Demystifying RKE Roles

Many of us aren't fully aware of the breadth of roles and careers that are available in research and knowledge exchange. For example, what does an Impact Champion do? Or a Dean of Research? Or a KE & Innovation Manager, ArtsLab Lab Co-Director, or Research Office Lead...? And what are the routes into these roles?  

Most of us have a good idea of what a Head of Subject, a programme administrator or a PGR convenor does, and what it might take to become one.  The equivalent roles in research and knowledge exchange tend to be less visible. For academics, RKE roles are typically part of a broader task portfolio associated with their posts. For Management, Professional and Administrative (MPA) colleagues, RKE roles are ‘the’ post itself.

Because RKE roles are less visible, they are less likely to be on our radars for our own career development, or for our PDR or mentoring advice to others. Which is where the Demystifying RKE Roles project comes in. Currently in its pilot phase in the Colleges of Arts & Humanities (CoA&H) and Social Science (CoSS), Demystifying RKE Roles spotlights the diverse range of vital and interesting roles in our research ecology:

  • The Colleges of Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences have piloted promoting role profiles during PDR season 2024. CoSS featured these profiles in its PDR information & training workshops. CofA&H circulated profiles for selected RKE roles with the PDR documents to all staff. 
  • The CoA&H Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee now invites visitors to its meetings. Up to three CoA&H staff can join a meeting as guests. They are provided with the committee papers and participate in the meeting alongside RKE leads from the College’s academic and research professionals community.  

The Demystifying RKE Roles pilot is co-led by Prof. Doris Ruth Eikhof (Academic Lead for Inclusive Research Practice) with Prof. Dauvit Broun and Dr Kirstie Wild (for CoA&H) and Prof. Melanie Simms and Prof. Eleanor Shaw (for CoSS).