Number of items: 43.
Bradfer‐Lawrence, T. et al.
The Acoustic Index User's Guide: a practical manual for defining, generating and understanding current and future acoustic indices.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
(doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.14357)
(Early Online Publication)
Sherry, L. , Alam, M. , Mcgregor, A. and Stubbs, F.
Flash Talk: LinkedIn To Get In: Evaluating the Impact of LinkedIn Groups on Undergraduate Career Awareness and Confidence in Networking.
Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2024, Edinburgh, UK, 08-11 Apr 2024.
McCaughey, L. , McGregor, A. , MacIver, K. and Aitken, R.
Business in the biosciences: a compressed format entrepreneurship course with employability skills at its core.
In: Norton, Stuart, Phillips, Michelle and Ugiagbe-Green, Iwi (eds.)
Lighting the Labyrinth: Enhancing Student Success through the 3Es.
Advance HE: York, pp. 56-63.
ISBN 9781738524204
McCaughey, L. , Mcgregor, A. and Hamilton, L.
Formatively assessing competency in practical skills through direct observations and oral feedback in the Life Sciences.
In: Elkington, Sam and Irons, Alastair (eds.)
Formative Assessment and Feedback in Post-Digital Environments: Disciplinary Case Studies in Higher Education.
(In Press)
McCaughey, L. , Mcgregor, A. , Hamilton, L. and McCombie, A.
The Complete Graduate: Designing a VLE-based Skills and Knowledge Framework to Support Student Confidence and Awareness.
AdvanceHE Student Engagement Conference 2024, Leeds, UK, 18th April 2024.
(Accepted for Publication)
McCaughey, L. , Mcgregor, A. , Hamilton, L., Ranglani, S. and Charlton, S.
Business in the Biosciences - Embedding Entrepreneurship into a Life Science Course to Create More Inclusive Interdisciplinary Curricula and Enhance Transferable Skill Development.
17th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 9th April 2024.
(Accepted for Publication)
Fisher, B. et al.
Challenger society for marine science: increasing opportunity through an equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility working group.
Oceanography, 36(4),
pp. 150-151.
(doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2024.110)
Nousek-McGregor, A. , Fisher, B., Baker, C., Robinson, C., Damerell, G., Liszka, C., Fielding, S. and Muschitiello, P.
Fair winds and following seas remotely: modifying perceptions of fieldwork as a requirement in marine science to aid in diversifying the discipline.
Oceanography, 36(4),
pp. 74-76.
(doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2024.131)
McCaughey, L. , Hamilton, L., MacIver, K., Aitken, R. and Mcgregor, A.
Evaluating Skills Attainment and Competency to Support Student Confidence and Awareness: Scaffolding a VLE-based Skills Tracker in Life Science Undergraduate Degrees.
16th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 13 Apr 2023.
Woolfendon, C. et al.
Glasgow’s Floating Estuarine Wetlands Baseline Monitoring Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McCaughey, L. , Mcgregor, A. , MacIver, K. and Aitken, R.
Business in the Biosciences: A Compressed Format Entrepreneurship Course with Employability Skills at its Core.
Employability Symposium 2023: Lighting the Labyrinth: Enhancing Student Success through the 3Es, Manchester, 25 April 2023.
Fowler, E. et al.
Glasgow’s Floating Estuarine Wetlands Long-Term Ecosystem Services and Function Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McGregor, A. et al.
FindAScienceBerth: Connecting Underrepresented Groups in Marine Science With Available Berths on Scientific Research Vessels.
NERC Diversity and Inclusion Knowledge Exchange Virtual Event, 21 Nov 2022.
Hendry, K. R. et al.
FindAScienceBerth: Connecting Underrepresented Groups in Marine Science with Available Berths on Scientific Research Vessels.
Challenger 150: Challenger Society Conference, London, UK, 5-8 Sept 2022.
McGregor, A. et al.
