Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) one day seminar on the Water – Energy – Food nexus

Location: Crowne Plaza hotel, Caversham, Reading, United Kingdom
Date: Thursday 18 May 2017
Time: Start: 9:00 for 9:30 Close: 16:30

Water, energy and food are inextricably linked. To help to achieve water, energy and food security at local, national and global scales a nexus approach is required. This is an approach that integrates management and governance across these sectors. This one day seminar brings together a range of practitioners and researchers that are carrying out work within the Water – Energy – Food nexus. Talks will cover a range of topics including:

  • Innovative methods of trade off modelling in low income countries
  • How future water availability in the UK could affect power production
  • The ways in which management of catchments can affect water supply and treatment
  • How agent-based modelling of fish is relevant to the Water – Energy – Food nexus
  • How small scale innovations can be scaled up to reduce the use of water, energy and food and thus lower our carbon footprint

Delegate fees are as follows:
Full time employees: £80 including VAT
Students and retirees: £66 including VAT
Corporate sponsorship (two delegates and a stand): £210 including VAT

Coffee and tea together with a buffet lunch are included in the fee.
Both CIWEM members and non-CIWEM members are welcome to attend.

There are representatives (including our own Scott McGrane and Gloria Salmoral) of all the EPSRC WEF nexus projects speaking at this event.

Further details regarding the presentations and how payment can be made are available at the following link

First published: 2 February 2017