Following on from our series of mini talks (16th July) on the ecological questions where stable isotopes can be informative, the Seabird Interest Group had been invited to a lab visit at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre at East Kilbride on Tuesday 1 September, 10 am. We would like to extend this invitation to everybody who is interested.

The East Kilbride centre hosts the NERC Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility's node specialised in stable isotope ecology. Stable isotopes are increasingly used in ecology, but access to laboratory facilities is usually the limiting factor. In Glasgow we are very fortunate that we have excellent facilities right at our doorstep. This visit will allow gaining contact with the people working there, as well as obtaining an insight in the analytical approaches which will give a better understanding of required sampling protocols.

Rona McGill and Tony Preston will be there and cover the analytical side of stable isotope analyses.

First published: 10 August 2015