Perceptions of Marine Science as a Field-based Discipline: Highlighting Digital Twinning of the Oceans as a Complementary and More Inclusive Pathway into a Career in the Marine Sciences.
Challenger 150: The Challenger Society Conference, London, UK, 5-8 September 2022.
McGregor, A. , Damerell, G., Woolf, D. and Rabe, B.
Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity and Accessibility Panel Discussion.
Challenger 150: Challenger Society Conference, London, UK, 5-8 Sept 2022.
McGregor, A. , Fisher, B., Baker, C., Robinson, C., Damerell, G., Lizska, C., Simmonds, N., Fielding, S. and Muschitiello, P.
Building Towards Inclusivity and Diversity in Marine Science: Awareness of Digital Twinning in Marine Scientists of the Future.
National Oceangraphy Centre Annual Meeting, Southampton, UK, 22-23 June 2022.
Mcgregor, A. , Fisher, B., Baker, C., Robinson, C., Damerell, G., Liszka, C., Simmonds, N., Fielding, S. and Muschitiello, P.
Is First-Hand Fieldwork Still the Best Way into a Career in Marine Sciences? Highlighting Digital Twinning of the Oceans as a Complementary and More Inclusive Pathway into a Career in the Marine Sciences.
European Geophysical Union Annual Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022.
McGregor, A. , Prior-Jones, M. and Dussaillant, I.
EGU Town Hall: Overcoming Barriers Towards Inclusivity in the Field Sciences.
European Geophysical Union General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022.
Baker, C., McGregor, A. , Fisher, B., Robinson, C., Damerell, G., Lizska, C., Simmonds, N., Fielding, S. and Muschitiello, P.
Digital Twinning: An Opportunity to Improve Diversity and Inclusivity in Marine Science.
International Digital Twins of the Oceans Summit, London, UK, 4-5 May 2022.
McGregor, A. , Baker, C., Fisher, B., Robinson, C., Damerell, G., Lizska, C., Simmonds, N., Fielding, S. and Muschitiello, P.
Evaluating Perceptions of Job Roles in Marine Research and Raising Awareness of Digital Twinning of the Oceans to Promote Diversity and Inclusivity in the Marine Sciences.
Defra Digital Twins of the Oceans Roundtable, London, UK, 31 March 2022.
McGregor, A. , Sherry, L. , Price, K. , Le Vin, A. , Stubbs, F., Boguslawska, Z. and Connor, K.
LinkedIn to Get In: Increasing student awareness and confidence in professional networking through embedding LinkedIn into undergraduate bioscience course.
15th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 Mar 2022.
Zainudden, D. A., Broom, M., Nousek-Mcgregor, A. , Stubbs, F. and Veitch, N.
Embedding 21st century employability into assessment and feedback practice through a student-staff partnership.
Access Microbiology, 4(3),
(doi: 10.1099/acmi.0.000329)
Mcgregor, A.
Marine and Freshwater Biology at the University of Glasgow: combining exceptional opportunities for experience with an unbeatable sense of community.
Marine Biologist, 21,
pp. 32-33.
McGregor, A. , Dwyer, T. and Caribe de Rocha, T.
Assessing for Employability – Supporting a Better Alignment of Practical Skills and Assessment Methods for 21st Century Graduates.
11th Enhancing Fieldwork Learning Showcase, 08-09 Sep 2021.
Wu, C.‐Y., Nowacek, D. P., Nousek‐McGregor, A. E. , McGregor, R. and Howle, L. E.
Computational fluid dynamics of flow regime and hydrodynamic forces generated by a gliding North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis).
Marine Mammal Science, 37(3),
pp. 826-842.
(doi: 10.1111/mms.12798)
Barnett, R., McGregor, A. and White, S.
Exploring Phenological Asynchrony Between Avian Diversity and Vegetation in Temperate Deciduous Forests Through Bioacoustic Monitoring and Camera Trapping.
Ecoacoustics Congress, 23-25 Jun 2021.
