Dr Taya Forde

  • Senior Lecturer (Infectious Disease Ecology)

telephone: +44 (0) 141 330 3940
email: Taya.Forde@glasgow.ac.uk

Rm 337, Jarrett Building, University of Glasgow, 464 Bearsden Rd., G61 1QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9058-7826

Research interests

  • molecular epidemiology
  • bacterial genomics
  • infectious diseases
  • global health
  • antimicrobial resistance
  • wildlife health monitoring
  • sustainable aquaculture

Current research

My research interests revolve around incorporating cutting-edge genomic tools into interdisciplinary, One Health initiatives. My research has encompassed the genomic and molecular epidemiological study of several bacterial pathogens, including Bacillus anthracis, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, and Streptococcus agalactiae. Many of my research questions focus on pathogen transmission and improving the tools to facilitate molecular epidemiological investigations. Other areas of interest include rapid sequencing-based diagnostics, antimicrobial resistance (particularly related to aquatic environments) and sustainable aquaculture.

As a veterinarian, I feel well-suited to work in an interdisciplinary manner, and have led projects from sample collections in the field, to microbiology and molecular laboratory work, through to downstream bioinformatics and phylogenetics. I have a strong interest in knowledge exchange and research impact, which I feel can best be achieved through interdisciplinary approaches and the involvement of various stakeholders and end-users throughout the design and implementation of studies. 

Read more about research within the One Health Research on Bacterial Infectious Diseases (OHRBID) Lab.

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
Number of items: 31.


Shalaby, M., Busin, V. , Yan, X., Cengiz, S., Adiguzel, M. C., Cooper, J. , Forde, T. and Reboud, J. (2025) Sample-to-answer microfluidic device towards the point-of-need detection of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin genes in ruminant milk. Lab on a Chip, (doi: 10.1039/d4lc00907j) (PMID:39775496) (Early Online Publication)

Sawaswong, V., Wongjarit, K., Petsong, S., Yuliani, Y., Somsukpiroh, U., Faksri, K., Forde, T. , Payungporn, S. and Rotcheewaphan, S. (2025) Diversity and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Mycobacterium avium complex clinical isolates in Thailand based on whole genome comparative analysis. Scientific Reports, 15(1), 772. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-84511-z) (PMID:39755794) (PMCID:PMC11700178)


Sajib, M. S. I. , Brunker, K. , Oravcova, K. , Everest, P. , Murphy, M. E. and Forde, T. (2024) Advances in host depletion and pathogen enrichment methods for rapid sequencing-based diagnosis of bloodstream infection. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 26(9), pp. 741-753. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2024.05.008) (PMID:38925458)

Crestani, C. et al. (2024) Genomic and functional determinants of host spectrum in Group B Streptococcus. PLoS Pathogens, 20(8), e1012400. (doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1012400) (PMID:39133742) (PMCID:PMC11341095)

Vineesha Seru, L., Forde, T. L. , Roberto-Charron, A., Mavrot, F., Niu, Y. D. and Kutz, S. J. (2024) Genomic characterization and virulence gene profiling of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolated from widespread muskox mortalities in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. BMC Genomics, 25, 691. (doi: 10.1186/s12864-024-10592-9) (PMID:39004696) (PMCID:PMC11247837)

Shalaby, M., Reboud, J. , Forde, T. , Zadoks, R. N. and Busin, V. (2024) Distribution and prevalence of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcal enterotoxins in raw ruminants’ milk: a systematic review. Food Microbiology, 118, 104405. (doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2023.104405)

Zhong, J., Medvecky, M., Tornos, J., Clessin, A., Le Net, R., Gantelet, H., Gamble, A. , Forde, T. L. and Boulinier, T. (2024) Erysipelothrix amsterdamensis sp. nov., associated with mortalities among endangered seabirds. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 74(2), 006264. (doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.006264) (PMID:38359084)


Neffe, L., Forde, T. L. , Oravcova, K. , Köhler, U., Bautsch, W., Tomasch, J. and Häussler, S. (2022) Genomic epidemiology of clinical ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a German hospital suggests infections are primarily community- and regionally-acquired. Microbial Genomics, 8(12), 000901. (doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000901) (PMID:36748515) (PMCID:PMC9837565)

