US Export Controls
For assistance with US Export Controls, contact the Research Governance and Integrity Team via the Helpdesk - search "Trusted Research".
If you receive or import controlled technology / goods / software from the USA, US Export Controls apply even after the item is no longer in the US. This applies to both physical and virtual items (such as software). This has the following implications for university activities:
- Re-export rules mean you may be prevented from sharing items (or anything that incorporates those items) with particular countries.
- Re-export rules may also prevent you from sharing items with certain foreign nationals in the UK – this may include the research team. This may apply to shared equipment and software used by students, postdocs and visiting academics. If a person using controlled items / technology / software has dual nationality, their most recently acquired nationality will determine whether controls apply.
- If items are subject to a US Export Licence, then conditions and record-keeping will be required. The US can audit and require these to be produced.
- US suppliers may ask for a signed End User Undertaking form when purchasing US goods or technology. You are advised to consult before accepting and signing general declarations of compliance.
Export Control Resources for Academic Instititions from US BIS (PDF)
HEECA Resources for the UK sector ("US Export Control Resources")