Veitch, N. , Mcgregor, A. , Stubbs, F., Broom, M. and Zainudden, D.
Embedding 21st Century Employability into Assessment and Feedback Practice through a Student-Staff Partnership.
Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2021, 26-30 April 2021.
Wu, C.-Y., Howle, L., McGregor, A. , McGregor, R. and Nowacek, D.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Gliding North Atlantic Right Whale Models with Variable Body Shapes.
World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 Dec 2019.
Allen, L., Reeve, R. , Nousek-McGregor, A. , Villacampa, J. and MacLeod, R.
Are orchid bees useful indicators of the impacts of human disturbance?
Ecological Indicators, 103,
pp. 745-755.
(doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.02.046)
van der Hoop, J.M., Nousek-McGregor, A.E. , Nowacek, D.P., Parks, S.E., Tyack, P. and Madsen, P.T.
Foraging rates of ram‐filtering North Atlantic right whales.
Functional Ecology, 33(7),
pp. 1290-1306.
(doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13357)
Nousek-Mcgregor, A. , Veitch, N. , Zainudden, D. A. and Broom, M.
Embedding 21st century employability into assessment and feedback practice through a student-staff partnership.
Change Agents Network, Milton Keynes, UK, 29-30 May 2019.
McGregor, A. , Caribe de Rocha, T. and Dwyer, T.
Embedding Employability into Assessment While Also Exploring Alternative Assessment Methods.
12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.
McGregor, A. , Llewellyn, M. and Spatharis, S.
Research 'Mini-projects': The Importance of Student-led, Peer-supported Research in Gaining Experience and Confidence Prior to Final-year Honours Projects.
British Ecological Society Learning and Teaching Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2018.
McGregor, A.
Using Student-created Digital Content to Develop Critical Analysis Skills and Enhance Employability.
MVLS Visualisation in Science Annual Conference, Glasgow, 2017.
Nousek-McGregor, A. E. and Mei, F.
Does noise from shipping and boat traffic affect predator vigilance in the European common hermit crab?
In: Popper, Arthur N. and Hawkins, Anthony (eds.)
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II.
Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (875).
Springer New York, pp. 767-774.
ISBN 9781493929801
(doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_94)
Le Vin, A. , Nousek-McGregor, A. E. , Paterson, V., Welsh, M. and Spatharis, S.
Extending Constructive Alignment To Work-Based Learning To Ease Transitions: Do students Perceive the Use of Assessment as an Effective Method of Preparing for their Careers?
In: 2nd International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education 2015, Glasgow, UK, 9-11 Jun 2015,
McGregor, A.
Teaching Critical Analysis through Active Learning: Use of Videos to Improve Critical Reflection on Zoological Research and Develop Transferable Skills.
Enhancing Fieldwork Learning Annual Conference, London, 2015.
Nousek-McGregor, A. and Wright, H.
The Effects of Recreational Boating on the Underwater Soundscape of Loch Lomond, Scotland.
Ecology and Acoustics: Emergent Properties from Communities to Landscapes, Paris, France, 16-18 Jun 2014.
Nousek-McGregor, A.E. , Miller, C.A., Moore, M.J. and Nowacek, D.P.
Effects of body condition on buoyancy in endangered North Atlantic right whales.
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 87(1),
pp. 160-171.
(doi: 10.1086/671811)
Nousek-McGregor, A.
Facilitating Feedback on Filter-feeders: Integrating Technology to Improve Individual Feedback on Dichotomous Identification Keys.
6th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 19 Apr 2013.
Brown, J.C., Smaragdis, P. and Nousek-McGregor, A.E.
Automatic identification of individual killer whales.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(3),
(doi: 10.1121/1.3462232)
Nousek, A.E. , Slater, P.J.B., Wang, C. and Miller, P.J.O.
The influence of social affiliation on individual vocal signatures of northern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca).
Biology Letters, 2(4),
pp. 481-484.
(doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2006.0517)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 09:41:10 2025 GMT.