Zoology Museum and 100 Objects

100 Years of the Zoology Museum






Image of hundreds of whale lice on a piece of whale skin in spirit


Penguin egg from Patagonia


Skull of a young female Thylacine from Tasmania


Ormer shells from Cannes, France


Yellow perch skeleton


Large scale plaster model of an extinct foraminiferan


Articulated plaster model of bird beak showing flexible hinge


Plaster of Paris model of a Pterosaur fossil


Burrows of an unknown species of trapdoor spider from Queensland, Australia


Bamboo coral in spirit


Pinned White-faced darter dragonfly from Rannoch


Skeleton of False killer whale

Lungfish eggs


Developmental series of the Japanese sleeper ray


Tail tips from African elephants


Brandling worm showing unusual bifurcation


Horns and skull of a Roan antelope from Zambia


Pinned insects: two hoverflies and a crane fly


Mole skins from around Scotland


Syntypes of the sand hopper


Wax and paper model of the sting of a wasp


Smooth puffer collected off the coast of West Africa

Wax models showing the colour varieties of the black slug


Spectral Tarsier in spirit


Olm in spirit

Fresh-water sponges from the River Cam, Cambridge and subjects of a publication by Dr. Margaret Jepps on aspects of sponge biology


Swordfish bill mounted as a trophy


A dried, inflated Black-blotched porcupinefish


Brachiopods or lamp shells attached to rock


Chiton in ethanol


Unidentified soft corals, possibly Eunicella sp. and Leptogorgia sp.

Microscope mount of Bow-legged fir aphid

Dissection of Common skate showing the afferent branchial arteries and venous system


Nematode worm in spirit

Pinned European rhinoceros beetle


Larvae and young marbled lungfish


Clubionidae or sac spiders


Digenean fluke from Loch Lomond


Whale foetus in spirit


Dog tapeworm hydatid cysts in human liver


Painting of dog whelks


Paratype of the beetle Cavognatha pullivora Crowson, 1964


Skull of a South American coati


Several species of Hemipteran bugs from Scotland


Drawer of swallowtail butterflies from the family Papilionidae


Three female brown sand boas in spirit


Sap beetles


Mount of a cattle egret


European common cuttlefish in spirit


Axolotl in spirit


Solifuge or sun spider in spirit


Disarticulated, incomplete skeleton of Dunlin


Prints of photos of skulls of chacma baboons


Mount of a male chaffinch on a cork log


Dried Hydrozoa and Bryozoa


Disarticulated Soay sheep skeleton


Jaws of Black-tip reef shark


Case of mounted birds from Australia, includes two magpie-larks, a grey butcherbird and a buff-banded rail


Blue land crab in spirit


Disarticulated skeleton of Colobus monkey


Skin of a red-billed quelea


White-lipped frog


The humerus bone from the wing of a pelican


Dried Pipistrelle bat


Dried shark fin from an unknown species


Brittle star in spirit


Pharyngeal teeth and plate from common roach


Demonstration box Snails of the Sudan showing vectors and intermediate hosts of Schistosoma infection


Watercolour illustration by Margaret Rankin Wilson of a pleasing fungus beetle


Krill in spirit


Leatherback turtle hatchlings


Skull of a sloth bear


American Painted Lady pinned butterfly


Spiders collected as part of a faunal survey


Nest of an Antillean crested hummingbird


Teaching chart showing the internal anatomy of a sea cucumber


Pitfall trap samples from ecological survey of machair habitat


Boulder brain coral


Parasitic horse-hair worm with host, an orange-head cockroach


Nest of the Garden Warbler


Common toad in spirit


Otocyst collection, fine dissections of animal inner ear bones


Shrimp, frog and fish


Microscope slide of the protozoan Orbulina universa


Complete articulated skeleton of the red-banded snake


Large teaching chart showing lifecycle of malaria parasite Plasmodium sp.


Section of gill arch from giant devil fish


American signal crayfish in spirit


Lamp shell


Unidentified species of Anglerfish


Pencil drawing of Red-tailed monkey


Polyester resin cast of burrow of Norway lobster


Shell of a black-lip pearl oyster


Shell of a chambered nautilus


Collection of beetles from the Isle of Raasay plus maps, field notebooks and publication


Study skin of a Sandwich Tern


Rostrum of a smalltooth sawfish


Torrent frog


Strip of baleen from Bowhead whale


Microscope slide of thrips


Shell collection of global distribution, containing gastropods, bivalves, tusk shells, cephalopods and chitons