Crestani, C., Seligsohn, D., Forde, T. L. and Zadoks, R. N. (2022) How GBS got its hump: genomic analysis of Group B Streptococcus from camels identifies host restriction as well as mobile genetic elements shared across hosts and pathogens. Pathogens, 11(9), 1025. (doi: 10.3390/pathogens11091025) (PMID:36145457) (PMCID:PMC9504112)

Aminu, O. R. et al. (2022) Participatory mapping identifies risk areas and environmental predictors of endemic anthrax in rural Africa. Scientific Reports, 12, 10514. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14081-5) (PMID:35732674) (PMCID:PMC9217952)

Dennis, T. P.W., Mable, B. K. , Brunelle, B., Devault, A., Carter, R. W., Ling, C. L., Mmbaga, B. T., Halliday, J. E.B. , Oravcova, K. and Forde, T. L. (2022) Target-enrichment sequencing yields valuable genomic data for challenging-to-culture bacteria of public health importance. Microbial Genomics, 8(5), 000836. (doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000836) (PMID:35622897) (PMCID:PMC9465068)

Forde, T. L. et al. (2022) Population genomics of Bacillus anthracis from an anthrax hyperendemic area reveals transmission processes across spatial scales and unexpected within-host diversity. Microbial Genomics, 8(2), 000759. (doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000759) (PMID:35188453) (PMCID:PMC8942019)


Crestani, C., Forde, T. L. , Lycett, S. J. , Holmes, M. A., Fasth, C., Persson-Waller, K. and Zadoks, R. N. (2021) The fall and rise of group B Streptococcus in dairy cattle: reintroduction due to human-to-cattle host jumps? Microbial Genomics, 7(9), 000648. (doi: 10.1099/Mgen.0.000648) (PMID:34486971) (PMCID:PMC8715428)

Seligsohn, D., Crestani, C., Forde, T. L. , Chenais, E. and Zadoks, R. N. (2021) Genomic analysis of group B Streptococcus from milk demonstrates the need for improved biosecurity: a cross-sectional study of pastoralist camels in Kenya. BMC Microbiology, 21, 217. (doi: 10.1186/s12866-021-02228-9) (PMID:34281509) (PMCID:PMC8287776)

Farthing, A. G. et al. (2021) Sepsis: when a simple infection becomes deadly. Frontiers for Young Minds, 9, 639681. (doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.639681)


Aminu, O. R. et al. (2020) Practical and effective diagnosis of animal anthrax in endemic low-resource settings. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(9), e0008655. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008655) (PMID:32925904) (PMCID:PMC7513992)

Crestani, C., Forde, T. L. and Zadoks, R. N. (2020) Development and application of a prophage integrase typing scheme for group B Streptococcus. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 1993. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01993) (PMID:32983017) (PMCID:PMC7487436)

Opriessnig, T., Forde, T. and Shimoji, Y. (2020) Erysipelothrix spp.: past, present, and future directions in vaccine research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 174. (doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00174) (PMID:32351978) (PMCID:PMC7174600)

Forde, T. L. , Kollanandi Ratheesh, N., Harvey, W. T., Thomson, J. R., Williamson, S., Biek, R. and Opriessnig, T. (2020) Genomic and immunogenic protein diversity of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolated from pigs in Great Britain: implications for vaccine protection. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 418. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00418) (PMID:32231655) (PMCID:PMC7083082)


Groeschel, M., Forde, T. , Turvey, S., Joffe, A. M., Hui, C., Naidu, P., Mavrot, F., Kutz, S. and Singh, A. E. (2019) An unusual case of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae prosthetic joint infection from the Canadian Arctic: whole genome sequencing unable to identify a zoonotic source. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, 282. (doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-3913-7) (PMID:30909869) (PMCID:PMC6434803)


Barkema, H. W. et al. (2018) Knowledge gaps that hamper prevention and control of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65(S1), pp. 125-148. (doi: 10.1111/tbed.12723) (PMID:28941207)


