton, P. H.L. , Reinhard-Rupp, J. and Rollinson, D.
Schistosomiasis control: leave no age group behind.
Trends in Parasitology, 36(7),
pp. 582-591.
(doi: 10.1016/
Trienekens, S. C.M., Faust, C. L. , Meginnis, K. , Pickering, L. , Ericsson, O., Nankasi, A., Moses, A., Tukahebwa, E. M. and Lamberton, P. H.L.
Impacts of host gender on Schistosoma mansoni risk in rural Uganda—a mixed-methods approach.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(5),
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008266)
Carruthers, L. V. , Moses, A., Adriko, M., Faust, C. L. , Tukahebwa, E. M., Hall, L. J., Ranford-Cartwright, L. C. and Lamberton, P. H.L.
The impact of storage conditions on human stool 16S rRNA microbiome composition and diversity.
PeerJ, 7,
(doi: 10.7717/peerj.8133)
Becker, D. J., Washburne, A. D., Faust, C. L. , Mordecai, E. A. and Plowright, R. K.
The problem of scale in the prediction and management of pathogen spillover.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374(1782),
(doi: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0224)
Becker, D. J., Washburne, A. D., Faust, C. L. , Pulliam, J. R.C., Mordecai, E. A., Lloyd-Smith, J. O. and Plowright, R. K.
Dynamic and integrative approaches to understanding pathogen spillover.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374(1782),
(doi: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0014)
Borremans, B., Faust, C. , Manlove, K. R., Sokolow, S. H. and Lloyd-Smith, J. O.
Cross-species pathogen spillover across ecosystem boundaries: mechanisms and theory.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374(1782),
(doi: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0344)
Faust, C. L. et al.
Two-year longitudinal survey reveals high genetic diversity of Schistosoma mansoni with adult worms surviving praziquantel treatment at the start of mass drug administration in Uganda.
Parasites and Vectors, 12,
(doi: 10.1186/s13071-019-3860-6)
Adriko, M., Faust, C. L. , Carruthers, L. V. , Moses, A., Tukahebwa, E. M. and Lamberton, P. H.L.
Low praziquantel treatment coverage for Schistosoma mansoni in Mayuge District, Uganda due to the absence of treatment opportunities, rather than systematic non-compliance.
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 3(4),
(doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed3040111)
Faust, C. L. , McCallum, H. I., Bloomfield, L. S.P., Gottdenker, N. L., Gillespie, T. R., Torney, C. J. , Dobson, A. P. and Plowright, R. K.
Pathogen spillover during land conversion.
Ecology Letters, 21(4),
pp. 471-483.
(doi: 10.1111/ele.12904)
Viana, M. , Faust, C. L. , Haydon, D. T. , Webster, J. P. and Lamberton, P. H.L.
The effects of subcurative praziquantel treatment on life-history traits and trade-offs in drug-resistant Schistosoma mansoni.
Evolutionary Applications, 11(4),
pp. 488-500.
(doi: 10.1111/eva.12558)
Lamberton, P. H.L. , Faust, C. L. and Webster, J. P.
Praziquantel decreases fecundity in Schistosoma mansoni adult worms that survive treatment: evidence from a laboratory life-history trade-offs selection study.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 6,
(doi: 10.1186/s40249-017-0324-0)
Faust, C. L. , Dobson, A. P., Gottdenker, N., Bloomfield, L. S.P., McCallum, H. I., Gillespie, T. R., Diuk-Wasser, M. and Plowright, R. K.
Null expectations for disease dynamics in shrinking habitat: dilution or amplification?
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372(1722),
(doi: 10.1098/rstb.2016.0173)
Faust, C. and Dobson, A. P.
Primate malarias: Diversity, distribution and insights for zoonotic Plasmodium.
One Health, 1,
pp. 66-75.
(doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2015.10.001)
Siregar, J. E., Faust, C. L. , Murdiyarso, L. S., Rosmanah, L., Saepuloh, U., Dobson, A. P. and Iskandriati, D.
Non-invasive surveillance for Plasmodium in reservoir macaque species.
Malaria Journal, 14(1),
(doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0857-2)
Faust, C. , Zelner, J., Brasseur, P., Vaillant, M., Badiane, M., Cisse, M., Grenfell, B. and Olliaro, P.
Assessing drivers of full adoption of test and treat policy for malaria in Senegal.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 93(1),
pp. 159-167.
(doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.14-0595)
Gottdenker, N. L., Streicker, D. G. , Faust, C. L. and Carroll, C.R.
Anthropogenic land use change and infectious diseases: a review of the evidence.
EcoHealth, 11(4),
pp. 619-632.
(doi: 10.1007/s10393-014-0941-z)
Faust, C. , Stallknecht, D., Swayne, D. and Brown, J.
Filter-feeding bivalves can remove avian influenza viruses from water and reduce infectivity.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences, 276(1673),
pp. 3727-3735.
(doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0572)
Roy, A. H., Faust, C. L. , Freeman, M. C. and Meyer, J. L.
Reach-scale effects of riparian forest cover on urban stream ecosystems.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62(10),
pp. 2312-2329.
(doi: 10.1139/f05-135)
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 20:16:29 2025 GMT.