Naturally Speaking Blog Episode 59: Resilience in Academia
Published: 16 March 2018
Resilience in Academia: featuring Shaun Killen, Katie Hampson, Richard Reeve, Barbara Helm and Dan Haydon
Feature image: Original artwork courtesy of PhD researcher Eleni Christoforou, 2018©
It’s unlikely that anyone has ever said that a career in academic research is easy. It is highly competitive, requires an incredibly large skill set, and “rejection” is essentially part of the job description. However, despite all these challenges, most of us couldn’t imagine doing anything else!
In this episode, Naturally Speaking editors Taya Forde and Karen Hotopp chat with Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine researchers Shaun Killen, Katie Hampson, Richard Reeve, Barbara Helm and Dan Haydon to hear about their often-bumpy career paths, the challenges they’ve faced, and their strategies for overcoming them. Critically – don’t forget that this career should be fun!
First published: 16 March 2018