Ladbury, G. et al. (2017) One health research in Northern Tanzania – challenges and progress. East African Health Research Journal, 1(1), pp. 8-18. (doi: 10.24248/EAHRJ-D-16-00379)


Forde, T. L. et al. (2016) Bacterial genomics reveal the complex epidemiology of an emerging pathogen in Arctic and boreal ungulates. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1759. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01759)

Forde, T. , Biek, R. , Zadoks, R. , Workentine, M. L., De Buck, J., Kutz, S., Opriessnig, T., Trewby, H., van der Meer, F. and Orsel, K. (2016) Genomic analysis of the multi-host pathogen Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae reveals extensive recombination as well as the existence of three generalist clades with wide geographic distribution. BMC Genomics, 17(1), 461. (doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-2643-0) (PMID:27301771) (PMCID:PMC4906694)


Kutz, S. et al. (2015) Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae associated with recent widespread muskox mortalities in the Canadian Arctic. Canadian Veterinary Journal: Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 56(6), pp. 560-3. (PMID:26028673) (PMCID:PMC4431149)

Forde, T. , Pruvot, M., De Buck, J. and Orsel, K. (2015) A high-morbidity outbreak of Johne's disease in game-ranched elk. Canadian Veterinary Journal: Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 56(5), pp. 479-483. (PMID:25969580) (PMCID:PMC4399733)


Aenishaenslin, C., Simon, A., Forde, T. , Ravel, A., Proulx, J.-F., Fehlner-Gardiner, C., Picard, I. and Bélanger, D. (2014) Characterizing rabies epidemiology in remote Inuit communities in Québec, Canada: a “One Health” approach. EcoHealth, 11(3), pp. 343-355. (doi: 10.1007/s10393-014-0923-1) (PMID:24643862)


Forde, T. , De Buck, J., Elkin, B., Kutz, S., van der Meer, F. and Orsel, K. (2013) Contrasting results of culture-dependent and molecular analyses of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from wood bison. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79(14), pp. 4448-4454. (doi: 10.1128/AEM.00995-13) (PMID:23686265) (PMCID:PMC3697503)

Pruvot, M., Forde, T. L. , Steele, J., Kutz, S. J., Buck, J. D., van der Meer, F. and Orsel, K. (2013) The modification and evaluation of an ELISA test for the surveillance of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in wild ruminants. BMC Veterinary Research, 9, 5. (doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-9-5) (PMID:23302439) (PMCID:PMC3545983)


Forde, T. et al. (2012) Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in several herds of Arctic Caribou (Rangifer tarandus ssp.). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(4), pp. 918-24. (doi: 10.7589/2011-09-261.) (PMID:23060493)

Forde, T. , Kutz, S., De Buck, J., Warren, A., Ruckstuhl, K., Pybus, M. and Orsel, K. (2012) Occurrence, diagnosis, and strain typing of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) in southwestern Alberta. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(1), pp. 1-11. (doi: 10.7589/0090-3558-48.1.1) (PMID:22247368)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 19:53:17 2025 GMT.
Jump to: Articles
Number of items: 31.


Shalaby, M., Busin, V. , Yan, X., Cengiz, S., Adiguzel, M. C., Cooper, J. , Forde, T. and Reboud, J. (2025) Sample-to-answer microfluidic device towards the point-of-need detection of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin genes in ruminant milk. Lab on a Chip, (doi: 10.1039/d4lc00907j) (PMID:39775496) (Early Online Publication)

Sawaswong, V., Wongjarit, K., Petsong, S., Yuliani, Y., Somsukpiroh, U., Faksri, K., Forde, T. , Payungporn, S. and Rotcheewaphan, S. (2025) Diversity and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Mycobacterium avium complex clinical isolates in Thailand based on whole genome comparative analysis. Scientific Reports, 15(1), 772. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-84511-z) (PMID:39755794) (PMCID:PMC11700178)

Sajib, M. S. I. , Brunker, K. , Oravcova, K. , Everest, P. , Murphy, M. E. and Forde, T. (2024) Advances in host depletion and pathogen enrichment methods for rapid sequencing-based diagnosis of bloodstream infection. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 26(9), pp. 741-753. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2024.05.008) (PMID:38925458)

