Industry engagement
We have engaged with a broad range of commercial industries over many years, from small and medium-sized enterprises through to large pharmaceutical industry. Key to these engagements is knowledge exchange (KE), a mutual exchange and collaboration that benefits both partners. These can include consultancy and advisory services, secondment of research staff within commerical businesses, collaboration and co-production of new research, licensing of our IP, providing Continuing Professional Training (CPD) and general sharing of information about the nature of our research and the needs of stakeholder businesses.
We recently published examples of some of our industry engagements demonstrating these KE practices. These are available in the Industry collaborations PDF flyer with additional materials.

Foot-and-mouth disease research to inform vaccine manufacturing and control options for East Africa
Fri, 07 Aug 2015 15:21:00 BST

EPIC centre of expertise in animal disease outbreaks
Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:33:00 GMT

Cute-Egg, improvement of eggshell cuticle quality to reduce vertical transmission of zoonotic and pathogenic organisms
Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:19:00 GMT

Biomarkers of wellbeing & disease in production and companion animals
Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:30:00 GMT

Collaborating to tackle problems of riverine impoundment
Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:03:00 GMT