Frequently asked questions
Q. Why do we need animal research? Aren’t there other options like computer modelling and human-derived cells?
A. There are many different ways to study biology outside of a living organism – for example, cells in a Petri dish (in-vitro). However, to fully understand how a disease evolves or a drug works inside a living creature it is necessary to study these things in animals (in-vivo). We are committed to replacing, refining and reducing our use of animals by taking advantage of new research methods and technology and using stem cells derived from adult humans.
Animal research has greatly advanced medical knowledge and practice – both in humans and animals. Without these advances things like anaesthetic and antibiotics might not be in use today.
Q. Do you test cosmetics on any animal?
A. No. The University does not test cosmetics on animals.
Q. Does the University use primates for research?
A. No. The university does not use primates for research.
Q. How is the decision to use animals made/approved?
A. In bidding for funding and permission to undertake studies, researchers must demonstrate that they have considered all other non-animal research methods. All projects that require a Home Office licence have to be approved through the University’s Animal Welfare and Ethics Review Board.
The University's ethical review process involves lay representation and external and internal members. It provides ethical advice on standards of animal care, welfare, and accommodation, and ensures that those working with animals are aware of their responsibilities and receive appropriate training. Veterinary and animal care staff are actively involved in the ethical review of research, welfare, and care of animals and provide ongoing advice and support to researchers where necessary.
Q. What kinds of procedures are carried out on animals?
A. Most of the animals at Glasgow are rodents – mice and rats. Some of these rodents may be genetically modified, for example, to make them more or less prone to developing a certain condition, like cardiovascular disease or arthritis. Common procedures include taking blood samples from living animals, and taking tissue samples from euthanised animals. One example of a severe procedure conducted at the University involves inflicting spinal cord injuries on mice as part of research into spinal cord injury in humans. These mice receive anaesthesia and pain relief.
Q. Do animals suffer pain during research?
A. Procedures carried out by the University are assessed for the level of pain likely to be inflicted, with a low score commensurate with blood-taking using a needle. Animals are given anaesthetics and analgesics (pain-relief) where necessary.
Q. What happens to animals after they are no longer required for research?
A. Under welfare guidelines each animal can only undergo a certain number of procedures. Once an animal is no longer required it is humanely euthanised.
Q. Where you get animals from?
A. The majority of our animals are either sourced from breeding establishments licensed by the Home Office or bred at our own facilities. Some studies are undertaken on animals in the wild.