Crestani, C. et al. (2024) Genomic and functional determinants of host spectrum in Group B Streptococcus. PLoS Pathogens, 20(8), e1012400. (doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1012400) (PMID:39133742) (PMCID:PMC11341095)

Vineesha Seru, L., Forde, T. L. , Roberto-Charron, A., Mavrot, F., Niu, Y. D. and Kutz, S. J. (2024) Genomic characterization and virulence gene profiling of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolated from widespread muskox mortalities in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. BMC Genomics, 25, 691. (doi: 10.1186/s12864-024-10592-9) (PMID:39004696) (PMCID:PMC11247837)

Shalaby, M., Reboud, J. , Forde, T. , Zadoks, R. N. and Busin, V. (2024) Distribution and prevalence of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcal enterotoxins in raw ruminants’ milk: a systematic review. Food Microbiology, 118, 104405. (doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2023.104405)

Zhong, J., Medvecky, M., Tornos, J., Clessin, A., Le Net, R., Gantelet, H., Gamble, A. , Forde, T. L. and Boulinier, T. (2024) Erysipelothrix amsterdamensis sp. nov., associated with mortalities among endangered seabirds. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 74(2), 006264. (doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.006264) (PMID:38359084)

Neffe, L., Forde, T. L. , Oravcova, K. , Köhler, U., Bautsch, W., Tomasch, J. and Häussler, S. (2022) Genomic epidemiology of clinical ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a German hospital suggests infections are primarily community- and regionally-acquired. Microbial Genomics, 8(12), 000901. (doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000901) (PMID:36748515) (PMCID:PMC9837565)

Crestani, C., Seligsohn, D., Forde, T. L. and Zadoks, R. N. (2022) How GBS got its hump: genomic analysis of Group B Streptococcus from camels identifies host restriction as well as mobile genetic elements shared across hosts and pathogens. Pathogens, 11(9), 1025. (doi: 10.3390/pathogens11091025) (PMID:36145457) (PMCID:PMC9504112)

Aminu, O. R. et al. (2022) Participatory mapping identifies risk areas and environmental predictors of endemic anthrax in rural Africa. Scientific Reports, 12, 10514. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14081-5) (PMID:35732674) (PMCID:PMC9217952)

Dennis, T. P.W., Mable, B. K. , Brunelle, B., Devault, A., Carter, R. W., Ling, C. L., Mmbaga, B. T., Halliday, J. E.B. , Oravcova, K. and Forde, T. L. (2022) Target-enrichment sequencing yields valuable genomic data for challenging-to-culture bacteria of public health importance. Microbial Genomics, 8(5), 000836. (doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000836) (PMID:35622897) (PMCID:PMC9465068)

Forde, T. L. et al. (2022) Population genomics of Bacillus anthracis from an anthrax hyperendemic area reveals transmission processes across spatial scales and unexpected within-host diversity. Microbial Genomics, 8(2), 000759. (doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000759) (PMID:35188453) (PMCID:PMC8942019)

Crestani, C., Forde, T. L. , Lycett, S. J. , Holmes, M. A., Fasth, C., Persson-Waller, K. and Zadoks, R. N. (2021) The fall and rise of group B Streptococcus in dairy cattle: reintroduction due to human-to-cattle host jumps? Microbial Genomics, 7(9), 000648. (doi: 10.1099/Mgen.0.000648) (PMID:34486971) (PMCID:PMC8715428)

Seligsohn, D., Crestani, C., Forde, T. L. , Chenais, E. and Zadoks, R. N. (2021) Genomic analysis of group B Streptococcus from milk demonstrates the need for improved biosecurity: a cross-sectional study of pastoralist camels in Kenya. BMC Microbiology, 21, 217. (doi: 10.1186/s12866-021-02228-9) (PMID:34281509) (PMCID:PMC8287776)

Farthing, A. G. et al. (2021) Sepsis: when a simple infection becomes deadly. Frontiers for Young Minds, 9, 639681. (doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.639681)

