General Regulations

General Regulations

1. Risk Assessments: Safety Risk Assessments must be made for all Institute activities. Details of how these should be carried out are given in the appropriate sections of this document (Risk Assessment).

2. Serious Accidents: In the event of an emergency, call 999 for police and ambulance services or extension 4444 for the Graham Kerr Building or 2222 for the Henry Wellcome Complex to be connected to university security. If you call 999 for emergency services, you should always call security as well. Be prepared with your name, exact location and the nature of the emergency. If there are any hazardous substances or radiation involved, say so. Security Services will provide immediate response and coordinate with emergency services when they arrive.

In the case of a serious accident the University Safety Officer, from SEPS, (ext. 5532) must be informed immediately, as should the Director of Institute (ext. 5843), the Institute Head of Research Administration (4779) and the Institute Safety Supervisor Coordinator (ext. 8093) or Safety Supervisor at Garscube (8093). You must be familiar with the section in this handbook dealing with Accidents, Incidents and Hazards.

3. Out of Hours Working:

Normal working hours are 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday - Friday.

Senior Honours students must not carry out laboratory work out of hours unless under the direct supervision of their supervisor, or other appropriate member of the academic staff.

Graham Kerr building: Anyone working outside these hours (evenings or weekends) must sign themselves in and out in the late working book, kept outside the reception office. Undergraduates in the Building during evening opening are restricted to the Library and Computer Cluster. Undergraduates must sign in and out in the book provided for that purpose. Postgraduates may be restricted in the work they can do outside normal working hours. Such activities will be detailed in a Risk Assessment completed and signed by both the supervisor and the postgraduate. Friends and relatives brought into the Building must also be signed in and out.

Henry Wellcome Complex: If you are working outside of normal working hours, please contact security on extension 5799 or sign the out of hours register in the Jarrett or Henry Wellcome Building. Please ensure you include where you are working and a contact number. This information is important for security to have in case of emergency. Normal working hours can vary slightly depending on the building, but if you are working alone in an area, please inform security.

4. Consumption of Food and Drink: No food or drink should be consumed in any lecture theatre, laboratory or Library within the Institute.

5. Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in any Institute buildings (including toilets).

6. Laboratory Coats: Laboratory coats must be worn when dealing with chemicals or biohazards. Laboratory coats must not be taken into Social Rooms. Laboratory coats should be laundered regularly using the service provided.
Henry Wellcome Complex: Everyone working within the HWC laboratories areas is required to wear a Laboratory Coat, or similar PPE. A variety of hand protection is available within the HWC - the appropriate COSHH assessment for the task being undertaken will identify the correct hand protection required. At least one disposable glove will be removed and disposed of at the work area; it is not permissible to wear two disposable gloves in communal areas/traffic routes.

7. Anti-Tetanus injections: All members of the Institute are strongly recommended to have anti-tetanus immunization. This can be arranged by contacting the University Health Service (ext. 2000).

8. Use of Equipment: Before using any piece of equipment you must be aware of any safety precautions that may have to be taken. You should also refer to the Standard Operating Procedure for the equipment.

9. Unattended Equipment: left on outside normal working hours should bear a notice giving emergency contact details for user and shutdown procedure to be used in an emergency.

10. Electrical Equipment Near Water: There is a serious danger when using electrical equipment near water (fish tanks, water baths etc.). Earth Leakage Contact Breakers should always be used in these situations. Special training is required for the use of electro-fishing equipment.

11. Radio-isotopes / Biohazards / Diving: No one can start work with radio-isotopes, micro-organisms (or other biohazards, including pathogens and GMOs) or undertake any diving, until they have consulted with the relevant Institute or University Safety officer/adviser.

12. Fieldwork Safety: Members of staff or postgraduate students planning fieldwork must attend an introductory course in fieldwork safety. A risk assessment must be in place before field work can start. You should also contact  the Institute Fieldwork Safety Adviser with details before commencing work and read the Fieldwork Safety notes.

13. Disposal of Waste Material: Waste must be disposed of in a safe manner. It is particularly important that cleaning staff are not exposed to hazardous waste. All 'sharps' (broken glass, needles and scalpel blades) must be disposed of in appropriate sharps containers. Gloves should be disposed in appropriate autoclavable waist containers located within the laboratories.

14. Fire Hazard: The Graham Kerr Building is an old building with a large amount of wood in its construction. Thus there is a considerable potential fire risk. Everyone must be aware of how to react in the event of a fire, or when the fire alarm sounds. You must therefore be familiar with the Fire Code of Practice.     Read it now.

Henry Wellcome Complex: In the event of a fire alarm, exit the building immediately through one of the emergency exits:

  • Henry Wellcome Building – Main door, 3rd floor exit, basement store exit
  • Jarrett Building – Southwest stairwell exit, 2nd floor main door
  • Urquhart Building – via the Henry Wellcome Building main entrance, ground floor exit
  • Botham/McRobert Buildings – Botham building main entrance, exit adjacent to the Jarrett Building, McRobert building main entrance

After exiting the building, gather at the closest Assembly Point (just inside the Ilay Road Gate or at the south end of the Urquhart Building). Do not re-enter the building until authorized to do so by a Fire Officer.

15. Liquid Nitrogen: See section - Handling Liquid Nitrogen 

16. First Aid: what to do in the case of an accident - see section - Accidents, Incidents and Hazards 

17. Vehicle Parking: Vehicles should only be parked in recognised parking places in the vicinity of the Graham Kerr Building. Private vehicles must not be parked in the back driveway, as this needs to be kept clear to allow access for Institute vehicles, service vehicles and the emergency services.

Henry Wellcome Building: Parking at the Garscube campus requires a parking permit, which is available for a fee from Central Services. You can find all the information for this at and a parking permit application is included in this package. Please keep in mind that a parking permit for one campus is not valid for the other campus.

18. Visitors to the Graham Kerr Building and Henry Wellcome Complex: All visitors must report to Reception and sign the Visitors Book. Members of the public visiting the Hunterian Museum must restrict their access to the ground floor corridor and the museum area. Visiting research workers must ensure that they are aware of, and comply with, the IBAHCM Safety Regulations. Responsibility for the safe working of visitors resides with the person inviting the visitor. The Director of Institute, or other appropriate senior member of staff, should be made aware of the presence of visiting workers, the duration of their stay and the nature of their work. All tradesmen, including Estates & Buildings staff, must report to Reception and/or an appropriate senior member of the technical staff, before commencing work.

19. University Emergency Contact Number: All staff and postgraduates working off campus should carry the University Emergency Contact Card, which gives a 24-hour contact number for use after a serious incident. Cards can be obtained from the Graham Kerr Office.

Please print off, and sign this form - IBAHCM 2015 Safety Policy Confirmation form