Professor Iain Thayne
Professor of Ultrafast Systems, School of Engineering
Professor Iain Thayne’s research interests lie in compound semiconductor electronic devices spanning activity in III-V MOSFETs for advanced logic, GaN on Si power electronic devices, and narrow bandgap (InAs and GaSb) based RF devices for low power wireless communications.
A common theme of all the device work is the development of ‘silicon compatible’ processing. This would enable the outstanding properties of compound semiconductor materials to be fully exploited using the economies of scale offered from silicon manufacture in leading performance electronic devices; antennas; and microwave and millimetre-wave integrated circuits.
Professor Thayne is lead investigator on the UK PowerGaN Consortium, a £6.2 million, five year Programme Grant funded by EPSRC. The consortium comprises 33 researchers from the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham and Sheffield investigating silicon compatible GaN power electronics components.
Find out more about Professor Thayne