Aminu, O. R. et al. (2020) Practical and effective diagnosis of animal anthrax in endemic low-resource settings. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(9), e0008655. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008655) (PMID:32925904) (PMCID:PMC7513992)

Crestani, C., Forde, T. L. and Zadoks, R. N. (2020) Development and application of a prophage integrase typing scheme for group B Streptococcus. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 1993. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01993) (PMID:32983017) (PMCID:PMC7487436)

Opriessnig, T., Forde, T. and Shimoji, Y. (2020) Erysipelothrix spp.: past, present, and future directions in vaccine research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 174. (doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00174) (PMID:32351978) (PMCID:PMC7174600)

Forde, T. L. , Kollanandi Ratheesh, N., Harvey, W. T., Thomson, J. R., Williamson, S., Biek, R. and Opriessnig, T. (2020) Genomic and immunogenic protein diversity of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolated from pigs in Great Britain: implications for vaccine protection. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 418. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00418) (PMID:32231655) (PMCID:PMC7083082)

Groeschel, M., Forde, T. , Turvey, S., Joffe, A. M., Hui, C., Naidu, P., Mavrot, F., Kutz, S. and Singh, A. E. (2019) An unusual case of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae prosthetic joint infection from the Canadian Arctic: whole genome sequencing unable to identify a zoonotic source. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, 282. (doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-3913-7) (PMID:30909869) (PMCID:PMC6434803)

Barkema, H. W. et al. (2018) Knowledge gaps that hamper prevention and control of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65(S1), pp. 125-148. (doi: 10.1111/tbed.12723) (PMID:28941207)

Ladbury, G. et al. (2017) One health research in Northern Tanzania – challenges and progress. East African Health Research Journal, 1(1), pp. 8-18. (doi: 10.24248/EAHRJ-D-16-00379)

Forde, T. L. et al. (2016) Bacterial genomics reveal the complex epidemiology of an emerging pathogen in Arctic and boreal ungulates. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1759. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01759)

Forde, T. , Biek, R. , Zadoks, R. , Workentine, M. L., De Buck, J., Kutz, S., Opriessnig, T., Trewby, H., van der Meer, F. and Orsel, K. (2016) Genomic analysis of the multi-host pathogen Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae reveals extensive recombination as well as the existence of three generalist clades with wide geographic distribution. BMC Genomics, 17(1), 461. (doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-2643-0) (PMID:27301771) (PMCID:PMC4906694)

Kutz, S. et al. (2015) Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae associated with recent widespread muskox mortalities in the Canadian Arctic. Canadian Veterinary Journal: Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 56(6), pp. 560-3. (PMID:26028673) (PMCID:PMC4431149)

Forde, T. , Pruvot, M., De Buck, J. and Orsel, K. (2015) A high-morbidity outbreak of Johne's disease in game-ranched elk. Canadian Veterinary Journal: Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 56(5), pp. 479-483. (PMID:25969580) (PMCID:PMC4399733)

Aenishaenslin, C., Simon, A., Forde, T. , Ravel, A., Proulx, J.-F., Fehlner-Gardiner, C., Picard, I. and Bélanger, D. (2014) Characterizing rabies epidemiology in remote Inuit communities in Québec, Canada: a “One Health” approach. EcoHealth, 11(3), pp. 343-355. (doi: 10.1007/s10393-014-0923-1) (PMID:24643862)

Forde, T. , De Buck, J., Elkin, B., Kutz, S., van der Meer, F. and Orsel, K. (2013) Contrasting results of culture-dependent and molecular analyses of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from wood bison. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79(14), pp. 4448-4454. (doi: 10.1128/AEM.00995-13) (PMID:23686265) (PMCID:PMC3697503)

Pruvot, M., Forde, T. L. , Steele, J., Kutz, S. J., Buck, J. D., van der Meer, F. and Orsel, K. (2013) The modification and evaluation of an ELISA test for the surveillance of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in wild ruminants. BMC Veterinary Research, 9, 5. (doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-9-5) (PMID:23302439) (PMCID:PMC3545983)

Forde, T. et al. (2012) Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in several herds of Arctic Caribou (Rangifer tarandus ssp.). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(4), pp. 918-24. (doi: 10.7589/2011-09-261.) (PMID:23060493)

Forde, T. , Kutz, S., De Buck, J., Warren, A., Ruckstuhl, K., Pybus, M. and Orsel, K. (2012) Occurrence, diagnosis, and strain typing of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) in southwestern Alberta. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(1), pp. 1-11. (doi: 10.7589/0090-3558-48.1.1) (PMID:22247368)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 19:53:17 2025 GMT.


