Research Facilities
Our School has excellent facilities for lab, field and farm-based research, including aquaria, aviaries and laboratories for conducting analyses in bioinformatics, cellular physiology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, endocrinology, molecular ecology and physiological ecology.
We also benefit from a state of the art field research centre on Loch Lomond, as well as a University farm and research centre North of Glasgow. Additional specialist facilities are available through our collaborations with other institutes within the College.

Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment (SCENE)

Veterinary Diagnostic Services (VDS)
Related Facilities and Clinical Services
The School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine have several Clinical services that support the University and wider Glasgow community as well as give our students the practical skills they need to progress in their studies.

College Facilities
Our School has access to a wide range of exceptional facilities that are available in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences.