Avian Biology Group
The Avian Biology Shared Interest Group is a network of researchers, both staff and students, who are actively involved or interested in research relating to avian biology. Research in the School spans a broad range of ornithology topics, with expertise in physiology, behaviour, ecology and evolution.
The group aims to increase networking throughout the School, introducing early career scientists (including undergraduate, masters and PhD students) to more senior scientists with similar research interests. We meet monthly, to discuss new research, get feedback on current/future research, and offer a supportive environment for practicing conference and pre-viva talks. We also invite external speakers to give talks at our meetings.
Meetings take place each month on a Wednesday at 2pm in the Graham Kerr Building library (zoom option also available!).
To find out about future talks and recent publications from our group keep an eye on the Avian SIG board on the first floor of the Graham Kerr Building! Make sure you are part of the Avian SIG mailing list for the most up-to-date news. If you are interested in joining the Avian SIG, have any ideas for future meetings or have any recent publications or photos you want to display on our board then please get in touch with one of the group coordinators.
Group coordinators
Mailing list: sbohvm-avian@lists.cent.gla.ac.uk