Grants and Awards listed are those received whilst working with the University of Glasgow.

  • Emerging zoonoses in wildlife: understanding the ecology, transmission and impacts of Brucella and Erysipelothrix for conservation and food security
    Natural Environment Research Council
    2022 - 2025
  • Developing a risk analysis framework for assessing the drivers of antimicrobial resistance in aquatic environments using a One Health approach¿
    Academy of Medical Sciences
    2021 - 2022
  • Rapid diagnosis of bacterial sepsis using a metagenomics approach
    The Royal Society
    2021 - 2022
  • Novel molecular approaches for understanding the epidemiology of endemic anthrax
    Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    2018 - 2021
  • Juno: a global genomic survey of Streptococcus agalactiae
    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    2018 - 2022
  • SFC-GCRF: Moving towards integration of syndromic and laboratory surveillance of zoonoses in Tanzania
    Scottish Funding Council
    2017 - 2017
  • BBSRC GCRF Fund Impact Accelerator Extension - Boyd Orr
    Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    2017 - 2018




Course lead: Genetics & Genomics of Antimicrobial Resistance (VETSCI5024) - part of EIDAR MSc

Deputy course lead: Antimicrobial Resistance: a One Health approach (BIOL5334) - part of the online One Health & Infectious Disease MSc

Veterinary Biosciences (L2): Lectures and Practicals on Next Generation Sequencing, Phylogenetics and Molecular Epidemiology

Additional lectures in the areas of infectious disease surveillance, microbiology, diagnostics and sequencing within the Veterinary Biosciences, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Zoology and Microbiology (SII) programmes. 


Research datasets

Jump to: 2025 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Number of items: 6.


Aminu, O. R., Forde, T. L. , Rahman, M. M., Chubwa, C. C., Korio, L., Mkenda, N., Mshanga, D., Ole Moko, S., Pisharody, S., Rubach, M. P., Zadoks, R. N. , Mmbaga, B. T., Biek, R. , Marsh, T. L. and Lembo, T. (2025) The two costs of neglect: evaluating the health and economic impacts of anthrax in an endemic area of rural Africa. [Data Collection]

Shalaby, M., Busin, V. , Yang, X., Cengiz, S., Adiguzel, M., Cooper, J. , Forde, T. and Reboud, J. (2025) Sample-to-answer microfluidic device towards the point-of-need detection of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin genes in ruminant milk. [Data Collection]


Shalaby, M. M. M., Reboud, J. , Forde, T. , Zadoks, R. and Busin, V. (2023) Prevalence of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in raw ruminants’ milk: A systematic review. [Data Collection]


Dennis, T., Mable, B. , Brunelle, B., Devault, A., Carter, R., Ling, C., MMBAGA, B. T., Halliday, J. , Oravcova, K. and Forde, T. (2022) Target-enrichment sequencing yields valuable genomic data for difficult-to-culture bacteria of public health importance. [Data Collection]


Forde, T. , Dennis, T., Aminu, R. O., Harvey, W., Hassim, A., Kiwelu, I., Medvecky, M., Mshanga, D., Van Heerden, H., Vogel, A., Zadoks, R. , MMBAGA, B. T., Lembo, T. and Biek, R. (2021) Population genomics of Bacillus anthracis from an anthrax hyperendemic area reveals transmission processes across spatial scales and unexpected within-host diversity. [Data Collection]


Aminu, R., Lembo, T. , Zadoks, R. , Biek, R. , Lewis, S., Kiwelu, I., Mmbaga, B., Mshanga, D., Shirima, G., Denwood, M. and Forde, T. (2020) Practical and effective diagnosis of animal anthrax in endemic low-resource settings. [Data Collection]

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