Tuesday 4 December 2018

Graham Kerr Building, LT2


Please join us to for our first Gull Day! Together with the Tag-n-Track Team from Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park we are organising a full day of talks and discussions about gulls, with a diversity of speakers covering a range of topics including tracking, gull diet, urban gulls and public engagement.




09.30-10:00                          Registration & Welcome



10:00-10.20                          Iain Livingston, CRG - ‘What colour ringing can tell us on movements of gulls

10.20-10.40                          Anouk Spelt, Bristol - ‘Habitat use of an urban-nesting seabird during the

 breeding season

10.40-11.00                          Nina O’Hanlon, Thurso – ‘Non-breeding resource use by a super generalist

11:00-11:10                          Discussion


11.10-11.40                          Tea break



11.40-12.00                          Agnes Olin – ‘Sandeels and kittiwakes: not as simple as it seems

12.00-12.20                          Ruedi Nager – ‘The effect of rubbish diet on gulls

12.20-12.40                          Rebecca Lakin, St. Andrews – ‘Gulls and garbage: The influence of an

 anthropogenic diet on gull chick phenotype'

12:40-13:00                          Andrew Tongue, Birmingham – ‘Feeling the Heat? Gulls as Bioindicators of Flame

 Retardant Emissions from Landfill’

13.00-13.15                          Discussion


13.15-14.15                          Lunch


                                                      Public Engagement

14.15-14.45                          Hayley Douglas – ‘TaG’N’Track public outreach programme’

14:45- 15:00                         Hannah Riley – 'Accessable technology: Movebank and Animal Tracker'

15.00-15.20                          Anouk Spelt, Bristol – ‘The Urban Gull Project: From Gulls to Drones

15.20-15.40                          Nina O’Hanlon, Thurso – ‘Citizen science and plastic in gulls

15.40-16.00                          Final questions & discussion and Closing




First published: 10 October 2018