Female Researchers' Group
This group brings together female researchers in the Institute, from post doctoral* researchers to Professors.
When: We meet every 4-6 weeks, usually at lunchtime (Upcoming dates/locations TBC)
Contact: The group is convened by Professor Pat Monaghan whom you can contact for additional information.
We discuss, in a frank, supportive, confidential and non-judgemental atmosphere, issues that women face in pursing and maintaining a successful career in academic research. This includes confidence building, developing independence, networking, career decisions, dealing with real or perceived discrimination, self-promotion and competitiveness, applying for promotion, work-life balance and family issues.
We have recently been using the book ‘Lean In’ by Cheryl Sandberg to focus some of our discussions, and also invite along people with specialist knowledge to talk about relevant issues.
* We have started at the postdoctoral level because this is the stage at which many women tend to move out of academic research. We appreciate that women at earlier stages could also benefit greatly from interacting with the group and are planning to have some meetings with postgraduates.