Seabird Special Interest Group
The University of Glasgow has a long-standing history of excellence in seabird research. The Seabird Special Interest Group is a network of researchers connected to the University of Glasgow who are interested in the demography, movement and resource utilisation of seabirds. We also have an applied research focus on the impact of environmental change on seabird populations, working on seabird species in the UK and overseas using a range of methods.

News & Events
Current Projects
The following pages detail some of the ongoing work and outputs of active research programmes within the Seabird Interest Group:
- Dynamic emergence of metapopulation patterns in northern gannets
- Variation in resource use and success between herring gull colonies
- Prey-mediated effects of climate change on kittiwakes
- Marine renewables and seabirds
- Read more about our public engagement
- The ecology of black skimmers in South America
Completed Projects
You can also read about some recently completed projects carried out at the institute:
- Resource utilisation in herring and lesser black-backed gulls
- Use of seabird eggs as sentinels of the marine environment
Publications and Public Engagement
In addition to scientific publications which you can browse through here, members of the group have published a number of accessible articles and blog posts about their research aimed at a general audience interested in seabird ecology. The diet of British seabirds.
Group Coordinators
We encourage interested students and collaborators to get in touch to develop research projects. Please also get in touch if you are interested in getting involved with the group in any other way, such as for example giving a talk or running a paper discussion. We are very open to collaborations and joint events with other SIGs.