SBOHVM External Seminars 2024-25

Our weekly External Lecture series restarts on Wednesday 2nd October in the Graham Kerr Lecture Theatre from 1-2pm.

This event will alternate between Gilmorehill and Garscube every week. When the seminar is at Garscube, it will be streamed via zoom in the Graham Kerr Lecture Theatre.

Most seminars will be from 1-2pm, however this is subject to change so please check the table below for the correct time.

We'll be hosting in person and virtual talks by many visitors from across the world. It's guaranteed to be a fun, informative and enlightening regular event. 

For the most up to date info, please also visit our School Calendar.

External Seminar Series

Date Campus Lecture Theater Time Speaker Speaker Institution Talk Title
02-Oct-2024 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2 pm Dr Damaris Matoke-Muhia Kenya Medical Research Institute and Pan-African Mosquito Control Association

“The big push towards elimination of malaria and other vector-borne diseases: The Pan African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) experience of engaging women in vector control"

09-Oct-2024 Garscube McCall LT 1-2pm Dr Valentina Busin Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations "Recent Incursions of Notifiable Diseases"
16-Oct-2024 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm SIG reps University of Glasgow  
23-Oct-2024 Garscube McCall LT 1-2pm Dr. Mark Dagleish and Prof. Collette Britton with Dr. Matias Perez University of Glasgow "How do you test for Scrapie in live sheep?" and "New technologies in Vet Parasitology, with a focus on organoids"
30-Oct-2024 Gilmorehill Kelvin Building: 257 Main Lecture Theatre 5-6 pm Sarah Cleaveland University of Glasgow Blodwen Lloyd Binns lecture
06-Nov-2024 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Sally Mtenga Ifakara Health Institute

"Sharing experience of policy translation of health research in Tanzania"

13-Nov-2024 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm TBC TBC TBC
20-Nov-2024 Garscube McCall LT 1-2pm Neil Watt MV Diagnostics TBC
27-Nov-2024 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Jason Matthiopoulos and Chris Harrod University of Glasgow

"Scorched earth and blackened eyes: High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in the European metapopulation of Northern Gannets"


"Atacama CSI(A:) Reconstructing the last moments of a high and mighty mouse, and an ancient murder victim…"

04-Dec-2024 Garscube Ilay LT 12-1pm Dr. Lewis Stevens Wellcome Sanger Institute TBC

Winter Break

Date Campus Lecture Theater Time Speaker Speaker Institution Talk Title
15-Jan-2025 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Dr. Julia Nowack Liverpool John Moores University

Waking up to a changing world. Can adaptive thermoregulation help endotherms to respond to rapid environmental change?

22-Jan-2025 Garscube McCall LT 1-2pm Dr Bushra Schuitemaker BIOME9 and Quadram Institute Biosciences One Health: A Zoologist's Perspective
29-Jan-2025 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Prof. Kate Parr University of Liverpool

Distinguishing tropical grassy ecosystems and why it matters.

05-Feb-2025 Garscube McCall LT 1-2pm Dr. Stewart Burgess Moredun Research Institute

Unravelling the mechanisms of resistance to the macrocyclic lactones in the sheep scab mite, Psoroptes ovis

12-Feb-2025 Gilmorehill TBC 4-5pm Prof. Steve Brusatte University of Edinburgh The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs
19-Feb-2025 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Dr. Alex Sutton Bangor University Understanding context-dependent response to a changing world
26-Feb-2025 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Dr. Simon Allen University of Bristol - Shark Bay Dolphin Research (Western Australia) Paradise in peril? A long-term study of beasts with big brains in a rapidly changing world
05-Mar-2025 Garscube McCall LT 1-2pm Prof Huabing Yin and Prof Julien Reboud University of Glasgow TBC
12-Mar-2025 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Dr. Tom Morrison and Dr Harriet Auty University of Glasgow TBC
19-Mar-2025 Garscube Ilay LT 1-2pm Dr. Kathryn Allan and Dr. Michelle Bellingham University of Glasgow TBC
26-Mar-2025 Gilmorehill Graham Kerr LT1 1-2pm Sean Stankowski University of Sussex TBC