Our Emergency and Critical Care department work round the clock to support and provide intensive care for critically ill patients.
How we can help
The Emergency and Critical Care Service works closely with the Internal Medicine and Soft Tissue Surgery services to provide intensive care of critically ill patients. Patients with respiratory distress, severe heart failure, severe anaemia and other issues can be provided with oxygen therapy, inotropic support and round-the-clock monitoring. We also have an out of hours emergency unit for veterinary practices who are registered with us.
Services that we provide include:
- Advanced respiratory support: high flow nasal cannula oxygenation and mechanical ventilation
- Enteral and parenteral nutritional support
- In house POC analysers and blood gas and acid base analysis
- 24- hour intensive care
- Cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring
- Blood or plasma transfusions
- Blood gas analysis, partial coagulation panels, blood typing
- Continuous invasive and non invasive monitoring for cardiovascular and respiratory support including ECG, central venous pressure, arterial pressure, arterial oxygen and pulse oximetry.

Meet the team
Carlos Pizarro del Valle Ldo.Vet., MSc, MRCVS
Clinician in Small Emergency and Critical Care
Carlos graduated from the University of Cordoba in 2009. After graduating, he continued working at the University of Cordoba in collaboration with the Internal Medicine, Anaesthesia and Emergency and Critical Care Services until 2014, when he moved to Kuwait to work in first opinion practice. In 2016, Carlos completed a combined Anaesthesia and Critical Care internship at the University of Liverpool, before moving to California to complete an Emergency and Critical Care internship at UC Davis in 2017. Carlos joined the ICU and Critical Care service at the University
of Glasgow in 2018, and combined his role as clinician in Emergency and Critical Care with a non-conforming residency in Emergency and Critical Care at the University of Barcelona.
Carlos is passionate about all aspects of acute medicine and Critical Care, with especial interest in sepsis, electrolyte and fluid balance and advanced respiratory support.
Learn more about the services that we work with
Internal Medicine
Our Internal Medicine Service is responsible for investigating, diagnosing and treating diseases of the internal organs.
Soft Tissue Surgery
Our Soft Tissue Surgery department offers a comprehensive range of surgical procedures and expertise.
Out of Hours
Out of Hours Emergency Care offers emergency treatment for your pet when your usual vet is closed (nights, weekends and public holidays).