School mailing lists
Nearly every School email you get should have an extra signature on the end telling you why you got that particular mail, and what you can do about it if there's been a mistake. Of course, you'll have to talk to each other to find out which emails you didn't get. Their email should say in the signature what mailing list they were on to receive it.
Fixed lists: (All staff) (Associate staff) (Affiliate Staff) (Life Science UG students) (Phd) (Masters) (all PG students)
Each of the following are prefixes followed by
- sbohvm-res-postgrad is a closed mailing list for postgraduate students at SBOHVM. You never need to subscribe to this list as you'll be added automatically if you are a member of sbohvm-res-masters or sbohvm-res-phd.
- sbohvm-res-postdoc is a closed list for Postdocs and Fellows at SBOHVM. It is centrally managed, and if you think you ought to be on it you need to email rather than trying to subscribe through sympa.
- sbohvm-res-pi is a closed mailing list for PIs at SBOHVM. You never need to subscribe to this list as you'll be added automatically if you are a member of sbohvm-res-core or sbohvm-res-fellow.
- sbohvm-res-staff is a closed mailing list for staff at SBOHVM. You never need to subscribe to this list as you'll be added automatically if you are a member of sbohvm-res-postdoc, sbohvm-res-pi or sbohvm-res-tech-admin.
And for general School-wide emails:
- sbohvm-research is all of the above - i.e. every full member of the School (not affiliates, associates and undergraduates)
- sbohvm-res-announce all of the above plus external people who have signed up to receive important emails, including affiliates, etc.
For most internal procedural matters, please use sbohvm-research. By all means use sbohvm-res-announce or research and other important announcements that may interest (or would benefit from) our wider community of affiliates and other external subscribers. If the content is very local, social or conversational, please use sbohvm-social (see optional/joining lists below).
Reaching specific groups
The above listings have sub-listing addresses that allow specific groups to be contacted. These are as follow:
- Postgraduate students can be contacted on sbohvm-res-masters or sbohvm-res-phd.
(NB Postgrads will also get any emails sent to sbohvm-res-postgrad, sbohvm-research and sbohvm-res-announce) - Fellows can be contacted on sbohvm-res-fellow.
(NB Fellows will also get any emails sent to sbohvm-res-pi, sbohvm-res-postdoc, sbohvm-res-staff, sbohvm-research and sbohvm-res-announce) - Postdocs can be contacted on bahcm-postdoc.
(NB Postdocs will also get any emails sent to sbohvm-res-staff, sbohvm-research and sbohvm-res-announce. If you are a postdoc but are eligible to act as a PI or want to get emails about things to do with grants, then ask to get moved to sbohvm-res-fellow instead—there's no strict rule on who is allowed in which, and you will still get emails that are sent to sbohvm-res-postdoc) - Core-funded research and teaching staff can be contacted on sbohvm-res-core.
(NB Core-funded staff will also get any emails sent to sbohvm-res-pi, sbohvm-res-teaching, sbohvm-res-staff, sbohvm-research and sbohvm-res-announce) - Technical and administrative staff can be contacted on sbohvm-res-tech-admin.
(NB Tech & Admin staff will also get any emails sent to sbohvm-res-staff, sbohvm-research and sbohvm-res-announce) - Associates and affiliates can be contacted on sbohvm-res-external, but will also get any emails sent to sbohvm-res-announce.
- Teaching only staff can be contacted on sbohvm-res-teaching and sbohvm-res-announce.
Optional lists
If you want to add (or remove) yourself to/from any of the following optional email lists as well, then feel free—the instructions are below:
- is a list of everyone interested in social events in the school.
- is a list of everyone based in the Graham Kerr Building
- is a list of everyone based in Garscube
Research theme lists:
Ecology and Environmental Change -
Physiology, Ageing & Welfare -
Comparative and Translational Health -
Host-Parasite Interactions & Pathogenesis -
Evolution and Diversity -
Infectious Disease Ecology -
Educational Research and Scholarship -
Joining a list
If someone wishes to join one of the lists, they are more than welcome— there are instructions on these pages