Parents and Carers
As a school we are keen to support parents and carers. We hope that you find this page informative and encouraging. Below you will find some useful links, information on our community garden in Cochno Farm and some details on the support available through the University.
We have a mailing list which we use to share information, events etc. You can join the mailing list by following these instructions.
There is also a mailing list for the community garden - can join this list by contacting Martin ( or following the same instructions.
If you have anything you would like to add to this page please email: All suggestions are very welcome!
Maternity, Paternity, Shared Parental Leave and Adoption Leave Information Pack
This page provides links to some of the resources that parents, parents-to-be and line managers might find useful.
Further information can also be found on the University Equality & Diversity webpage. Staff members are encouraged to discuss any issues/requirements with their line manager and/or People and Organisational Development (P&OD) helpdesk as soon as possible, who will help ensure that the staff member is supported before and after their period of leave.
Maternity leave
The Maternity leave policy provides useful information on antenatal and postnatal care, Keeping In Touch (KIT) days and pay entitlement. KIT days are an optional but very useful way of keeping in contact throughout leave and support the transition back towards return from maternity leave or parental shared leave. These are paid on an hourly basis and are available as full or part days. They can be used for a variety of activities so long as agreed between parents to be and line managers. Line manager will be able to log KIT days using the HR Core portal for you and should be completed within 5 days.
The Maternity Policy toolkit is a particularly useful link, which lists the available support documentation including guidance, forms and checklists.
Its important that a new and expectant mothers risk assessment is completed by line managers. Should any risks be identified reasonable adjustments should be made Line managers should retain a copy. The form and guidance can be accessed here.
Paternity leave and adoption leave
The University provides support for adoption and paternity leave as outlined in the paternity leave and adoption leave policies. Please note that the University’s paternity leave policy includes 2 weeks fully paid leave.
Shared parental leave
Shared Parental Leave may support a family to balance work and childcare commitments as it allows parents to share up to 50 weeks of leave within a baby or child’s first year following birth or adoption. Please consult the University toolkit for more information on this.
Returning to work after family leave
SBOHVM provides quiet, private facilities for breastfeeding and a dedicated refrigerator at Garscube campus (The Parents/Carers Room in the Mary Stewart Building, Room A3) for returning women who wish to express breast milk at work. There are additional facilities at Gilmorehill. For more information contact SBOHVM Equality Diversity and Inclusion Director (
Academic returners fund. This funding is available to support returners career momentum following your leave or during your leave. Staff can apply before, during or after leave depending on the timing of the support required. Applications take about 2–3 weeks to determine. Further information Academic Returners Fund or please contact for information.
People & Organisational Development Helpdesk
We recommend staff take advantage of the opportunity to have 1 to 1 meetings with the POD team that can be requested via email to the People & Organisational Development Team, the SBOHVM POD Business Partner ( or via the UofG helpdesk. These meetings can provide additional assistance to fully understand university policies and how they relate to the individual's situation.
Useful Links and Resources for Parents and Carers
- Parental leave policy
- Support for parents and carers
- Specific support and resources for student parents and carers
- Dedicated support for female academics returning from maternity leave
- Support for carers, including policies and internal and external support
- Parent buddy network and Parents and Carers Forum on Yammer
Contacting the NHS once you know you are pregnant. The first point of contact is usually a midwife through this service rather than your GP. They will arrange a booking appointment (normally between weeks 8 and 12 of pregnancy) and a scan appointment (normally week 12 of pregnancy).
The National Childbirth Trust run antenatal classes. It is an excellent way to meet people in your area who are getting ready for parenthood at the same time as you.
The NHS also run ante-natal classes, and have produced a guide covering all matters antenatal.
Plan ahead: good childcare providers tend to get booked up several months in advance.
A good starting point is
Use care inspectorate reports to read how the childcare provider rates, what they do well, how they could improve, etc.
It is also worthwhile checking the suitability and availability of the University nursery.
The University of Glasgow has a salary sacrifice scheme which allows employees to put £243 per month towards paying childcare providers tax-free. However, this scheme is now closed to new participants.
Details on the replacement scheme (for every £8 put towards childcare by a participant, £2 will be added by the government).
Until end of the 2019/20 school year, children aged 3+ received 600 hours/year of free nursery provision. Pre-Covid, this was due to increase to 1140 hours/year at the start of the 2020/21 school year. At the time of writing it appears that the new scheme is in place in some places but not others: familiarise yourself with the government policy and check with your childcare provider.
Excellent shops selling second-hand clothes, baby equipment, toys, books, etc, and organising groups for parents:
- Merry-Go-Round
- Kinder Handl
- Birth, Baby, and Beyond
- Jack and Jill Market
- Help! What am I going to do today?! (Glasgow/West of Scotland-based Facebook group for sharing tips)
- Glasgow With Kids blog
- Bookbug sessions (stories and songs)
- Make Do and Grow (crafting for kids with an emphasis on recycling)
- Woodcraft Folk (outdoor activities for families, three groups in Glasgow)
- The Language Hub (activities/groups for children and families whose first language is not English)
- Interesting read on family life: The Zen advice to family life
Support for Parents and Carers
- Parental leave policy
- Support for parents and carers
- Support for student parents and carers
- Support for female academics returning from maternity leave
- Support for carers, including policies and internal and external support
- Parent buddy network and Parents and Carers Forum on Yammer
Cochno Community Garden
A community garden can achieve many things: somewhere to grow fruit and vegetables; a place for outdoor play; a source of understanding of nature; a tool for social cohesion in the outdoors in an atmosphere of rewarding common endeavour.
The school’s staff started the community garden at Cochno Farm in 2016 and it now has membership across the University. The garden is a great place for staff and their families to hang out and play. We have barbecues, a pizza oven, climbing frames, swings, badminton, two polytunnels, a sandpit, apple trees, plums, damsons, a whole forest of rhubarb, three beehives and lots and lots of potatoes.
For the last four years we run a massive bonfire night gathering with fireworks and marshmallows. We retained access during the 2020 spring lockdown, set up a rota system, and the garden was a lifeline for families to keep a link to the great outdoors. These days there are people at the site every weekend, plenty of space to expand and we are always keen to invite new members.
If you want to get involved, please get in touch with and we will add you to the mailing list and the whatsapp group.