Our Specialist Services

Meet the team


European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Kate Stalin graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2003 before working in general practice in Aberdeen. In 2005 she returned to Cambridge as a resident in neurology. After completing her initial training at the University she then completed her residency running a neurology service in a private referral practice in the north of England.

In 2008 Kate was awarded her European Diploma in Veterinary Neurology and subsequently worked as a clinical neurologist at Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital. In 2012 Kate joined the neurology team at University of Glasgow. Kate’s clinical interests include neurosurgery, inflammatory brain disease and CNS neoplasia.

Rodrigo Gutierrez-Quintana MVZ MVM DIPECVN MRCVS

Head of Neurology Service, RCVS & European Specialist

Rodrigo graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2005. He spent one year in practice in Mexico before beginning an internship in 2006 at the National Veterinary School of Nantes, France. In January 2009 he began a three year residency in Neurology at University of Glasgow and in 2012 he was awarded his European Diploma in Veterinary Neurology. He also completed a Master in prognostic factors in spinal cord injury in dogs. In 2013 Rodrigo Became a University Clinician. Rodrigo’s clinical interests include neurosurgery, spinal cord injury and Vertebral column deformities.

Rodrigo is a RCVS & European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Ana Cloquell Miro DVM MSC MRCVS

Clinician in Veterinary Neurology

Ana graduated from the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio in Madrid, Spain in 2008. In 2009 she completed a rotating internship at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio. During the three following years she completed a Master in Small Animal Medicine at the same hospital. After this, she began a three-year residency in Neurology and Neurosurgery at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio and the private referral Hospital Veterinario Vetsia combined. Ana joined the neurology team at the University of Glasgow in December 2019. Ana’s clinical interests include traumatic brain injury, seizures, immunotherapy in neurological diseases and neurosurgery.

Adriana Kaczmarska DVM MVM DipECVN MRCVS

RCVS and European Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Adriana graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2005 and worked as a general practitioner for several years. In 2018, she completed a small animal rotating internship at the University of Glasgow's Small Animal Hospital and joined their Neurology Service as a resident in neurology and neurosurgery. After completing her residency, she continued as a clinician in veterinary neurology at the University of Glasgow.

In 2023, Adriana earned her Master's degree with a focus on brain biopsy techniques in dogs, and in 2024, she became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Neurology. While Adriana is passionate about all areas of neurology, her specific interests include inflammatory and neoplastic conditions, epilepsy, neurosurgery, and neuronavigation

Adriana is a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and European Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Neurology.

Jos Bongers MSc MVM Dip ECVN MRCVS 

Research Clinician and European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Jos graduated from Utrecht University in 2015 and subsequently obtained an internship in internal medicine at Utrecht University where she worked for 1.5 years. After completing the internship, she travelled overseas to undertake a rotating internship at the Massey University in New Zealand. Starting from February 2019, Jos joined the Neurology Service as a resident Neurology/Neurosurgery at the Small Animal Hospital in Glasgow.

After finishing her residency, Jos started a new position as research clinician with a special focus on canine epilepsy. She obtained her diplomate status in 2024 and her main focus now lies on improving and expanding the Glasgow Seizure Clinic.

Chris Skinner BVSc (Hons) MRCVS

Resident in Neurology

Chris graduated from the University of Brisbane, Australia, in 2018. He then undertook an internal medicine internship in a private hospital in Brisbane, followed by two years as a neurology intern. He spent the next 8 months working in emergency and critical care in Newcastle, Australia, before joining the University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital in 2022. Chris is interested in all areas of neurology, with particular interest in the gut-brain axis and epilepsy.

Alfonso Cabral Naranjo DVM, MRCVS

Resident in Neurology

Alfonso graduated from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, in 2017. He worked as a general practitioner in Spain for 6 months before moving to the UK, where he initially worked as a first opinion vet for 2 years. Later, he joined Davies Veterinary Specialists where he completed a 1-year rotating internship.

In 2021, Alfonso moved back to Spain where he worked as an emergency vet in a busy referral hospital. In 2022, he moved back to the UK to undertake a 1-year neurology internship at Hamilton Specialist Referral, and later joined the Neurology Service as a resident at the Small Animal Hospital in Glasgow in 2023. His master project involves investigating abnormal eye movements in dogs suffering from vestibular disease with video-oculography.

Alfonso is particularly interested in neuroimaging, neuro-oncology and vestibular disease.

Magdalena Maria Dyrka MRCVS

Resident in Neurology

Magdalena graduated from the University of Life Sciences Lublin, Poland in 2018. After graduation she worked as general practitioner for two years in South England. Then, she completed a small animal rotating internship at the University of Glasgow's Small Animal Hospital and joined their Neurology Service as a Junior Clinician in Veterinary Neurology for a year.Later, for one year she was one of our OOH Clinician providing first-line primary emergency care to patients, belonging to practices in the local area. 

She has also done 4-months combined neurology and orthopaedic internship in a private hospital near London, prior to happily returning to SAH and commencing her master's degree and residency training in Veterinary Neurology/Neurosurgery.Her research is focused on looking for biomarkers in spinal cord injury in dogs. She enjoys all areas of veterinary neurology

Grace Kaemper MRCVS

Junior Clinician in Neurology

Grace graduated from Massey University, New Zealand in 2020 before working in mixed practice in rural New Zealand for two years. She then moved to the United Kingdom where she competed a rotating internship at the Royal Veterinary College and gained a Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice. She has now joined the team in Glasgow as a Junior Clinician in Neurology. Grace is passionate about all aspects of neurology and is particularly interested in neuromuscular disease and epilepsy.

Karen Holmes RVN A1

‌Karen qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2005. After working in general practice, she moved to an accident and emergency & hydrotherapy unit. That is where she gained a passion for rehabilitation and hydrotherapy, working within a team of nurses responsible for outpatient hydrotherapy. In 2009, Karen joined the small animal hospital as a support nurse and spent a lot of time with the neurology patients. This is where she discovered a love for neurology and nursing spinal patients. Finally, in August 2012, Karen joined the neurology team as specialist support neurology nurse.


Zoe qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2012 and after a year in general practice began work at the University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital. Zoe has had a keen interest in neurology since her time at the Small Animal Hospital as a student veterinary nurse -finding nursing these patients particularly rewarding. Since joining the Small Animal Hospital as a rotational nurse Zoe has been able to and encouraged to pursue her this interest and passion for neurology nursing. In July 2019 Zoe became only the second veterinary nurse in the UK to gain the American VTS certificate in Neurology.